Give me ONE reason...


May 21, 2004
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Give me one reason why i shouldn't vote to re-elect george bush... in your own words, not a copy and paste job. come on... give me one valid reason.
he supported a constitutional ban on gay marriage
he puts his religion over his government
He lets his religion act as a guide above all else, even logic.
He went to a war we shouldn't be in. He blamed it on something that they didn't even have.
bliink said:
Just watch him try to talk...

im sure you wouldn't mess up once speaking to 800 million people, knowing that theyre just waiting for you to mess up so they can ridicule you and everything you stand for. public speaking flubs have little-to-no effect on one's ability to lead our nation.
He has abandoned fiscal responsability.

He went to war without being absolutely sure his reasoning was sound.
othello said:
im sure you wouldn't mess up once speaking to 800 million people, knowing that theyre just waiting for you to mess up so they can ridicule you and everything you stand for. public speaking flubs have little-to-no effect on one's ability to lead our nation.

There are alot more 'mess ups' than clinton, nixon, reagan, and John 'I am a donut' kennedy .

and he _is_ the president. you would expect him to be above average intelligence. Its not just how he talks, but what he says.

low comprehension and articulation definitely affect your ability to run the world (effectively speaking)
He solves his conflicts with guns. I think that's a good reason. We have to live together, not fight ourselves.
Erestheux said:
He went to a war we shouldn't be in. He blamed it on something that they didn't even have.

WMD's? right... because we havent found any or anything. :rolling: he went to a war? george bush himself sent us to war? are you sure it wasnt a bi-partisan vote from congress that came after bush gave saddam 6 months to comply with UN resolutions and even stated, 'make no mistake, if saddam does not disarm, we will lead a coalition to disarm him'. seems like a fair warning to me. besides, according to the Clinton administration and the act he passed into law in 1998, it is the policy of the USA to disarm/remove saddam and liberate iraq.
He rushed to war. Didn't let the inspectors do their jobs. Lost credibility with the world and divided our country. Health care is in shambles. The environment is doing horrible. My friend(s) could die any day in a war that he (they) doesn't believe in because of a back-door draft, among other things. He believes terror can be defeated, and I wonder how many american deaths it will take for him to realize it's an unwinnable battle.

Those are a couple of my reasons.
othello said:
WMD's? right... because we havent found any or anything. :rolling: he went to a war? george bush himself sent us to war? are you sure it wasnt a bi-partisan vote from congress that came after bush gave saddam 6 months to comply with UN resolutions and even stated, 'make no mistake, if saddam does not disarm, we will lead a coalition to disarm him'. seems like a fair warning to me. besides, according to the Clinton administration and the act he passed into law in 1998, it is the policy of the USA to disarm/remove saddam and liberate iraq.

Congress gave him the power to go to war (meaning, they didn't vote to go to war, they voted to give the descision and ability to bush), most likely believing it would be used as a last resort. It was hardly a last resort.
Well, the middle class has shrunk. I no longer am able to go to my schools film club (It was closed from lack of funds, thanks bush) and when I join the Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force, I won't be flying a Comanche.
othello said:
WMD's? right... because we havent found any or anything. :rolling: he went to a war? george bush himself sent us to war? are you sure it wasnt a bi-partisan vote from congress that came after bush gave saddam 6 months to comply with UN resolutions and even stated, 'make no mistake, if saddam does not disarm, we will lead a coalition to disarm him'. seems like a fair warning to me. besides, according to the Clinton administration and the act he passed into law in 1998, it is the policy of the USA to disarm/remove saddam and liberate iraq.
We found weapons of mass destruction?

I don't give a damn who voted for it, I don't want to be in Iraq. But what is done, is done, and we need to finish the job there the best we can (which won't be very good :()

Just because they were warned, doesn't mean we should be there.
othello said:
WMD's? right... because we havent found any or anything. :rolling: he went to a war? george bush himself sent us to war? are you sure it wasnt a bi-partisan vote from congress that came after bush gave saddam 6 months to comply with UN resolutions and even stated, 'make no mistake, if saddam does not disarm, we will lead a coalition to disarm him'. seems like a fair warning to me. besides, according to the Clinton administration and the act he passed into law in 1998, it is the policy of the USA to disarm/remove saddam and liberate iraq.
You ignored the point. They haven't found WMDs. They have found the capability to make them at some point in time, but that is not what this administration claimed.

I wouldn't have a problem if they had just come out and said, "we want to take Saddam down because he is not letting the inspectors do their job". But instead they assumed there would be WMDs, and so far there haven't been. I don't like being lied to.
ShadowFox said:
I wouldn't have a problem if they had just come out and said, "we want to take Saddam down because he is not letting the inspectors do their job". But instead they assumed there would be WMDs, and so far there haven't been. I don't like being lied to.

My thoughts exactly. As for staying in Iraq, I think it's obvious that we need to finish what we started. If we don't... well just look at history. ie, South Africa.
ShadowFox said:
He has abandoned fiscal responsability.

He went to war without being absolutely sure his reasoning was sound.

so when the CIA tells you that undercover sources in iraq are reporting stock piles of WMDs, bush is supposed to call up these sources, and ask them if it is really, really true? we had plenty of reasons to invade iraq, WMD's was the one that everyone agreed on based off the intelligence they had at their disposal. is bush to blame of the accuracy of the intelligence given to him by the world's premiere intelligence gathering organization that has been relied on by every president since its foundation? not to mention we had russia, germany, france, britian, australia, italy, etc... all telling us saddam had WMD's and planned to use them.

according to the ignorant followers of michael moore, bush ignored a memo regarding OBL's plans to hijack planes and attack us (nevermind the amount of times Clinton ignored the exact same information)... are you saying bush should've ignored all this overwhelming evidence and information and not acted on it? look what happened the last time credible information was ignored and not acted upon. the very methods you criticize bush of not using (trade embargo's, co-op with the UN, etc) in iraq were given 10 years, following the end of the Gulf War. it led to saddam raping, torturing, and slaughtering millions of his own people, and the most horrific act of terrorism the world has ever witnessed.
Ikerous said:
I've never read this statistic

then i suggest you do a little research, as it is a statistical fact that the majority of the american population does not support legalizing gay marriages.
bliink said:

There are alot more 'mess ups' than clinton, nixon, reagan, and John 'I am a donut' kennedy .

and he _is_ the president. you would expect him to be above average intelligence. Its not just how he talks, but what he says.

low comprehension and articulation definitely affect your ability to run the world (effectively speaking)

bush is a very smart man... public speaking is just not one of his strong points. he DID score higher on the SAT than kerry did, and he graduated from harvard law
Actually, othello. You're right and wrong. Statistically, Americans (Sadly) don't want to allow gay marriage, but they do want to allow it in another form that still allows them all of the benifits of being married. (Tax breaks, etc etc)

othello said:
bush is a very smart man... public speaking is just not one of his strong points. he DID score higher on the SAT than kerry did, and he graduated from harvard law

You are aware that there are two kinds of smarts, correct? Knowledge, and Intelligence. And no, they are not the same..
othello said:
it led to saddam raping, torturing, and slaughtering millions of his own people, and the most horrific act of terrorism the world has ever witnessed.

thats not 'terrorism', now you're just using buzzwords...

othello said:
bush is a very smart man... public speaking is just not one of his strong points. he DID score higher on the SAT than kerry did, and he graduated from harvard law

He graduated from harvard eh?
Okay othello, we have played your little game. And now it is time to answer a question yourself.

Why did you start this topic if you weren't going to go into it with an open mind. You know it. I know it. The American people know it.
othello said:
the very methods you criticize bush of not using (trade embargo's, co-op with the UN, etc) in iraq were given 10 years, following the end of the Gulf War.
What are you talking about? I haven't said a word about this.
othello said:
it led to saddam raping, torturing, and slaughtering millions of his own people, and the most horrific act of terrorism the world has ever witnessed
This is happening all over Africa, and yet we have little involvement there.
I'll give you a reason:

Because he's a chimp-faced cockwad with his head so far up his ass, that lump in his throat is his nose.

Now don't give me that "Takes one to know one" BS. You said give "give me one reason" not "give me one VALID reason" (although my reason is fairly vaild in itself. You don't want a retard running the country do you?).

Frankly, I don't know how someone who can't pronounce simple words and complete proper sentences, could run a country for as long as he has. I think it's amazing what the media can do to a mass populace. They'll say anything and then morons who don't know better are all "Well, if it's on TV, it MUST be true...DUH!@!!@"

Good day.

EDIT: So instead of saddam torturing his people (as you put it), its now the americans who are doing it. Civilian casualties from bombs and american fire and all that shit.

North Korea is very close to nuclear capability and they hate the US. Do you see Bush saying "Lets get those potential WMDs from North Korea. They don't like us and could kill us all" OF COURSE YOU DON'T! You know why? Because they don't having any god damn oil. That's why they went over there in the first place. To get rid of saddam and get oil. 9/11 was their scapegoat and they used it.

Once again. O-I-L.

Good day once again.
othello said:

"I feel like God wants me to run for President. I can't explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. Something is going to happen . . . I know it won't be easy on me or my family, but God wants me to do it."
--President Bush speaking to James Robinson

"I urge all Texans to answer the call to serve those in need. By volunteering their time, energy or resources to helping others, adults and youngsters follow Christ's message of love and service in thought and deed. Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, do hereby proclaim June 10, 2000, Jesus Day in Texas and urge the appropriate recognition whereof, In official recognition whereof, I hereby affix my signature this17th day of April, 2000."
--Jesus Day 2000 Proclamation

"God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam [Hussein], which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."
--Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen quoting Bush when they met in Aqaba; reported in The Haaretz Reporter by Arnon Regular

"Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society."
-- President Bush stating reasons against gay marriage

It is obvious that religion is number one in the eyes of Bush. According to Bush himself, it was divine intervention that brought about the invasion of Iraq, not those pesky WMD's. If a man belives god is speaking to him personally, and that man then acts on this voice only he can hear, he belongs in a home, not the oval office.
All righty Othello, you asked for "ONE" reason, we've given you a plethora of reasons. What is your response?
When told about WTC attacks, he sat in a chair reading a book about a goat. It was caught on tape for seven minutes. Apparently the goat was more interesting than what the agent had to say.

You should define your interpretation of 'valid reasoning.' Apparently it's different from other (read: everybody) people.
-Viper- said:
When told about WTC attacks, he sat in a chair reading a book about a goat. It was caught on tape for seven minutes. Apparently the goat was more interesting than what the agent had to say.

You should define your interpretation of 'valid reasoning.' Apparently it's different from other (read: everybody) people.

To be honest, I don't like when people slam him for that. He was in shock, and he didn't want to startle and leave the school. I probably would have done the same thing. And what in those seven minutes could he possibly have done?
hiln said:
To be honest, I don't like when people slam him for that. He was in shock, and he didn't want to startle and leave the school. I probably would have done the same thing. And what in those seven minutes could he possibly have done?

Yes, I also agree with that. The worst thing to do would have been to stand up extremely fast, spread his arms and legs out and yell "SHAZBOT!" and then ran to his limmo screaming "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"