Glad I didn't purchase gold..(after seeing pics) Cheezy1



That gold package is lame...glad I didn't spring for that one..come on a paper cover for the soundtrack??? like how much is a slimcase with cool graphics,,like 10cents?? Stickers???

Really this gold package only appeals to 17 year-olds or less.. Valve what you should've put in the package is ...

1) Raising the bar!!
2) dvd copy of game
3) Signed Poster
4) dvd "the making of hl2"

I swear I believe that the halo 2 se for 5$ more has better content for fans than the cheezy crap in the gold package....
It's scary, but I actually I agree with you.. :p

edit: but you didn't have to post exactly the same post in the other thread too..
I simply bought the gold package because I felt like supporting valve.. Since they deserve it and all that, hl2 is actually the only game i've bought in about three years or so now. Giving valve a few extra bucks wont hurt me much ;p

Though.. you do have some nice ideas.

btw, the soundtrack is pretty nice. Posters could have been a bit better, sticker and postcard I doubt I will use. Posters are folded.. but I'll still hang them up on my wall. And the Hl2 cap is.. well it's pretty okay if you ask me ;p
myeah...a bit dissapointing, glad I didn't buy Gold. A "making of HL2" would've been cool though...and a signed poster couldn't have been that much of an effort to send to us as well now could it?

Still, who cares about that rubbish...the game is the only thing that matters!!! :)
Would you wear it? :p

Btw yeah making a thread that is identical to a post you JUST made isn't needed, ever.
tennistoad2k3 said:
That gold package is lame...glad I didn't spring for that one..come on a paper cover for the soundtrack??? like how much is a slimcase with cool graphics,,like 10cents?? Stickers???

Really this gold package only appeals to 17 year-olds or less.. Valve what you should've put in the package is ...

1) Raising the bar!!
2) dvd copy of game
3) Signed Poster
4) dvd "the making of hl2"

I swear I believe that the halo 2 se for 5$ more has better content for fans than the cheezy crap in the gold package....

Don't start a new thread after I reply to this same post in another thread!!! Now you are forcing me to repost here.

InvaderScooge said:
You just described the retail CE edition I have preordered.... Except for the DVD "the making of hl2". I wish that was in there. I guess we get a T-Shirt instead of a signed poster also. I prefer a tshirt over a poster anyways but that is probably because I am older and I don't like advertisments on my walls next to nice paintings. Back when I was a teenager I would have proudly displayed a HL2 poster on my bedroom wall.
all that stuff would of made it cost quite abit of $$$ :S

The worst CE i've seen is the Retail CE :p
The retail CE looks much cooler.. check it out:
The only thing i want is the strategy guide..but i can buy that separately ( any idea how much and if its out yet anyone?) and the sounds track if i was picky. I guess everyone is just happy to have something to do with HL2 at this point and the gold stuff fills this 6 day gap.
tennistoad2k3 said:
2) dvd copy of game

Imagine a big sign with Gabe standing in front of it. Now imagine it saying
"You mustn't,

sorry about the double thread but wth.. also the retail ce is a good one,,,EXCEPT that it doesn't give me a discount with my ati coupon...
i totally agree with your post
this package is a rip off the guide is nice all the rest is crap/could be done more nicely
Collectors can obviously want those items. If you're not a collector, don't buy gold ad don't complain. Gold is mainly intended to hardcore HL fans - and I know that those people would appreciate any such merchandise.
Harcore fans want the dirty info on the how gabe left his comp open in oe,( specially when he worked for the company that built the buggy pos). how valve has crappy security on their it end but now they have all our credit card info.. Wait I'm scaring myself now...

/Sover it's all your fault..
//I look foward to our Combine overlords
Eh, chill guys. Knickknacks aside, yeah it would've been nice to have the Raising the Bar book in there, but it isn't done, is it? Making of DVD, also would be nice. But HalfLife Source, and Day of Defeat Source make decent consolation prizes.
I wanted to buy the retail CE but as far as I know it's only available after 10 December in the Netherlands. So I think I'm going for the normal edition. Damn I really wanted HL: Source, but I want HL2 more so that explains my decision.
not to knock hlsource to hard here but It's going to be like Star Wars SE..

Lucas ruined it...
now Gabe is going to ruin it..

/it's never quite as good as you remember it 6 years later..

wait why am I jaded? THE RED SOX WON!!!!!!!!

//all is good ignore this post..
Vinnie_NL said:
I wanted to buy the retail CE but as far as I know it's only available after 10 December in the Netherlands. So I think I'm going for the normal edition. Damn I really wanted HL: Source, but I want HL2 more so that explains my decision. (dat zegt wel .be maar geld ook voor nederland. En gratis bezorging.. wat wil je nog meer ;))
I think they're all crap. I want:

1. HL2
2. HL2DM
3. HL1S
4. Raising the bar
5. HL2 Soundtrack
6. Natalie Portman

Now I'd spend a dollar for that! I bet they'd sell a ton of those too.
can someone please post links to the pictures?
havnt seen it yet
I dunno why it took people this long to figure out that the extra stuff you get in the gold package was junk. Its basically exactly what is described on the browse games page.
DeltaBlast said: (dat zegt wel .be maar geld ook voor nederland. En gratis bezorging.. wat wil je nog meer ;))
Wouw, bedankt. Toch nog HL2 goodies voor mij :p
Shrot translation for all the non-Dutch speaking-forum-members :p :
DeltaBlast said: (the URL is .be but they deliver also in the Netherlands. For free.. what do you want more ;)) BTW Vinnie_NL, you own, I've never seen someone on a forum who owns everything and anyone that much, I mean it :)
Jusk kidding, the last part of the quote is made up by myself :p

Wouw, thanks. So there will be HL2 goodies for me too :p
I think the cap would of been cool...

But yes, the book would of been nice...

I thought Gold came with DVD edition of HL2 though...
Solver said:
Collectors can obviously want those items. If you're not a collector, don't buy gold ad don't complain. Gold is mainly intended to hardcore HL fans - and I know that those people would appreciate any such merchandise.

I'm getting Gold... :naughty:

And that stuff looks awesome. Paper sleeve, so what?! UT2004 came in paper sleeves... jeez.
Homercidal said:
I think they're all crap. I want:

1. HL2
2. HL2DM
3. HL1S
4. Raising the bar
5. HL2 Soundtrack
6. Natalie Portman

Now I'd spend a dollar for that! I bet they'd sell a ton of those too.

Umm.... I would definitely go for the Natalie Portman option, but then I would be stuck with which to open first... Natalie?? Or HalfLife2??? NATALIE?? or HALFLIFE FREAKIN2!!!!! Oh Well, I am a nerd, HL2 it is! (but Natalie would last longer, and that replay value...) :naughty:
I'm extremely upset i wasted fifty ****ing dollars on this shit, they give you a crappy card board box, and 3 shitty posters...It is a HUGE dissapoitment, thnx for ****ing nothing Valve...
tennistoad2k3 said:
That gold package is lame...glad I didn't spring for that one..come on a paper cover for the soundtrack??? like how much is a slimcase with cool graphics,,like 10cents?? Stickers???

Really this gold package only appeals to 17 year-olds or less.. Valve what you should've put in the package is ...

1) Raising the bar!!
2) dvd copy of game
3) Signed Poster
4) dvd "the making of hl2"

I swear I believe that the halo 2 se for 5$ more has better content for fans than the cheezy crap in the gold package....

that is all in ur own opinion.
i purchased the Gold package and u know what? im quite happy with it.. i thought it was worth it and thats all that matters.

not like i paid with someone else's money for that Gold package.
L337_Assasain, Maybe you should of waited instead of crying about it now.
Summary of this thread: bitch, whine, moan

I'm happy with my purchase. It wasn't the greatest value but its still worth my money.
f|uke said:
Summary of this thread: bitch, whine, moan

I'm happy with my purchase. It wasn't the greatest value but its still worth my money.
Besides, no CD case is fine with me, i'll just make my own :D
*whips out l337 photoshop skillz.*

I would have gotten it if it had a crowbar with it. :cheers: I know, some may argue "What's wrong with you, man? Don't give kids weapons!" Well, kids are too soft these days. A couple thumps on the head with some cast iron will put the hair back on our younger societies chest. :E