Going Away To University

May 15, 2003
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Soo, my time has come, I leave early tomorrow morning for my new life away from home :D

Can't wait.. new girls new places new friends new places to get drunk in

Awww matey :E

I'm gonna miss my friends a whole bunch.. I saw most of the lads today and we went for a pint.. and my best girly mate came round and packed my suitcase cos she's stupid :P

Slightly nervous, mostly excited.

~this is comrade signing off [until I get my net working at uni]
Good luck comrade, have fun.

That's the one thing I'm dreading when I'm going to uni, saying bye to all my mates ;(
A year from now and I'll be in the same boots as you. Good luck.

What Uni are you going to?
****sticks, I was hoping to have got out of here before the freshers came
MrBagder, which University, mine is UH final year puter science :)

have a nice year.
And keep supplying us with your extravagant stories! (Meant in a good way :p)
Have a good time Badger... I was doing the same thing 3 years ago.

feels weird to be going away, but kind of fun. New mates, new life new freedoms. It'll be great! :thumbs:
have fun...i know i will

i bought me mates who i'm going with some gifts....1 of them i bought free willy, the other i bought the best of erasure and the other one i bought a magnifying glass and a birthday card for a 95th birthday..cos we call him detective dan you see
Badger, you are going to have a blast, ive been here for maybe two weeks and i'm already having the best time of my life. Gauranteed you will enjoy it. Residence for the win.
The newest accomodation they put up looks pretty swish, goes in well with the debenhams across the road. And they are building some new stuff at the moment, saw it when I was in town the other day.

The actual campus is just off the centre of the town, across the brayford from the odeon and a few bars/restaurants (I would suggest going out to scream, a lot of fun). You're about 1 minute from the centre of town, so not far to go for anything.

Morrisions is about a 10-15 minute walk, pretty cheap + good quality (shut up tesco ponces, morrisons is awesome). You are pretty much surrounded by everything you need. There is a library on the campus, and there is also one over the other side of town.

Stringers is good for haircuts (about a minute walk from the campus), bout £10-ish with student discount.

What else, the kebab shop across from the train station is ace, have some good bants with the guy who runs it. Places to go out - walkabout, varsity, ln2, ritzy (pretty shitzy), scream, there are a few (decent ones are mainly on the high street).

Can't think of much else (you'll find out loads from people anyhoo, I'm not too hot on the full-time student things of lincoln, mainly because I'm not one :p) but it's a pleasant enough place to be :).
Murray_H said:
How long is it going to take you to get here?
About 5 hours :)


I was supposed to be leaving real real early but my dad got the wrong arrival time :P

Coolies yea I checked out the town when I went up there, but thanks for the advice :)

You're at Durham aren't you Murray.. .we'll have to meet up for a pint or 10 sometime :D
Can do I suppose, just depends on when our term times overlap :p

So where abouts are you staying in Lincoln?
I'm in Court4 of their halls :)

Yea I'm there till late December, so I'm sure we'll be able to sort something :D
Good luck mate :) Hope it works out well for you, and I'm sure it will, remember the studies also, not all girls and beer ;) And I hope you get a connection in your room so you can become active and help SAFT kick some ass :)
ComradeBadger said:
I got 10mbit connection in uni, it's a question of what ports they allow ;(

If it's anything like durham, you won't be getting a steam update for a while (although there was news of a port switch for steam if I remember, so maybe it works now!) :p
Grah. I'd be happy with just Steam and torrents working :D

They haven't mentioned any limitations.. and they run a Steam game server.. so... :)
Good luck Master Badgerson.

And can your girly mate come round and pack my suitcases? i'm not going anywhere, but I'm just that lazy.
I too am off tomorrow. Going to City which is smack in the centre of London. It cannot suck anyway you look at it.
ComradeBadger said:
My girly mate also dropped off a box of condoms :p


Well, goodbye comrade.

The prophecy is fullfilled...... The mods are leaving..... We shall rise from the darkness.....
GL at uni, sure you will get on just fine and have a great time!
You get that connection up, cos if you go missing im gonna die from missing you so bad, so do it! And have the time of your life, i'm sure you'll change people's lives around you wherever you go. Good luck, and keep being yourself.

- Glenn