Gman is a Hired Assassin!!!

Welcome, Gman. Before posting theories about yourself (that is, before you start posting your theories about the Gman), either scroll through existing threads to make sure your theory is being discussed already, or use the search function.

Even if you have a new theory yet to be discussed, my recommendation would be place it in a thread that relates to your theory instead of starting up a whole new thread to state what it is. Make sense?

I say this as a warning.



Anyway, I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean anything, and it's just an easter egg.
Cewl, never noticed that one before. Probably discovered years ago, though.
Pretty Cool?I Think it boosts the Gman theory.
I believe this is something left behind from a simpler time, when the scientists were mad and opposed to you, and security officers were working with the soldiers and out to kill you.

For this reason, I don't think that the contents of the briefcase should be taken into consideration with regards to the storyline any more than the model and entity name of "G-Man" should.
Oh.........I Never thought of that!!!!!!LOL!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I doubt even the writers knew who the Gman was in HL1. So this doesn't seem relevant.

My only thoughts from this, is throughout the game he appears 'immortal' - so why would he need a pistol?
They Have got to be aware of Gman in the game.Cause he is mostly in it.

Gman, I suggest you use this wiki site. It's the most resourceful Half Life (and Half Life mod) site there is. There isn't going to be anything new to G-man that you can find on youtube, because fans have already been looking for it for 10 years now.......
Remember what I wrote in your profile, Gman. Do not ignore my advice; instead, listen to it. It will help you greatly.
G-Man is an assassin, hired to kill himself. The pistol speaks for itself and then theres that picture he has (of himself), as well as pencils and paper. HE FILED HIS OWN CONTRACT.
The fact that you are required to noclip into his suitcase in order to see it makes me think that this tells us nothing about him. You weren't meant to see it, so yeah...
The fact that you are required to noclip into his suitcase in order to see it makes me think that this tells us nothing about him. You weren't meant to see it, so yeah...

I was waiting for someone to say this.
Also, it's empty in Half-Life 2 and the HL-HD pack, so i defiantly don't think the contents of his briefcase is any more than an Easter egg.
lol, im surprised nobodys mentioned the cell phone yet. WHAT'S HIS CARRIER?!
This is about your third post about a Gman theory, most of which have already been posted and discussed, in the wrong forum. I wouldn't be surprised if you are muted or banned soon.
Schall,What do you mean?

If you keep posting idiotic things, you are going to start receiving infraction points. They're like little warnings, but if you get too many, you're going to get banned. As I said in my visitor message in your profile, think before you post; I didn't type all of that just for the heck of it.
It does seem interesting, but since the graphics are kind of primitive, and he keeps moving around. I guess it is pretty cool.
SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!I just like posting something that i find.
Dude, you really should listen to Shem. He's really trying to help you here.

And if you find something interesting, USE THE SEARCH BUTTON. That will save you a lot of infraction points.
Stop the extended exclamation marks, they are annoying, and utterly pointless.

Also, just as a grammar lesson put a space after your ',' and '.'

Like I said before, you'll learn to fit in.