Go here to find out if your Graphics Card will handle Half-Life 2!

Nice to know my older DX8 card (an ATI 9000 Pro) can handle almost all the graphical features of HL2 and all of the major ones! :cheers:
yea same here, now i just need to upgrade my 800 mhz cpu/motherboard... you know the cheapest 478 socket p4's/celerons from 1.5ghz to 2.0 ghz cost at least 200 dollars because they rip you off with warranty requirements of buying fans or ddr memory for 50 bucks.. *hates moore and his damned law*
Originally posted by PSX
err, stay away from the 5200; a 8500/4200-level is much faster, even if nV intended it for budget DX9, they have already ripped off a lot of ppl; I mean why not pay a little extra for a 9700 xt/np and get multiple times the performance?
hehe, I should have said anything DX9 based not made by nVidia :dozey:
Originally posted by Sushi
hehe, I should have said anything DX9 based not made by nVidia :dozey:

well, actually, there's nothing wrong with the 5900/5900 Ultras, they're right on par with a 9800 (the former is faster in Doom3, and the latter does better in HL2) as far as I know... but that could change
Interesting article. My system will probably run the game at around medium to medium-high detail...I hope.
i am new here so i just read the artical.
Ohh boy am i glad i got myself a Radeon 9800 pro :D
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
Ya its a nice article, but most people knew that it was going to be like this,

16meg cards = low detail

32meg cards = low-medium detail

64meg cards = high-medium detail

128meg or higher = Ultra high detail

That basically sums it up in a nut shell.

Looks like my Radeon 9000 128 mb will handle just fine. I may want to get a 9500 or something later though.
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
Ya its a nice article, but most people knew that it was going to be like this,

16meg cards = low detail

32meg cards = low-medium detail

64meg cards = high-medium detail

128meg or higher = Ultra high detail

That basically sums it up in a nut shell.

Nope, it is the architecture of the card that matters, not the amount of ram. Say if you get a 64meg TNT2 equivilent and compaired it with a Radeon 9500 64meg they would perform completely different so you cant just group all 16, 32, 64, and 128 meg cards into groups.
The article only discuss desktop hardware :(
I havent foudn one magazine that care about laptop hardware :(
They should now when there are incredible cards for laptops too..

I have a dx8 card, Geforce4go 440 32mb ddr.. hehe. .how do I know if this is enough!? cause its not like a dx8 desktop card. .
any students out there just do what i did and use your student loan to get a 9700 pro :cheers:
Hey i just read in the newspaper, students in England will soon be able to declair themselves bankrupt if they are in too much debt. Therefore meaning you dont have to pay the student loan back :D


but check i am right first i dont want to be responsible if i am wrong
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Hey i just read in the newspaper, students in England will soon be able to declair themselves bankrupt if they are in too much debt. Therefore meaning you dont have to pay the student loan back :D


but check i am right first i dont want to be responsible if i am wrong

Sounds nice doesnt it, appart from you get black listed by every financial outfit there is, you wont be able to get a mortgage or a loan, no credit cards or cheque book.... dont do it :)

w00t i got Geforce FX 5200 So it will work with Direct X 9 :D
YAY my geForce 4 will do pretty good. Now im happy.

*Does the happy dance*



Nice one Kschreck :afro:

Assuming that Maximum PC were just using the standard screenshots released a while ago, I still find it amazing that Valve releases screenshots without antialiasing at some level! Jaggies shouldn't be visible in this day and age...
Yeah, folks, don't squelch on your debt by declaring bankruptcy. It'll cause more problems in the long run than it solves.
my v8200 deluxe geforce 3 should run it quite well although i will try and upgrade to a Radeon 9800 before hl2 release:E
Originally posted by SiRiNO
Nope, it is the architecture of the card that matters, not the amount of ram. Say if you get a 64meg TNT2 equivilent and compaired it with a Radeon 9500 64meg they would perform completely different so you cant just group all 16, 32, 64, and 128 meg cards into groups.

Ya I know, BUT THE MAJORITY of the architecture changes were done in between upping the ram on video cards, sure there are exceptions like Geforce 2 64mb has no bumb mapping while Geforce 3 64mb has bumb mapping, its just an easy way of people who don't know a whole lot about graphics cards to look at it.
i think thats a DX8, dont trust me though, could be a 9. By the way ive got geforce 4 mx 420 (eww MX cards). this is a dx 8 right? the article says any geforce 4 is a DX8, but mine is an MX (ewww MX cards)
It was a scan of a magazine article. Most likely the web host was asked to remove it.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
By the way ive got geforce 4 mx 420 (eww MX cards). this is a dx 8 right? the article says any geforce 4 is a DX8, but mine is an MX (ewww MX cards)

I've got a GF4 MX420 as well - I think technically all GF4s are supposed to be DX8, but I understand that the GF4 MXs are basically just GF3s.

I had a look at http://www.nvidia.com and it looks like the MXs are missing all of the kool pixel shader goodness and so on from the GF4 - so I've basically decided that I'm going to need a new card for HL2!

Will be making the decision about which one in the middle of sep probably! (Along with 50% of the rest of the world....)

nah, geforce2 with a few optimizations

They are a huge con from nvidia, people buy into them expecting to get gf4 features

can some one get a new link or re-upload those links... it's driving me crazy i need to know if my system can handle it... well

My current Specs:

Processor: AMD Athlon(TM) XP1600+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.4GHz
Memory: 512MB SDRAM (1024 if i swip my sisters ram stix)

Display Devices: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400
Display Memory: 128.0 MB

Sound Devices: Creative Sound Blaster PCI

(i should probably upgrade the processor... but my sound card is old and crappy and i dunno... it's driving me crazy)
It will play it average, u will have the cool water affect but not as good as in the e3 vid, physics i think will be more scaled down, but then again thats what i think.
Physics aren't handled by the graphics card.

A GF4 will handle the game fine. You'll miss one or two of the nicer effects (specifically some of the lighting on player objects) but you'll have almost everything.

GF4 TI family is DX8 card.