Going through turnstyle?



Well--you can tell I'm new at gaming--I can't get through the turnstyle right at the very beginning of the game. Is there a something I have to do?

try going through the left-hand side rather than the right - it only goes one way
welcome to gaming. welcome to half-life 2. welcome...to my pants.
you may find the game difficult if that caused problems...
sounds to me like you got past the hardest part, geting of the train .... the turnstyle shudent have posted any thret to you :)
'geting of the train .... the turnstyle shudent have posted any thret to you' - sweet
I know spelling isn't that important. But a little effort makes your post sound better.

Lets all try to type well! Keep those fingers pecking.
cwojanis said:
Well--you can tell I'm new at gaming--I can't get through the turnstyle right at the very beginning of the game. Is there a something I have to do?

Are you for real?
its gotta be a joke. if he can figure out how to sign up for a hl2 forum he can figure out how to walk through a turnstyle.
you have those incredible computers, that you possibly even built yourself (possibly) and you don't know what a turnstyle is?!?

it's a rotating gate that is often used for entry to restricted areas as they force filed entry often by emplying a simple set of metal prongs that require rotating in order to pass. By rotating one prong you gain acess bringing the next prong round and thus covering the gate.
I can tell you what game uses port 666, but when it comes to gates I'm afraid I'm ignorant, sooo sooorry.

Never even heard the term used before, and your description is not ringing any bells either.
i almost got stuck in a turnstlye once, they're more complicated than they seem. :(
ok, seeying as lots of people are having problems with this part, i wrote a little walkthrough:

now, the basic idea is to use the physics to your advantage, by pushing the turnstyle on the very left side, the gate should start to turn and hopefully you will have made it past one of the hardest parts in the game!
It´s hard enough walking through those things IN REAL LIFE.
Turnstyles are scary. Once I had a dream that David Hasselhoff was my father but thats an completely different story.
There's a turnstyle in it? How about spoiler notices people, not all of us have gotten that far yet!
Doppelgofer said:
welcome to gaming. welcome to half-life 2. welcome...to my pants.


That actually made me laugh out loud.
You guys are making a huge puzzle sound like something small, its not like you just walk through it!
I JUST got to it... I think you have to stack crates or something. I'll post a solution when I find it, though it may have something to do with the "W" key. I found that pressing it makes something weird happen to the view. Maybe other keys have similar effects? I don't know if anyone's found it though.
Wraithen said:
I JUST got to it... I think you have to stack crates or something. I'll post a solution when I find it, though it may have something to do with the "W" key. I found that pressing it makes something weird happen to the view. Maybe other keys have similar effects? I don't know if anyone's found it though.
Don't forget to post a .dem of it too, and screenshots, and make sure the walkthrough is in depth.

This thread has got to be a joke.. right?
A joke? Are you crazy? Do you know how many people are stuck on this part? Dude it's way harder than like all the mysts combined!
Dude...It took me a day to pass on my computer...It's a friggin nightmare to do!
Here's a small walkthrough... the trick to completing this task is to realise that you can use the keyboard and mouse together, and that the keys are set up a little weird. Forward is not "F"

Instead you use W to go forward. I'm still working on "A" and "D" as they do something, but they don't turn you left or right... it appears to be some sort of sidestep system, but you don't need it yet. It may come up later.

OK so use the mouse until you're facing in the direction of the turnstyle. you want to be straight on and facing the left side of the horizontal bars. Use the "w" key and the mouse to get there... it may take some time.

Once you're set up you can leave the mouse alone. Then press and hold "W"

If you set it up correctly you should go straight through them. Phew, puzzle over. See, this is what sets Valve above most game developers, it's the level design and attention to detail.

PS: Yes this is a joke. It just went too far and now people are crying.
CookieCuttah said:
A joke? Are you crazy? Do you know how many people are stuck on this part? Dude it's way harder than like all the mysts combined!

Quoted for emphasis.
okay... okay... the guy knows how to get through the turnstyle...i died on that level, fell off the house when i couldn't find that window to jump through, so give him a break, eh?