

Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Glass is good Glass is nice... Glass is the spice of life........

ok lies but nm that :) does anyone know what glass will be like in game Will it be like HL1 glass or cool as fk like Red Factions glass and have holes in it before it brakes? any help would be nice thanks.
you know despite the crude mature of the question thats a good point. Will glass be affected by physics as well? does it fragment or stay solid.... someone email gabe.
We don't know yet. I don't expect it to be really special, it takes heaps of cpu power to render realistic glass.. and even more to render realistic breaking glass.
I reckon if will fragment, but only if its programmed to. Kinda like the wood.
Okay, it's HL2.... it bound to have glass. Glass is quite a big part in alot of games (shooting through it etc). Does HL2 have the most amazing features of any game ever? Do you think they've overlooked something as big a glass?

It'll be the daddy of glass. Glass I'd want in my house :-)
Check out the Bugbait video and watch the camera-guns shoot the bulletproof glass.
You need to calm down. The game is out soon (probably). Wait and see. :)
what about traptown, after the door blocking, he walks up the stairs looks out the window and... smash! little bits of glass falling about everywhere.
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
Check out the Bugbait video and watch the camera-guns shoot the bulletproof glass.

personally i diddnt think that looked quite good, the vullet holes in the glass were all overlapping.
there were two different types of glass shown in the vids. The first one was the traptown video where the player is inside the bulding. there are stairs next to him and a combine soldier at the top of the stairs. The soldier shoots out the window that player is standing next to and the glass fragments then falls in a shower of little pieces. Another example of the shattering glass is the bugbait video where he is standing near the entrance to the washing room(the room with all the washing machines) he shoots out a window above and uses a pheremone bomb to summon some ant lions. I think that physics does take some part in the breaking of glass. If you notice how the glass falls and hits the floor is the bugbait video.

The second type of glass/window is aslo in the bugbait vid. The part where there are two sentry turrets guarding the doorway. the turrets shoot at the player but the player ducks back behind the corner. The turrets shoot and hit the glass but it does not shatter or fragment, it only displays bullet holes.
The bugbait glass and traptown glass are different. Traptown looks much worse if you look at it closely. So which one is reflective of the final build?
No.1 lesson for today!

Ice cream = Glass in swedish

HL2 has several variations of glass. Window glass breaks after beeing shattered to tiny pieces from the high speed projectiles. Bulletproof glass only gets hazy. There is dirty glass, too.

I found a little bug in the engine. It shows the bulletholes glass style on steel, if the center of the impact was on the glass. Check yourself:
its probably not realtime but still i think its really cool
I found a little bug in the engine. It shows the bulletholes glass style on steel, if the center of the impact was on the glass.

It looks like something that could plausibly happen (the center of the decal is on glass), but remember that this could be another one of the demo playback bugs.
Guys, listen to this: The E3-videos are aged like hell , and the glass-on-steel is a bug since the recording engine wasnt accurate enough at that time. Also , all the other sync-bugs and such are from the playback thingie too. The video that currently represents the final game is the latest Source-DX9 video.

Anyone who can guess how much the game has improved since E3?
Sof2 had some niece glass effects.
I would like to see somethin at least on par with that.

The way it actually didn't break the WHOLE window when you shot it like most games, but would crack and cave in smaller pieces.
we will see. I can't see how this can happen with a sync problem. I guess it's just a simple "use glass-crack picture if bullet hits glass and use steel bump picture if bullet hits steel" and that's it. That way this could happen. If you do not want to have this bug, you need to cut off the overlay picture on the steel area. That means extra coding. I really don't see a simple sync problem.
more importantly will it be pilkington's "K" glass

or just regular double glazed?
how could that happen? Steel is no glass and therefore the cracks can't enter the steel area.

I meant that the bug is a plausible bug... they use tracelines for the bullets, so they could have had something set up at that time that checked the surface contents at the point where the bullet collided, and made the appropriate decal. If they didn't clip the decal to the edges of the brush then it would look like this, since the decal is centered around the point of contact.
just wonderin wut does it mean when a game gives u a option to put graphics in sync???
That's when it sets the horiziontal re-fresh in sync with your monitor.
So you don't get that "tearing" affect in games.
just wonderin wut does it mean when a game gives u a option to put graphics in sync???

Uh... well, what we were referring to was not an option, but an error in the simulation of previously recorded game events in a demo.

If you're talking about vsync, however, that means waiting until the monitor finishes a vertical retrace before it copies the new data for the screen into the video memory, so you don't see "tearing".
In the video with the manhacks, when one of them hits the wooden crate, it doesn't cut it, just brakes it to pieces. I guess that in order to cut it they would have to work 5 more years on the engine =)

So I guess glass will smash when you hit it. Maybe some bullet holes textures first.
but the glass in trapdown splintered in pieces and fallen pretty near realistic to me!! not the smash like in hl1
Originally posted by Tarkus

you b~roke that just to show us how glass doesnt show on metal in teh real life??

Even better, I shot it! One shot hit the metal. Okay, gotta go buy a new car. I want to show the flamethrower effect on new paint...

On this subject I have to say that Doom III has much better glass simulation... at least from what John Carmack says about how CPU intensive the calculations are.
The glass is supposed to crack dynamically and break off in pieces... rather than having the whole thing shatter all at once.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
On this subject I have to say that Doom III has much better glass simulation... at least from what John Carmack says about how CPU intensive the calculations are.
The glass is supposed to crack dynamically and break off in pieces... rather than having the whole thing shatter all at once.

I'm pretty sure that's what SOF2 does.
i'm sure one of you guys can make a nice shiny map out of glass? ^^
One of the coolest glass effects i've seen is in SOF 2. I put a grenade by a window and it blew out the glass and the pieces stuck to the enemies. It really shoked me when I saw the dead enemies cause I wasn't expecting that kind of details.