Gman, is he an angel?

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I think we're taking it on faith that Valve isn't a bunch of assholes. That means:

-No time travel.
-No Gordon = G-Man.
-No G-Man being gordon's father.
-No heaven/hell or biblical crap.
-No dreams.
Lol, interesting theorys but I highly doubt there is any kinda document in Valve covering the actual backstory to half-life
I think we're argueing too much about references rather than the concepts/ideas themselves - I have considered, and revel, in the idea that the Gman belongs to a 'god-like' race, with powerful abilitird, perhaps brought about by highly advanced technology or the fact they exist in an alternative/higher realm, dimension or universe and can manifest themselves in our universe. Whether we refer to the Gman or his race as a 'god', gods, 'God' or 'god-like' is meaningless; 'god' is a very subjective term as the existence of a god of anykind has never been proven, thus we really have nothing to compare to. Refering to the Gman as an 'angel' would be just as apt and subjective term.
It is pretty much based on the way you think of "Angel" if you mean in the biblical sense, then probably no. If you mean just some sort of higher power, then maybe, just maybe, yes
PsychoFreak said:
Lol, interesting theorys but I highly doubt there is any kinda document in Valve covering the actual backstory to half-life

There is, but it in G-Mans briefcase...
Uh, what about the 1,000 page HL Bible Marc LaidLaw wrote awhile ago as a "reference for future Half-Life games" that was mentioned earlier, somewhere....
1000 pages? If thats true, its never been shown to the Public
Minerel said:
G-Man is obviously part of a white\latino gang that think there black. If you catch G-Man sometimes you can see him trying to rap, or wearing a ton of rings n shit.

And you are just on shrooms, and your really fighting in a gang war. When your on the airboat your running from the cops, and while on the buggy your doing drive by's.
When zombies are coming after you, you are on the streets with a machine gun. Father is just a guy who tagged along the killing spree with you(on shrooms to). When antlions are coming at you...well your really playing with Ken Dolls and Ant's attacking him.

Now Alyx is a shemale.
Breen is a teddy bear that you found to play with your ken dolls.

As you can see, HL2 is pretty much
High-Latino 2:Super Shrooms

Dammit! He figured it out! Just don't get your hopes up, High Latino 2:Super Shrooms isn't due till after Aftermath. =)
Uh, what about the 1,000 page HL Bible Marc LaidLaw wrote awhile ago as a "reference for future Half-Life games" that was mentioned earlier, somewhere....
could we get that book from anywhere?
I don't think he's an angel. Rather some sort of secret agent or someone high up in an unknown organization using Gordon.
jerkasaur said:
:imu: if we say he's an employer who wants gordon to work for him and the entire resonance cascade scenario was a "pre-employment test" for Freeman, then why him? what does he see in freeman? it certainly can't be because of the hazard suit... or to be more specific, him being a scientist and having enough gut to get himself into danger, cause he watches shepherd and barney too. he's watching all of them...

not trying to say he's god, but we all know that there is a god who cares about us... could he be an agent, from god, to protect... lets say... the one?

to give reasons why i think he is what we might call "the one", this is what The All-Knowing vortigaunt says to freeman in HL2, i got this from:

"For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds."

"Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread."
"Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle."

"That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time." (which i think is the combine)

"With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh."

"Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it."
(now who or what could that be?)

we know there are some other cities left, besides city17, after the seven hour war, but why do you go to city17, where the combine's citadel, where it governs the Earth from is?

think about g-man being able to control the time...

"...After an uphill battle in the cloud-penetrating Citadel skyscraper, Gordon causes critical damage to the building's dark energy reactor, resulting in what may have been his death — if the G-Man had not seemingly stopped time in order to extract Gordon to safety to await further "employment offers."..."

i can't say anything more, but the funny thing is what brought this idea to my mind. it was g-man having three pencils in his suitcase, not one. if i would want to discuss what it has to do with it, i would go off-track and samon would close my thread :E , but this much is true that the meaning of some numbers had always been mystery to us.... if any of you would like to know more, send me pm.

so.. think and talk about it.... i think g-man could be some sort of an angel, protecting us humans... .

theres no god and no angels , so much to your theory. and g-man doesnt control time but he controls gordon.
Does anyone seriously believe that VALVe would make a game based on religious references? Get real, they aren't that dumb. If HL3 reveals that the g-man is some sort of god or angel, I will throw up all over my keyboard. Then proceed to throw up over my monitor. And many people would probably do the same.
Does anyone seriously believe that VALVe would make a game based on religious references? Get real, they aren't that dumb. If HL3 reveals that the g-man is some sort of god or angel, I will throw up all over my keyboard. Then proceed to throw up over my monitor. And many people would probably do the same.
yeah well this thread is old, and so were my thoughts back then...
StAtiC said:
Does anyone seriously believe that VALVe would make a game based on religious references? Get real, they aren't that dumb. If HL3 reveals that the g-man is some sort of god or angel, I will throw up all over my keyboard. Then proceed to throw up over my monitor. And many people would probably do the same.
Not funny. You don't know what it's like to throw up on your keyboard...:|
Religion may influence some delvelopers.....
Gman is NOT an angel.

FFS would everyone get it through their heads: HE'S THE BIOZEMINADE EMPEROR
I love how everyone tries to tie every god-damned thing to religon. The made the bible so random and vauge it can apply to anything, therefore doing so is pointless. And having G-Man as some religous figure would just ruin the entire game and would go against it's ideas.
... so I read like the first page and then skipped to the last and why do religious people insist on applying their beliefs to everyone and everything in a attempt to tie themselves to the scientific world you aren't part of it stop trying to be.
Ok All of you try and spin this k cause I'm about to lay down da truth.

G-man is figment of Gordans imagination,Geinuses often do go crazy and do have radicl phycological issues, when ever Gordans needed to push on the G-Man is there, He imagined the G-man to keep himself going and that part at the end of the game where G-man freezes time its really gordan relizing some more of his what would you call it ummm geinus, He is actually bending the dementions and the qontiniums to his will!
why can't people just kill themselves it would often be better that way... I mean um... don't kill yourself... I would feel bad... please... don't... yeah first I have to say if you can't spell and you know you can't please please use spell check secondly the G-Man is not a figment of anyones imagination that would just be dumb it's been done to death already
me stupid

Ok G-man is just a combine overlord that likes to mess with Gordan, that better.
I believe, like i have put in posts before:

That he is not only a g-man or "government man" which he is, but that he might also be an Alien.

In whichever form, he is working with incredible technology at his disposal, for his "employers". The objective seems to that of a struggle against the combine. As we see that since blackmesa the vorts were freed and are now together with humans fighting against the combine.

Although thier motives and plans might be even more complicated.

He could afterall be a human, a government agent who has worked in the secret services and with black mesa.
Far above breens office i might add(as in CIA, watcher of the watcher kind of thing). and has overseen the inevitable cascade and its effects.

Through using lambda tech(which was almost a separate and secret part of BM with long developed teletech) he teleports about and has met his "employers" like breen did throught blackmesa. But whilst breen went with the evil combine for self-satisfaction, g-man stayed loyal to humans and did the best through the time of the crisis.. His employers ofcourse is most likely are a vastly advanced race who are at war already against the combine.

Whichever he is and i think hes both(secret service and Alien), he is using the technology of lambda and seemingly beyond it.

And as for a fact of supporting the argument that he is indeed alien, we have the most single and bizarre piece of evidence, the g-man on tv, in aboat with a raven on his shoulder. And whats more strange is that the tv is unplugged. Alien powers maybe, wierd shit anyway. I dont think hes robot. because he has used a cellphone before, which we saw in OP-FORCE.

I think afterall this hes made his reports and guided the events of freeman and hl2, for hs employers, and they are most likely aliens who knew about earth, humans and that we were in for a shit storm, and who have helped us because of the conflict with the combine tyrants.

Psychism said:
why can't people just kill themselves it would often be better that way... I mean um... don't kill yourself... I would feel bad... please... don't... yeah first I have to say if you can't spell and you know you can't please please use spell check secondly the G-Man is not a figment of anyones imagination that would just be dumb it's been done to death already

well the argument falls flat on its face in an instant as soon as you englighten noobs to the fact that g-man is fully experienced by a completely different person. And you ask them, if they have ever played opposing force.
thinking of the G-man as an angel reminds me of Diablo2 where Tyael shows up for the first time :D
jerkasaur said:
:imu: what does he see in freeman? .
i think i remember G-man saying to Gordon in HL that he reminds him of his self

IAmAI said:
highly advanced technology.
then you would think they could make his human body better looking, i mean man he is ugly
well once the nihilanth said that he would deceive you. i will see him as satan once he was an angel and then he deceived looking as positive person then god kicked his bottom.
stef10 said:
well once the nihilanth said that he would deceive you. i will see him as satan once he was an angel and then he deceived looking as positive person then god kicked his bottom.

I dont want it to seem like crushing theories, but Valve wouldnt do something like that, it simply doesnt doesn't fit in with the style of the games
How can people buy into this biblical crock? It is completely out of the game's style.
Dr. Freeman said:
thinking of the G-man as an angel reminds me of Diablo2 where Tyael shows up for the first time :D

I never got past act 2
I think every single person who reads this forum has now posted here to say that he isn't an angel. Can we move on now? :)
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