Girl help...

I worked with her tonight but I was too much of a pussy to say anything to her. Although one thing I did notice, she smiled at me a lot. Oh, and a problem about asking her out on a date is that I don't have a she would have to pick me up...seems kind of weird asking someone on a date and then having them pick you up.
I did that for the first 6 months with my girlfriend. She drove me everywhere. Its wicked sweet, until you get a car. Its fun having her do all the work.

Oh and see if there is contact. If she gets close to you at times, touches you. Asks to use things you are holding. Best advice is to just use your gut feeling. You can usually tell on your own.
being blunt is usually your best bet when dealing with girls, unless you need to tell them they are unattractive, in which case, be gracious and long winded.
Just bring up 'boyfriend' during conversation... make it a half-joke, that way theres less pressure, ask her something like 'I bet a girl like you has a nice boyfriend hey? ... whats he like' etc then if she says she has one.. well, better luck next time, if she says she doesnt... well.. now she knows you're interested..
Wave your penis at her.

Im pretty sure that'll work.

... yeah no wonder im dateless at the moment... just watch out, girls can be very deciving, she might be all talk. I know plenty of chicks that, if i didnt know better, id think they were interested, but i know thats just what there like.
Pull out your penis, point at it and say "What are we gonna do about this?"
Maybe you can meet her somewhere, Fox. You can't change your circumstance, so dont let this stop you.

Dont overthink this, man. Dont sweat it, 'cuz thats whats gonna kill you. Its the anxiety thats the killer. You need to be accepting of fate, no matter what happens. She might say yes, she might say no. Dont listen to these guys who say that it sounds like she likes you,. not because they're wrong, but because getting your hopes up is only going to make you more nervious.

The thing you have to keep in mind is, even if she says no, some other girl is going to come along in your life that will make you forget all about this one. Trust me on this. Sometimes it can seem like the girl you have eyes for is the only girl in the world, but thats just not true. So dont sweat it, man! Just find out. Life is too short to waste wondering, and she'll respect you for your determination.
f|uke said:
The only way to get a girl is to go out on a limb. You can not get a girl worth getting while staying in your "safe zone".

If you are weak, akward, shy, defencive, quiet, or even just too damned tenative, you do not have a chance.

By the same note, if you are too eager you will not have a chance.

You need to have confidence. And confidence is not knowing that she'll say yes. Confidence is being sure of yourself, and keeping your head up high, even if she says no.

My advice, if you're unsure, ask her if she has a boyfriend. If she says no, ask her out right there. Dont overthink it, dont make it complicated or worry about saying it "just right". Just DO IT.

You can sit there and wonder or worry, but its not going to make your odds any better. She probably already knows if she would date you or not. SO JUST FIND OUT. There is no shame in being rejected, my friend. Rejection is inevitable on the path to acceptance.

Fluke i already told u...i am seeing someone.. stop harrassing me before i get a restraining order against u :p

bliink said:
Just bring up 'boyfriend' during conversation... make it a half-joke, that way theres less pressure, ask her something like 'I bet a girl like you has a nice boyfriend hey? ... whats he like' etc then if she says she has one.. well, better luck next time, if she says she doesnt... well.. now she knows you're interested..

bliink's post over-rides everyone elses here for obvious reasons, listen to her ;)
the best advice ive seen so far is the one where u hit the girl with the rock on the head and take her back to your cave, sounds pretty much right.
I feel really deppressed now.
I wasnt even thinking about the person i liked until i read this thread, thanks a lot!
f|uke said:
The thing you have to keep in mind is, even if she says no, some other girl is going to come along in your life that will make you forget all about this one. Trust me on this. Sometimes it can seem like the girl you have eyes for is the only girl in the world, but thats just not true. So dont sweat it, man! Just find out. Life is too short to waste wondering, and she'll respect you for your determination.

Good advice. I wish it worked all the time remembering this, nerves and fear of rejection always get the better of me. :rolling:
Just be yourself and ask her out.

It never failed for me ;)

If she says no, find another girl
rince and repeat
The problem you have is too much thinking. Just do it, it's easier than you think.
BirdMan said:
Just be yourself and ask her out.

It never failed for me ;)

I don't know, it failed for me all the time.

But then again, I'm one of those guys that everyone always says is really nice but doesn't seem to want to touch with a ten foot pole. Probably doesn't help that I'm not much to look at either. :P

Not that I'm bitter at all, heh.

Anyways, best of luck to you foxtrot.
Ahem. I am entering your thread and officialy hijacking it. As a member of the gloglebag army I am not in any way capable of posting anything other than spam. The topic shall now change from discussion of various techniques for scoring, to discussion about gremlins/hobbits/gloglebags. That is all.
qckbeam said:
Ahem. I am entering your thread and officialy hijacking it. As a member of the gloglebag army I am not in any way capable of posting anything other than spam. The topic shall now change from discussion of various techniques for scoring, to discussion about gremlins/hobbits/gloglebags. That is all.

Ewoks pwn all

Nuff said
ComradeBadger said:
The problem you have is too much thinking. Just do it, it's easier than you think.

This is funny coming from you Badger me old mucker ;)
Look you have got quite far for her to like you at least as a friend so well you have to do this in steps to make it clear and so nothing can go wrong (as in you wont do anything stupid). First find out if she has a boyfriend, probably using the method bliink suggested before. If she does not then well you have 2 choices: 1) ask her out, 2) Flirt and stuff to get an advantage then ask her out. If you want to ask her out then you can either do the way which doesnt involve a face to face method which is a gamble because not all girls think much of this however some think it is "sweet" :\. Text her or sending an affectionate letter or whatever.... or you can ask her out next time you see her when your alone. If you dont want to ask her straight out then you complement her now and then smile offer to buy stuff for her, be generous and all sorts of other crap :p then offer to go for a drink then well ask her out.

This is all obvious stuff, I know bugger all about this stuff its common knowledge sort of but its good to understand your situation.

Id have to disagree to badger's approach it can be good to "just do it :p" however sometimes you dont know what to say or what to do and you can muck it up badly.
shadow6899 said:
it's funny how people always say just talk to her, but half the time the problem is that me and others have NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. we lose sight of everything we were gunna say lock up and our tounges sink down the back of our throats. :/ coming up w/ what to talk about sux, specially if you are on here on the forums, cuz it prolly means ur a computer nerd :D and therefore have not much to talk about but games :/

The thing about it is is you dont need to make up something good to say. The simplest of greetings is plenty good enough, "hello, whats your name?" works fine. I find the best thing to do is just comment on something their wearing/looking at/doing. If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit :D
Every time I think about going to talk to someone im just woried that Im gonna get "I dont like you, by the way." popping up in conversation.
Hmm only had five years of trying and all i get, along with "we can only be friends" and generally "no". Hmm.
Fiftieth time lucky, im tryingto phyche myself up to do something. Dunno what use it will be.

EDIT Violins please!
Kristafon said:
Every time I think about going to talk to someone im just woried that Im gonna get "I dont like you, by the way." popping up in conversation.
Hmm only had five years of trying and all i get, along with "we can only be friends" and generally "no". Hmm.
Fiftieth time lucky, im tryingto phyche myself up to do something. Dunno what use it will be.

Keep trying my son lol Nah maybe its something your doing wrong? Your not walking up to them and saying "Wanna see my monster! you'll like it! really!" or something along them lines? lol
Might just be the nervousness showing through, confidence is key.
shadow6899 said:
pfft confidence sux, depression is key to my life :D damn depression, now imma go blow my brains out :/

Don't make too much of a mess now, someone has to clean it up.
bliink said:
Just bring up 'boyfriend' during conversation... make it a half-joke, that way theres less pressure, ask her something like 'I bet a girl like you has a nice boyfriend hey? ... whats he like' etc then if she says she has one.. well, better luck next time, if she says she doesnt... well.. now she knows you're interested..

I bet that's what Icarus said... hehe

/me runs now
Seriously, if you don't bite the bullet people, you'll be left with regret. And that's not fun.
Basically my predicement it bitesize chunks is-
-She looks at me seemingly a lot, but never smilles at me
-She may have a boyfriend
-Shes ALWAYS with friends, all of which i dont know
Those are the three main ones. When she saw me again for the first time after summer she said hi, smiled at me(for once) and waved. I got a "look behind me to check if its someone else feeling", since I hardly know her and she said hello like I was on old friend. I dont know if thats saying she does, or its just what she is like.
Im trying everything I can to be able to talk to her uninterrupted. Wish me luck. :smoking:
dude you better get her to spread her bald eagle or your a fag....

like how you said she smiles at you alot, she wants your cock :cheers:
Subz said:
like how you said she smiles at you alot:

-She looks at me seemingly a lot, but never smilles at me
/\ as above, i dont understand why
yah wtf is wrong with this guy, smile back in her eyes than just touch her. every day touch her more until she totally wants your trouser-snake
psh, my ex-g/f has shot me down 3 times, but i'm going to ask again.
shadow just have to find a way to slip your man sausage into their roast-beef
dont ask her out for dinner and a movie right away, sure you work with her and talk to her etc but you should still just ask her to go for coffee or perhaps lunch, (that way it's not a date, it's fairly innocent and even if she has a boyfriend you can still spend some time with her away from work) now, while you're out for coffee/lunch you'll have to engage her in interesting conversation, but dont talk so much that she can't get a word in edgewise, thats bad news, also don't let the conversation go quiet for too long, always think of new things to talk about.

then at the end of the lunch/coffee, assuming you enjoyed spending time with her (some women are totally different away from work, who knows) tell her you enjoyed the meal and conversation and ask her if she'd like to do it again some time, at this point she'll make it clear whether she has any interest in seeing you.
Jakeic said:
being blunt is usually your best bet when dealing with girls, unless you need to tell them they are unattractive, in which case, be gracious and long winded.

Yeah its true.

One thing I think girls can really appreciate is a guy who is confident in himself. Yet at the same time a guy who can present himself respectfully and not egotistical.

The car thing isn't that big a deal. Compramise wih her, dont make it a big deal. Tell her that if she would be kind enough to pick you up, you would love to treat her to a nice dinner some where.

I mean I would do it very casualy even playfully. Talk to her, make her laugh, then come in with a " so whats up, when are we gonna go out somtime?" she will probably come back with somthing like.."I dont know.." she might even gigle a little bit, or if your lucky she will look you dead in the eyes , like this is the one question she has been waiting for you to ask. Then you say, "I would like to take you out somtime, i think we would have fun".

No if she sys no, take it cool. say something like "allright, just so you know the invitation will allways be open if you change your mind".

oh one question I have...were do you work? what kind of place is it?
just start touching her when your working with her you guys.......
shadow6899 said:
sorry subz but not everyone is as suave as u.... people actually do think about the circumstances and what ifs if i did this :/ im just a pussy w/ girls and i can admit it, thats why ill never have a g/f and be down on the boulevard payin chicks to f*** me :/

Well its good you can admit it :E

seriously, ever wonder why all the bastard guys get all the chicks and "us" nice guys finish last.

The answer is simple. Women want a guy who is not affraid to be a man. the problem is that most of the guys who remotly resemble a confident male are wack jobs that hurt and confus the poor women.

be a freakin man!!!

chics want to be your friend for 2 reasons.

1) your fugly
2) you cant offer them the security they need with-in a relationship.
exactly, she's not smiling at him just to get no response.....

touch her tits tamarrow or i cut off your nuts
Just talk to her, worst thing you can do is go out and try to get her quickly, Im pretty sure if someone did that to me I'd tell them to get a life as they did'nt even know me. Just try to be friends with her. Dont use corny lines, be yourself etc etc.

If she does have a bf, who cares, if things dont work out with him, if your her friend you can "get her on the rebound" or whatever you guys say.

Ritz's view of dating in School

- "Nice guys" finsh last as nice guys are normally not wonderfully outgoing.
- Jackass's get girls as the girls dress like sluts and attract them. Those girls dont care about nice guys, as nice guys normally are not "Captain of the football team" and stuff.
- Good girls want "Nice guys" but there not going to ask them, and girls are not going to ask either. Thus neither get anywhere for a long time.

I hated school, it was very confuzing >_>.
Ritz said:
Just talk to her, worst thing you can do is go out and try to get her quickly, Im pretty sure if someone did that to me I'd tell them to get a life as they did'nt even know me. Just try to be friends with her. Dont use corny lines, be yourself etc etc.

If she does have a bf, who cares, if things dont work out with him, if your her friend you can "get her on the rebound" or whatever you guys say.

Ritz's view of dating in School

- "Nice guys" finsh last as nice guys are normally not wonderfully outgoing.
- Jackass's get girls as the girls dress like sluts and attract them. Those girls dont care about nice guys, as nice guys normally are not "Captain of the football team" and stuff.
- Good girls want "Nice guys" but there not going to ask them, and girls are not going to ask either. Thus neither get anywhere for a long time.

I hated school, it was very confuzing >_>.

when you get out of highschool women tend to change their viws on what kinda guy they want. I cant count how many single women I have talked to who want a guy who is honest, responsible, and carring.

But they also will tell you that they need security, either finacily, emotionaly, and physicaly.

Its time us "honorable" men step up and claim the alpha title..... :cool:
Slap her ass when she walks past, then when she looks round pull a moony.... if your lucky she'll pull one back.