Gman Theory (minor spoilers)

Aug 1, 2003
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Ok so we all know that a weeks time goes by from when Gordon and Alyx teleport from Nova Prospekt to Kleiners lab, which leaves open the possibility that time travel could be used in the next games (and is a possible explanation for Gordon's abrubt appearance on the train in the begining of the game).

Well I was just reading the Gman/scientist conversation translation and noted how he mentioned his employer, and then thought back to the ending of Half Life 2 and how he mentioned his employer again. Now I know that this may sound far fetched, but with time travel now being integrated into the plot of them game, what if Gordon is infact the Gman's employer and is sending him back intime to make shure that he (Gordon himself) does the right thing.

As I said it is a little far fetched but with the new story elements it could be possible.

Oh and I think the Gman is probably an alien due to the way he speaks (ie. he speaks rather unnaturally).
Hell there are so many possibilities I'd rather myself just shut up now and wait :p
just to put to rest all these "gman is gordon" consipiricys (actually, this picture is **** all use now we got a bit carried away, but still, teh funneh :D)

had to shrink gmans head vertically, there facial structures are **** all alike to be perfectly honest, and why would he dye his hair? and if he was gordon, surely he wouldn't be able to speak, but that could explain why gman speaks so strangly, maybe he's only just picked it up, NO, i mean, gman is jsut a random bloke with a suitcase whos monged off his face imo
Colonel, let's look at that theory in perspective. Why would the Gordon from the future think that his past self would do things any different? I mean, for the future Gordon, all of there events have already occurd...they are done and over with. Are YOU afraid that your past self is going to screw something up that you got right the first time? No, of course not.

The only way that would really be logical is if someone is trying to alter the past and Gordon is trying to prevent it. That, however, was already done in the 80's with a little-known flick called The Terminator. Valve isn't going to copy The Terminator any more then they're gonna copy Star Wars and make G-Man Gordon's dad.
*hits head off wall

I really thought we had got rid of the horrid gman is gordon theory...and now time travel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I said, my theory is a bit far fetched but not impossible. After reading that one post I realize that it is most likely that Valve wouldn't do this because it would be cliche, but you never know.

And I never said that the Gman was Gordon.
The Gman seems to be an alien at least - his mannerisims are alien in nature (well not human). There is speculation that he is Gordon from the future - but why would he police himself so?

Given that the combine seem to enjoy genetic manipulation and absorbing others G-Man may simply be a failed experiment - perhaps his psyche got poisoned by Gordon with the event at Black Mesa - a dimensional tear that bled psychic energy and Gordons was the nearest or strongest or whatever and the G-Man absorbed some of that - developed an affinity for him or whatever.

Hell maybe he's just a latent psychic and knows where Gordon should be and is checking it out.

Or maybe he is really a leading member of Earths shadow governement (the illuminati control all ;) )and is manipulating events.
Nige_Reconman said:
Or maybe he is really a leading member of Earths shadow governement (the illuminati control all ;) )and is manipulating events.

yes, beware of the illuminati
If you changed your passed, your future would be different... but it'd be total shit compared to what happened. Now, let's say you stop yourself from making a resistance guy follow you, and instead make him take cover in the back of a destroyed car... if you were to run around with him, he'd be well protected by you, but by himself, he's well to die. But since you leave him back there, you continue on, and faster (seeing you don't have to worry about him being behind you) and you come across another resistance guy being shot at by a few combine. If you had your guy follow you, you would be able to save the attacked resistance. But since you don't, he dies. And now you have another paralox of whether to make the NEW resistance guy follow you and make the other stay, or make the new one stay and the old one follow, or make em both follow, or make em both stay.... and so on for 50+ combinations, and then adding the effect of combines attacking you...
Ok, let's say G-Man is sent back in time by future-gordon. Now, maybe he didn't send him back in time to get Gordon to do something differently or make sure he does the same thing, but perhaps for the sole purpose of preserving him between missions so that he will live longer and be able to get more done?
I believe time travel was already implemented into Half-Life. You have no clue where you have been for around 10 years, and you suddenly appear in a train heading for City 17. If there was anything to be seen between HL1 and HL2, we would have seen it, because Valve wants us to be Gordon Freeman, so we have to be Gordon every second of his existence.
i have finally solved it! The G-man is really a homosexual crossdresser, and likes stalking Gordan. He also likes to dress up as Alyx to hit on you. If you disagree, PROVE ME WRONG!
Colonel Sanders said:
Now I know that this may sound far fetched, but with time travel now being integrated into the plot of them game, what if Gordon is infact the Gman's employer and is sending him back intime to make shure that he (Gordon himself) does the right thing.

To add to that, I'll say that the reason Gordon would do this is because maybe he went through all this before (Black mesa incident, City 17, etc) and then something REEeaaaalllly bad happened, and Gordons like "@$%!", so he hires G-MON! And tells Gman to make sure that Gordon does everything the way he did before, up to where the REeaaallly bad thing happens, AND THEN...He must do sompthin different, to stop the really bad thing from happening :)...except, Gordon erases his own memory for some reason (because he would have remembered and wouldnt have needed the Gman).....but...Aw shit my theorys ****ed now ;(

Oh well someone come up with something else that has do deal with Gman being hired to go back in time to make Gordon do something to stop something else from happening in the future....wait...yea. :E
Idonotbelonghere said:
Oh well someone come up with something else that has do deal with Gman being hired to go back in time to make Gordon do something to stop something else from happening in the future....wait...yea. :E

Okay. The G-man was sent back in time by the Combine to keep Gordon distracted while they developed their new weapon... MASTER CHIEF!