Girl Trouble

I best friends with this girl from Gr. 7-8. Every day i sat behind her in French class, just looking at her, getting lost in her. All the time she had different boyfriends, a lot of em were people that I hated (wigger city). One day on MSN, i think its was about a month into summer after Gr 8 graduation, I told her that I had had feeling for her (even though i still did) and she lightly let me down. Even though she was really nice about it, it still hurt a lot.

I guess im over her now, a year into highschool, but its so hard to get to know girls. The ones that came from my middle school are bitches, and the hot girls all hang out in the popular crowd, which I am not really a part of. Its even hard for me to just have a stupid conversation with any girl. Whenever I talk to a girl, even if its just a few words, i guess i come off as an asshole for some reason.
I just keep to myself. Don't worry bout it man, just wait a year or two, and make sure she likes you. :)
We barley talk anymore. With being at different schools, and all, weve grown apart. Still think shes hot though.
Well I'm about to turn 18 and I'm yet to have any real girlfriends :p No rush.
I know two 23 year old virgins........please....not
ive liked this one girl from the first time i saw her. and its been like 2.5 years now

shes told me many a time that she doesnt like me. but i dont really care anymore. i just look at her :p

i dont think sex matters that much. just causes more trouble. wait untill ye' married.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
Whenever I talk to a girl, even if its just a few words, i guess i come off as an asshole for some reason.

I know exactly how you feel! When I'm around guys I know well, and even a few girls that are friends I can act normal and be a huge idiot and they just laugh. When it's a new girl/girl I like/even just a pretty girl it's like... I'll get my coat ;(
I know this sounds stupid, and its a cliché worn out but it still holds! Be your self! Don't try to be cool or something. I'm an old fart compared to you and i know how it was when i was in the teens. It sucked and it was really hard to be yourself. But somehow along the way i managed to find myself and i managed to be confident about who i was at that time and it really worked out well!

I don't mean to sound like an over confident prick. I'm not. I'm just a nice guy who don't pretend to be cool at all. Theres no denying the fact that girls like men who are self confident. They send out an aura of confidence. A little story:

I have a friend, he lives in Stockholm, some nice girls in that city lemme tell ya` :) Heh ... anyways, he has some of them running after him. I don't know what it is really but i do know some. He is a quiet guy, he don't babble about all kinds of stuff. He just hangs out and is himself, he doesn't run after girls. He doesn't care. he just care about doing stuff he likes to do. And that my friend is the key.

After a while he found a woman that he spent some time with. Four years to be exact. And then they broke up. After that he became quite uncertain about him self. He started to go out to chase after girls but all he really managed to get was the the odd one night stands. Never love. After some time he didn't care anymore. He went out with friends, had fun, didn't give a shit about women, found back to his old self, and here comes this gorgeous woman into the party, every guy in there was crazy about her, heh.. even the blokes that had girlfriends, he didn't care for running after her, he just chilled, had a laugh with the blokes, took it cool and didn't run after any of the women at that party.

As the evening went on and some of the guys worked hard to charm her, except our friend... she came up to him and sat down, he was cool, didn't say much, just the odd chit chat. Then she asked him if he wanted to go out on a date with her and they are together now. Going on 2 years.

What i mean by this is... don't try to find anything to talk about. Don't work hard on trying to get her. Just do enough so that you can get close to her. And when you do, just be your self. Talk about anything really. Ask her about stuff and don't talk too much about yourself. Try to be little bit of a mystery, chicks love that, it sounds bad but they love this. They love the strong silent types, who is a little bit mysterious. Try it. It works like a charm. They also love the "bad boy". You know, not like bad bad, but the kind of guy that is nice, yet mysterious, and has a little bit of a roughness to him. Get my drift?

Hah what a speech ... i don't know if this works for you. I have a little brother that this lecture worked wonders with him. He was kind of a little bit nerdy, then he started to work out and stuff and got some nice confidence about himself. He is still a little bit nerdy, but in a cool way. He doesn't work too hard with getting girls, he just don't care too much, and that my friend is when they start to take interest in you. Bizarre huh?

Nerds are cool. I'm a nerd and i have been together with beautiful women in my life time.
nice one man, problem is, im too..

Unknown by the general population of the grade

I cant just suddenly become mr. social, and believe me, i'd like too, and after a year and a half of being completley quiet i have a feel i'd scare more girls away by actually talking to them then if i kept quiet.
Haha, I guess I can be Farrowlesparrow's reluctant hero right now. I'm 19 .. never really had a girlfriend (it never went beyond holding hands and kisses on the cheek). I guess I'm just too shy/weird for most girls.

Now I'm sort of in a romantic relationship with this girl. It's more romantic than a relationship though ... everytime I call her I say to myself, "That's it. Unless she says something nice I'm never going to call her again." And everytime she does say something that really turns me on .. almost as if she's flirting with me. Really weird.

One technique I came up with is repeating certain things she does or says. And guess what, last time I called her she repeated certain things I said to her before!

So I guess this means she likes me at least a little bit.
Heh, I accidently pulled my book bag out from under a girl and almost made her fall over...
LOL I accidently elbowed a girl.

P.S. LOL! My tree just felll down in my back yard!
Rofl, the sad thing about me is I'm aware that I could start up something with a few girls if I wanted to but I'm too lazy and don't feel like talking to them.. ain't worth what you get from em.. better to have a close friend imho then a girlfriend.
Gordon Freeman is the strong silent type that has a roughness to him, hes a nerd too! And Alyx wants him, they are going to hit it of and have little Gordon's. :)

Think about that ;) Brains and roughness, and the potential to kill aliens and save the world, what more could a woman possibly want?

Time to grow a goatee and get thick glasses and an HEV suit.
Ahhh the sappy romance thread... I'm afraid I have had no serious relationships with many girls at the age of 14 because
1) I am a nerd
2) All the girls at my school are thug/skanks/druggies
Originally posted by ray_MAN
I am a nerd. And I like this girl and she is my friend. So I want to call her but I am afraid of her dad(don't ask). And when I go up to her to talk to her I get all shaky and I end up talking about my janitor. Can anyone help me?

You come online to ask for chick advice ?? get a life :rolleyes:
Hey leave that dude alone... I could say the same for you, just for posting that comment... let him be :)
Time is something you can have loads of on one moment, and beg to have it the other...
I used to get alot of girls, but now the damn computer have taken over my life! I need to get back, and i will!
whoever posted that poem needs a medal great poem and its all so so true.
I have to say looking at that poem again...its even more sad (as in ;( sad) than the first time. Its amazing how some text (not necessarily something quoted from real life either)on a half life 2 forum can provoke such a deep response in a person.
It is a sad poem, but it's trying to send a positive message. I wonder whether it was written by a guy or a girl.
There's really no way to tell Lone... yeah it is a sad ;( story... Lone is right... it's sending a positive message.... sieze the day, go for what you want, what have you got to lose?