Giving HL2 Game To A Friend



I am new here so I apologize if this question has been addressed. I finished HL2 yesterday and want to give my copy of the game to a friend. If I do this, how does he register with steam...or is there a way he does not have to? I started my account last Decemmber, so I am really out of touch on what has gone on with the Steam saga.
Thanks in advance,
All you need to do is pass him your Username and password on a peice of paper, and he can just use that to log in again. Creating a new account won't work.
you are effectively selling him your account details (~steam username and password)
the disc is actually worthless (i think)

and you will not be able to play while he is logged in and vice versa
Of course you could just go over to his house, install HL2 on his computer with your account. You friend could just keep it in offlinemode and would enable you to still be able to play online.
FearoftheDomoKun said:
Of course you could just go over to his house, install HL2 on his computer with your account. You friend could just keep it in offlinemode and would enable you to still be able to play online.

That is what I would have suggested...