Giving out WOW key 4 open Beta


Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
I feel like I need to give out a key I got extra. When I was signing up I experienced an error that mailed me the key but didn't tell me about it. I hit back and got a different key. So I have 2.

My First one worked great and I got into the open beta. I will be honest and say I am not sure if this one will work but it's worth a try for some people.

Give a short reason why you should get the key and post it here. I will PM you the key if I deem you truly want it. I will post when I have given out the key

[I am not sure if blizzard is giving out keys yet but I hope this helps someone and makes their day]
:) I want the key because I simply haven't played any other MMORPG's I think this one is it... I played WoW in the Stress test week, I was blown... I NEED MORE! This could be the dawn of Ailevation finally getting involved with MMORPG!
Open Beta ? All you have to do is go to the agreement/sign up page and you can create an account ...
:thumbs: But, it's not guaraunteed you'd get a key right?
They've closed signups, so you'll need that key now to play
recheck your key just in case.

the key they mail you is the same they give you on the page.

also if you sign up multiple times you get the same key, so just double check to make sure.
I am very sure they are different keys. Although I didn't know that they closed sign ups. So I guess this key is worthless. Sorry guys. I should have acted sooner.