Girl Talk.. For guys..

As long as you do not talk to the girl while thinking about your interest, you should be fine. Talk to her like she's a friend. ;)

It hasn't won me many, but at least I can talk to them... :(
Originally posted by Idolon
It's like I said.
Girls are evil.
It has even been mathematically proved.
Now where is that pic.
Ahh, here we are:

Apart from this being mathematically flawed (girls require time and money, therefore "time + money", not "time * money"), it's essentially correct ;).

Here's a good idea (in theory at least) for weeding out stupid girls. Use a really tacky (and I mean really tacky) chat-up line making sure you do something to make the irony semi-obvious. This way, if she doesn't spot the irony of the situation she's stupid and therefore unsuitable :D
I love the last date I had. My memory is so clear when I think about it.

At first, both I and she were nervous, but girls are just to cute when they'r nervous ;)
So we went to a Café, and sat there for about..4-5 hours, talking non-stop, "this is a girl I like", I thought to myself as I looked at her, she's talking to her friend for the 3rd time, we just laughed about it, girls tend to have curious friends.
After 5 hours we went to a bowlinghall, to meet three of her friends (2 girls and of the girls boyfriend) and we sat there for another 4 hours, but mostly I sat silently watching my date (Emma) thinking to myself how damn cute she was.
And then, when her friends had to go home, I was left alone with her. No came my chance. I placed my hand reeeaal slow on hers, and she responden with taking my hand, she just looked at me, and I will never forgett that smile on her face..she was so beautiful, we moved closer together and we both where shy, but slowly our lips met with each other and that kiss..oh, I'll never forget it. We just smiled back at each other, saying nothing. Now she had to go home, so we went outside and she stayed (spelling) with me until my taxi came to pick me up, we just stood there..kissing and hugging, saying sweet things to each other. And when my taxi came, I almost felt the tears coming as I saw here walking home.

That's something to remember :)
And I got her on the first date..I must be very charming ;)
Awww what a cute story ^_^ :)

/me sniffs

Originally posted by A.A

At first, both I and she were nervous, but girls are just to cute when they'r nervous ;)

Yeah, thats soooo true :D
Thats a nice story :)

BTW, is it normal to just sit there and not talk to each other? Because that inevitably happens with me sooner or later. Like last time we are just sitting there in silence for 10 minutes and I'm just looking around and stuff. Then I look at her and smile and she just bursts out laughing. Hmmmm .. girls are weird.
wow thats really sweet A.A wish i had experiences like that :)
That thing AA said was kinda like when me and Sarah went to see T3 (and now you understand why I was raving about it Tony, :p )

and Lone... it all depends on the girl whether long silences ensue :p
EDIT... If I am myself towards a girl, they "can" get a little perplexed, and act all wierd..i hate that...then tell me that im too wierd for their liking and go awasy, instead of sitting and playing me a fool...

oh and A.A that was the most touching story i have ever heard...touched me :)
Originally posted by A.A
I love the last date I had. My memory is so clear when I think about it.

At first, both I and she were nervous, but girls are just to cute when they'r nervous ;)
So we went to a Café, and sat there for about..4-5 hours, talking non-stop, "this is a girl I like", I thought to myself as I looked at her, she's talking to her friend for the 3rd time, we just laughed about it, girls tend to have curious friends.
After 5 hours we went to a bowlinghall, to meet three of her friends (2 girls and of the girls boyfriend) and we sat there for another 4 hours, but mostly I sat silently watching my date (Emma) thinking to myself how damn cute she was.
And then, when her friends had to go home, I was left alone with her. No came my chance. I placed my hand reeeaal slow on hers, and she responden with taking my hand, she just looked at me, and I will never forgett that smile on her face..she was so beautiful, we moved closer together and we both where shy, but slowly our lips met with each other and that kiss..oh, I'll never forget it. We just smiled back at each other, saying nothing. Now she had to go home, so we went outside and she stayed (spelling) with me until my taxi came to pick me up, we just stood there..kissing and hugging, saying sweet things to each other. And when my taxi came, I almost felt the tears coming as I saw here walking home.

That's something to remember :)
And I got her on the first date..I must be very charming ;)

Pfft, Lol, you forgot the part where you came in your pants.
Originally posted by Nostradamus
EDIT... If I am myself towards a girl, they "can" get a little perplexed, and act all wierd..i hate that...then tell me that im too wierd for their liking and go awasy, instead of sitting and playing me a fool...

oh and A.A that was the most touching story i have ever heard...touched me :)

Better that some people like you rather than a lot of people liking something you pretend to be...:)
Originally posted by Nostradamus
EDIT... If I am myself towards a girl, they "can" get a little perplexed, and act all wierd..i hate that...then tell me that im too wierd for their liking and go awasy, instead of sitting and playing me a fool...

oh and A.A that was the most touching story i have ever heard...touched me :)

Better.... oh farrowlesparrows already said this...really most people think i'm wierd, ask Badger, Farrowlesparrow or Sniper, they all know that i'm strange, but you've just got to find the right people...It took me 14 years to find even one true friend that actually liked me, although I did have dates before that but it kind of went along the lines of what you said above, you've just got to find someone who can love you for what you are, not what you can pretend to be....
It means that no one will like a Mafia boss wannabe who looks like a vacuum out of the teletubies....Sorry Fat Tony!
wot!?! noooo ;( o dear drifting off topic . i blame u farrow !!!! :p
yeah... living a lie sucks majorly... Moi, Snipey and Farrow like Stone for his admittedly strange personality.... he's a good mate ^_^ and a good team member :)

Oh yeah, and make 'em laugh, everyone likes a funnyman

oh, and Stone... don't you dare sing the song on the forums :p
All right now that we got that settled, here is another question: money. :)

Do girls like if you spend a lot of money on them? For example, I wanna take this girl out to the most exclusive steakhouse in NYC I know of, but it will come at a price of a Radeon 9600 Pro :eek:

You guys think it's a good idea for a first date or am I going overboard here? She's really above all my standards and I wanna make a good impression.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
All right now that we got that settled, here is another question: money. :)

Do girls like if you spend a lot of money on them? For example, I wanna take this girl out to the most exclusive steakhouse in NYC I know of, but it will come at a price of a Radeon 9600 Pro :eek:

You guys think it's a good idea for a first date or am I going overboard here? She's really above all my standards and I wanna make a good impression.

Some women do, some women think that your tryiong to buy their affection.....really, I can't really comment on this, as I'm not really mr cash, and I splash out on little things for my loved ones, like a rose or something randomly, not when i'm in trouble or anything, when i've got the cash i will spend it on her, because she is special, she's doesn't belong to and can walk off any minute, but she doesn't and for that she deserves to be spoilt /..........
Waste of money, if she really likes you she wouldnt care less where you go as long as its with you
hmmmm.... yeah a tad overboard...give half of them for me and spend the rest of her...dont spoil her, but dont make her feel that you are too cheap, and dont want to waste any money on her(if you have any that is!) :)
Yeah I think you guys are right. I'll probably go for 1/2 that or so or I'm gona end up looking a tad ridiculous. :p
I say dump her and go for the graphics will get much more satifactions out of playing Hl2 in all its glory than you will with a woman...although you said im not sure....then again it is the 9600 pro so its a tough choice...
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I say dump her and go for the graphics will get much more satifactions out of playing Hl2 in all its glory than you will with a woman...although you said im not sure....then again it is the 9600 pro so its a tough choice...

Oh no, my upgrade plans remain uneffected. I'm getting a 9800 Pro anyway. :cheese:

Just trying to put things in perspective. :)
"Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
If you bounce high, bounce high for her too,
Til she cry 'Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
I must have you!"

-Thomas Parke D'Invilliers

I just talk to them like normal. I know I have no chance in hell to go out with one of them so I'm just myself and they seem to like me.
Originally posted by A.A
I sat silently watching my date (Emma) thinking to myself how damn cute she was.
I love when that happens - they're not doing anything different in particular but it suddenly hits you just how pretty they are and it's all you can do to stop yourself blurting something incoherent. Great. <Giggles like a giddy schoolgirl>

LoneDeranger - a graphics card!? That's awfully expensive for a meal... PLUS if it's a first date, everything after that is downhill - personally I wouldn't unless it were a special occasion but then I'm poor most of the time.
Originally posted by El_Chi
I love when that happens - they're not doing anything different in particular but it suddenly hits you just how pretty they are and it's all you can do to stop yourself blurting something incoherent. Great. <Giggles like a giddy schoolgirl>

Yeah I'm sitting next to her thinking how beautiful she is. And then it hits me "OMG I must look like a total geek right now! I didn't even shave today. Smart, Smart. I'm sweating profusely too. I gotta stop the sweating at the very least. Ahh! " So I start sweating even more.

Well I guess I can't blame myself as I was expecting to go home and chat on the forums, NOT end up on a surprise date. :)
For those of you in here who have girlfriends.....have you ever very exidedly tryed to talk to them about Half life 2 or somthing like that? Its really funnny how little they could care about it.

And they'll give you a weird look for showing them the videos and pointing out every little thing that happens, and talking about all the technical stuff.
Nope.... I never talk about coding or anything like that.... I contain my enthusiasm (mainly due to the fact that I haven't seen the videos) but I'll just say its cool.... cos I'm not majorly obsessed... I don't wanna bore her by talking about Physics :p
I wouldnt really talk to girls about video games....i would guess it probably turns them
All the girls I've shown the direct feed vids to have been really impressed and said they could understand why I was so excited about it. A lot of people have said that the G-man scares them..
yeah, but they were mates weren't they :p... i play video games with one of my female friends :p... shes really hilariously bad at the FPS stuff :)

but girlfriends.. i dunno, I might show em it and say its cool, but I wouldn't rave about the physics and stuff :p (thats what i meant above)
Originally posted by Fender357
For those of you in here who have girlfriends.....have you ever very exidedly tryed to talk to them about Half life 2 or somthing like that? Its really funnny how little they could care about it.

And they'll give you a weird look for showing them the videos and pointing out every little thing that happens, and talking about all the technical stuff.

Yes, and actually my GirlFriend will sit for hours watching me model...
although she looks at me wierd when i notice the name gordon freeman in things :p
lol i'd never show girls a game... I think they'd find me.. less intresting... well.. thats the girls around here... none of them play games... so oh well.
The whole not showing girls games thing applies to most of my friends including males. They think of computers as being to sad, to them it means no life(i can understand why they think that, but that comes from ignorance more than anything), consoles are ok for some reason...dont know why. Showing G-man to people is good though, they think he is cool.
All the girls i know of hate every videogame but GTA 3/vice city. For some reason the idea of killing cops, picking up hookers, and driving over people is really funny. But after a good 4 or 5 min then thats it.
Yeah the girls i know love GTA. Some of them actually play CS, well cause their brothers play it or something.
Yeah when it comes to girls + computers, the statistics are really sad:

- We have 70 or so people majoring in Computer Science
- 20 of those 70 are actually girls
- 5 of those 20 are actually attractive
- One of those 5 actually likes her major
- She's married. DOH! :flame:
The only games my gf actually likes to play are fighting games. Its easy for her to do since its just hitting buttons fast. She beats her bother all the time too. Its funny.
i havn't had a g/f in 3 years... I have no idea what to do with girls.. i need advice.. a movie is nice.. tahts only if you know her good enough though..