Glad that Religious games (HL2) are so popular

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jesuit76
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Axyon said:
Do you want to explain to me why Jesuit76's e-mail address contains "swiss_cheese9797" in it?


Axyon said:
Welcome to the thread. Do you want to explain to me why Jesuit76's e-mail address contains "swiss_cheese9797" in it?

*Takes his video cam and popcorn*
Jesuit76 said:
Wow, I thought more people understood the OBVIOUS underlying religious context, I guess I was wrong. The insects Jesus uses in the game may be something to add to the gaming experience, but more likely they REPRESENT something from the bible. I have my theories, but I havn't found anything concrete just yet.
Well there is the obvious religious reference that Gordon is City 17's mesiah. I think Breen even uses the term mesianic but Barney is not an angel and the g-man is not God.
Thanks for PMing me. Enjoy your two week vacation.
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