Girl Talk.. For guys..



Well yes, Mr. Badger did talk about women in his thread, but thats all about sex. lol...

My pointless thread is just a general thread about women..

But my question too you guys is... how many of you have a problem talking to girls?.... Im not gay hell no... I just allways... get nervous... does this mean my future love life is doomed? ;(
Umm why do you get nervous? Thers no reason to. No lol your future of love isnt doomed. But with girls you always have to be confident, never be unsure of yourself to get you nervous. Being unsure always makes you **** up. Plus a girl likes confident guys, not over confident though.
Yeah I know what you mean. I guess my best advice (and note that I'm not the best person to ask for advice by any means) is to try to be yourself. Like just two days ago I tried that and probably ended up sounding like a dork, but I guess she found that funny or something.

The problem is I ran out of things to talk about fairly quickly. But still I think I did OK.
Why shouldn't he be nervous?
Women are evil! jk :)
When it comes to women I always end up looking like
<--- this.
I think it bothers them... what do you think?
I used to be quite shy around girls, but now i don't bother really. I can talk to anyone. One day i just told myself i wasn't going to be shy anymore and....well, it worked. :) I find it quite fun talking to girls actually, its a nice change for one thing, since i only used to talk to boys. You can have a lot of interesting conversations with girls because their perspectives are often quite different. I can think alike, but they still have another way of looking at things. Weird really.
If I was nervious talking to girls, I wouldn't have any friends, cos they're mostly of the female sex, I find it easier to trust women, than men... They are mostly alot better people than the male sex, although there are some decent men out there they're just hard to find....

.....and no i'm not gay
well no doubt its good to have guy friends... and if you have way too many girl friends.... the guys will often think diffrently of you. I think. But I got mostly guy friends just to... hang.. do guy stuff.... shoot the sh*t... ya know. Then the girl friends i have are just easy to talk to... cause they talk to me, I still talk to them.. its just getting to know new girls... thats what gets me nervous... Like if someone came over to my house (like which is going to happen in 10 min) I have no idea what to talk about/do... i know they dont like games lol.. i have too many... but this girl i've only met once.. shes real hot too... just.. I dont know what to say/do with her... ah.. im a wreak
I don't talk to girls, I wait for the crazy aggressive ones to come to me.
I'm not shy or nervous to speek to girls, I just don't know how to start.
Originally posted by symptom
I don't talk to girls, I wait for the crazy aggressive ones to come to me.

Nah unfortunatelly that doesn't work as I found out.

The worst thing is trying to meet new girls when your old friends are around. Cause you can't lie and exaggerate stuff.
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
Well yes, Mr. Badger did talk about women in his thread, but thats all about sex. lol...

My pointless thread is just a general thread about women..

But my question too you guys is... how many of you have a problem talking to girls?.... Im not gay hell no... I just allways... get nervous... does this mean my future love life is doomed? ;(

No your future love is not doomed lol :D

Remember girls and women do not like insecure men. I had the same problem back in high school but as you grow older, you feel more confortable around women and once they can feel that, you have won part of their attention. And also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay... LOL!!! :)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Nah unfortunatelly that doesn't work as I found out.

The worst thing is trying to meet new girls when your old friends are around. Cause you can't lie and exaggerate stuff.
Works for me :cool:
I agree wit Sgt.Igneri, you gotta be confident when you talk to women, even if your nervous, try an appear like your not.
If your meeting a girl for the first time, just get things started off by something simple. Age, where they live, something simple. After that you dont have to worry. Hehe but its always fun to try a nasty pick up line and see if it works.
Re: Re: Girl Talk.. For guys..

lol well thanks for the advice so far guys... I did just have a conversation with one girl i knew who i happened to run into while biking. (yes.. i ran into her litterally...:dozey: )

Its kinda hard to "pretend" not to be nervous.... I mean god i'd do anything to NOT be nervous ... or pretend...

Im 16 by the way so im still in highschool (Junior)

and my love life for my past LIFE has been 3 g/fs.... all real relationships... funny thing now is that i can't even ask someone out who i like... *sigh*

Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
No your future love is not doomed lol :D

Remember girls and women do not like insecure men. I had the same problem back in high school but as you grow older, you feel more confortable around women and once they can feel that, you have won part of their attention. And also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay... LOL!!! :)

If god put adam and steeve on this earth....

Dinosaurs would be using computers.... and making HL2....
lol :p
Oh no, if you try to pretend that you're not nervous then she will notice that for sure. It better to compensate for that by saying or doing something funny/stupid. Once you get her to laugh it's much easier to talk and stuff. :)
I thing which always makes things easy, is to make them laugh, don't say, god i'm nervious, don't exagerate or anything becuase you'll feel an idiot later, if things progress, when they find out its not true...

Don't act calm, dnt act slick...dnt act anything, just walk up, be as nervious as you like, women love nerviousness, they feel special that way ;), don't dance while talking to them (ie in a club) cos you'll look like a psycho... Don't ask as the first question "so have you got a Girl friend?"...try to think of something funny in ur head, that makes you laugh, so you smile...I'd say buy them a drink if they play with their glass, but your not that old yet ;)..erm, don't dress like an idiot, dress with some style...symptom dresses kind of cool, he dresses as him self, and i want to beat him up and take his boots :p (he looks cool in the pics he posted anywho).... DON'T start a conversation on HL2 or how cool gordon freemon is, Don't say out load the /me command, and dont......I REPEAR say LOL instead of laughing......

Just remember smile and have fun ;)
Ok another tip:

If you "research" her on Google (I know you already did :) ), do not under any circumstances reveal that information directly! The worst thing you can do is say something like "so you you went to [put name here] university?" when she has never told you that she went there. She will immidiately think you are some sort of a weirdo/stalker. LOL. Keep the "Google" information separate from the information you got from talking to her.

Instead try to use it indirectly and to your advatage, i.e. "I really like pie, do you?" But don't do it too much because it will get suspicious.

It's just common sense if you think about it. :)
lol... good point yeah.. i'll stop looking up the girls on google... :p
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
lol... good point yeah.. i'll stop looking up the girls on google... :p
How the hell can you look up girls on Google? What, you type her name or whta?:dork:
I used to be a nervous wreck when I talked to girls. Then I met 2 or 3 of the right ones and they changed my life. Now I probibly have more female friends than male friends.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Ok another tip:
The worst thing you can do is say something like "so you you went to [put name here] university?"

awww, that's my best trick although i don't use google to do it, I have my sources ;)...

but it's usually as a bet, it gives us something to talk about next time we meet :p
Originally posted by Loshadka
How the hell can you look up girls on Google? What, you type her name or whta?:dork:

Yeah in quotes preferrably. LOL I just typed in my own name and it came up with some stuff I'd rather not have people see. :eek:
Originally posted by Stone
DON'T start a conversation on HL2 or how cool gordon freemon is, Don't say out load the /me command, and dont......I REPEAR say LOL instead of laughing......

Gotcha, thanks for the advice
This reminds me of a funny IRC quote

<BlackDeth> i like stalked this girl sorta :D
<BlackDeth> like once she asked me for a ride home from work
<BlackDeth> and i took her home... i dropped her off at her house
<BlackDeth> and shes like... wait a did you know where i lived?

Being nervous about girls is natural but it won't last forever. It will eventually go, the more you talk to girls. Just the first hurdle is hard.

I used to shake whenever I had to talk to a girl but now I'm friends with loads.
Originally posted by Stone
If I was nervious talking to girls, I wouldn't have any friends, cos they're mostly of the female sex, I find it easier to trust women, than men... They are mostly alot better people than the male sex, although there are some decent men out there they're just hard to find....

.....and no i'm not gay

Same with me, but I used to find it hard to talk to people I fancied, even when I was going out with them, however after (I'm NOT bragging here, this is true :p ) serveral parties and a different girl coming on to me at each, I thought, meh, why the hell be shy... and I asked out Sarah :)
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Hehe but its always fun to try a nasty pick up line and see if it works.
Has anyone seen Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead? There's this great routine Andy Garcia tries on this girl - it's most amusing and one day, when I'm drunk and I'm not too bothered about who I'm about to use it on (that is to say "Well, if this doesn't work on her over there I doubt I'll have lost the greatest love of my life") I'm gonna try my luck. I just need to memorise it <Dies>

Most of my friends are girls. I prefer girls cause they're just easier most of the time. And because I'm somewhat effeminate:p
But most of the time I'm crap with female signals.
lol u know u cant say "girls like shy ppl" or "girls like confident ppl" cos really it depends on the girl their background, their confidence , their friends etc.... Im really bad at asking out girls i dont see how u can "tell ureself not to be shy" :|. I have loads of friends that are girls but the only problem is that almost all of them are on the internet...
But in my experience, girls like confident people, although some think shyness is cute, but if you are too shy girls get pissed off, trust me, I know a lot of women who have dumped their bf cos hes shy.. :p
It's like I said.
Girls are evil.
It has even been mathematically proved.
Now where is that pic.
Ahh, here we are:
Originally posted by Feath
This reminds me of a funny IRC quote

Being nervous about girls is natural but it won't last forever. It will eventually go, the more you talk to girls. Just the first hurdle is hard.

I used to shake whenever I had to talk to a girl but now I'm friends with loads.

That is probably the best sum up ive seen so far.

I used to be one of the shyest people i could think of, but like i said, one day i said to myself. "No, i don't have to be shy. I can choose to not be shy" Now then i didn't go out and go on a date with the first attractive girl i saw. But, i made an effort to talk. It was hard, but each time it gets easier...and more fun. Its good to talk to guys, i like it. But talking to girls is great fun too. Also, having a girl in the group often keeps conversations going, they like to talk.

I find that when talking to girls, its good to ask them questions about them...don't keep the conversation off them for too long, but try to let it flow, dont start going mental like "Where are you from? What is your name? How old are you?" Just introduce the questions into hte conversation. Especially don't try to talk about yourself unless they ask, or it just flows into the conversation. Also, when you do have good conversations, and they start to talk more about their problems. Please, don't try to solve them, just listen and comfort them. Thats the way girls think. Unless they specifically ask you for an answer, just agree and "make sympathetic sounds" (that sounds stupid, its not the way i wanted it to come out but its the best way to get across what i mean).

Its funny that I'm acting like Mr Expert. Its not just that Ive learnt from personal experience, but i know about how men and women think, Ive also learnt from watching others.

Dont know who im telling this to....oh well.
nothing than be your self.... dont think of what to your self!!!!! grrr :)
Originally posted by Nostradamus
nothing than be your self.... dont think of what to your self!!!!! grrr :)

Bad advice my friend, always pretend you're someone else I say for that first impression. :)
Originally posted by Nostradamus
nothing than be your self.... dont think of what to your self!!!!! grrr :)

Being yourself is great..but that doesn't mean you shouldn't think about how to make a good impression. Don't try and be something you aren't, just try to be the best you can be.
I've never understood the whole being nervous talking to girls thing, I just think of them in exactly the same way I think of boys, only slightly more neurotic...
Seriously, just start looking at their face instead of their chest and you'll find it a lot easier being around them.....
(obviously it probably helps being bi..)
*chases symptom*