GMG - grenade machine launcher (WTF?) and other useless weapons discussion

Who care's what the gun is used for? I'm pretty sure that it could kill all of us!
I've seen this thing before on some future weapons show. This thing kick major ass. Each round can be timed to explode at a certain time. They showed this scenario where a dummy was hiding behind a brick wall. Obviously you can shoot him. So the gun finds the range, the arc you need to place the shell and have it explode just behind the wall, neutralizing the enemy. It really kicks ass. P.S. that gun in NOT SLOW. Try out running it when someone is targeting you. it's just about timing. You're not going to get away unless you have god on your side.
staddydaddy said:
I've seen this thing before on some future weapons show. This thing kick major ass. Each round can be timed to explode at a certain time. They showed this scenario where a dummy was hiding behind a brick wall. Obviously you can shoot him. So the gun finds the range, the arc you need to place the shell and have it explode just behind the wall, neutralizing the enemy. It really kicks ass. P.S. that gun in NOT SLOW. Try out running it when someone is targeting you. it's just about timing. You're not going to get away unless you have god on your side.

i think you're referring to the OICW. i'm pretty sure these average 40mm grenades don't have timers like that.
Suicide42 said:
yes and imaging if aw tank was trying to get past? set one of those up in a building....

Anti personel nades just use shrapnel to kill, the tank wouldnt eaven care.
dulruogh said:
Anti personel nades just use shrapnel to kill, the tank wouldnt eaven care.

that's not true anymore. most nades (and the nades in this case) are just concussion-based high explosive weapons. they create very little shrapnel.
Maskirovka said:
i think you're referring to the OICW. i'm pretty sure these average 40mm grenades don't have timers like that.

the OICW use a 20 mm airbursting round that staddydaddy mentioned. The round is just a lethal to humans as the 40mm round the gl uses. The defernce comes in the 40mm gl indirect fire capabilities, and the ability to penetrate thick cover (vegitation, etc), there wil also be a crewserved 20mm airbusting weapon, plus a combined GL and airbust is in the works

grenadiers are the future of urban warfare according to the latest military doctrines
Sprafa said:
And to johnshaft - If we had rockets with the same speed and size of bullets, we certainly wouldnt.

yes minirockets are the future /sarcasm at some point the existance of a mini warhead adds no greater kill factor than a regular bullet.

grenades will always be a part of warfare, in fact your going to start seeing alot more grenades ued in urban combat. develoment of minigrenades that produce the same results, and smaller means more can be carried

no I didnt read the whole thread at first. and it took what 4 pages to come to the conclusion that sparfa was ignorant to the ways of the gl
First off, you've been watching far too many movies.
2nd, grenades cannon blow up buildings!!

Your judgement of this weapon is almost like saying: "OMG why do they need 50cal MGs! The things can amputate anything it hits!!"

And your obviously looking too steretypical on things. Soviet tanks (T-34) in WW2 were one of the best in the field (about performs as well as the German Tiger Tank.) It takes multiple 88 rounds to destroy them. (you know what an 88mm is don't you??)
And tanks....are not slow vehicles. 45-50 mph is not slow.

These are 40mm grenades. These are to take out light armored tracked and wheeled vehicles, and infantry units. There is nothing absurd about an automatic grenade launcher. They used it in Vietnam, and was a very effective weapon.
US and counties all over the world still use the MK-19 Grenade launcher.

Its an effective weapons system. Just like the AC-130 Gunship (which has been used for decades), or the Crusader artillary system.
saying "grenades cannot blow up buildings" depends on what type of building you're talking about.

and you clearly didn't read the thread, because he admitted that he didn't really think about it. so you're bashing him unnecessarily. almost everything you've said has been said already.

and i know from reading several books that 88's could destroy a standard t-34 in one hit...even to their front armor.