Going to try Lucid Dreaming

Nov 30, 2008
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Well I've been going through some forums lately, mostly concerning Lucid Dreaming. Most of their instructions could be summarized with this.


At the same time I read a lot of shit about the consequences of Lucid Dreaming. Some claimed you should never look in the mirror, because you'll see some scary and creepy shit.

I also read how you will fall into sleep paralysis before lucid dreaming, and I heard if you were ever at that stage and you opened your eyes. Shit like this will come out


Apparently it's usually a shadowy figure, hence the reason a lot of people believe they were abducted by Aliens when in truth they were suffering from sleep paralysis.

Has anyone here actually successfully achieved Lucid Dreaming? I'm inclined to trying it out, but I don't want to fall into some scary/creepyass shit. So far, the forums topics that have provided instructions have been replied with quite a number of people who claimed they ran into some freaky shit that was supposed to be the shadowy figure during sleep paralysis. Heck, just by googling sleep paralysis and shadowy figure, tons of websites linking to anecdotes of the shadowy figure encounter pop up.
There was some talk of it on here a few years back, but I don't think anything came out of it.

I once had a dream about Lucid, though.
That sleep paralysis method seems to be the quickest way to do it. You can also do it the long and hard way of keeping a dream journal etc.
I guess dream journals are kind of necessary either way actually, to make sure you remember your dream. Having said that, I remember my first (and only so far) lucid dream completely, and it was years ago.

Good luck.
Yeah, I remember the lucid dreaming thread from a long while back.

I can't say that I've had too much success with lucid dreaming. Never tried to actively pursue it. My bro has though, also without much luck.

I have had one or two lucid dreaming experiences, and they were awesome. It's great knowing you're dreaming and controlling your dream. It's like a story editor with infinite possibilities without all the time and effort it would take to create compelling storylines and populated worlds. Basically everything you do in them feels awesome, no matter what it is.

That's how it was in my experiences anyway.
Something Ive never tried, but I remember alot of my dreams. Its funny how I can forget some, usually in the shower within 10 minutes of waking up.

And Ive always wanted to learn how to sleep with me eyes open as that's just freaky.
I can [at least] see the future in my lucid dreams. Whether it becomes the future because of my dream, or whether I can foresee it, or whether there is any real reason for me to dream it or if it's just random thoughts that become real, I haven't figured out yet.
I think it is just coincidence that feels like deja-vu. Like you say, random thoughts that become real but feel like a prediction.

But I know what you mean. You walk along and see something at a certain angle and think ''This is all so familiar. Ive seen that before.''
I tried to do this for ages and never got anywhere, might have to try it again.
There was some talk of it on here a few years back, but I don't think anything came out of it.

I once had a dream about Lucid, though.


I enjoy dreaming about myself as well.:smoking:

On topic, I tend to go into a state of lucid dreaming if I stay awake whilst feeling exhausted as my body wants to sleep.
If you fight the urge to go to sleep, you can start dreaming while still remaining awake.

It's a trip.
Gonna try paralysis tonight, I'll let yall know how i get on.
Lucid dreamed about 3 times and all were done by noticing something unusual in my dream, for example, lift buttons popping out of nowhere or by overcoming nightmares.

Most of the time I fall back into oblivious dreaming again.
I think it is just coincidence that feels like deja-vu. Like you say, random thoughts that become real but feel like a prediction.

But I know what you mean. You walk along and see something at a certain angle and think ''This is all so familiar. Ive seen that before.''

I don't even believe it myself, despite it happening several times. So, I just like to pretend (advocate) that I believe it, maybe because I'm interested in provoking a reaction. I want to believe; I want to know what people think about things like this. It's kind of curious.

Who knows how many times I dreamed something and it came true. It just happened to be that every time I had lucid dreams, they came true.

Maybe I'll meet someone who had a similar experience, and we can rule the world together with our predictions.
Amateurs. You need an architect. To fill a dream with parts of your memories, it's...disastrous.

/end of horrible Inception references

There are tons of sites that offer legit instructions to lucid dreaming. This is merely one of many well detailed sites.

Gonna go to sleep in about two hours (apparently being extremely tired helps), I haven't continued playing my recently brought dead space for the whole day. I'm contemplating on it, but I don't want those creepy ass shit in my dreams just in case I hallucinate if I fall into sleep paralysis. Will inform my progress tomorrow.
The method the OP described is the WILD method (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream). It is one of the more difficult to do (though also the most rewarding, in many cases). I've had very limited success with the WILD.

The easiest method for me is the reality check method (described in detail in the WikiHow article). Though it requires more work in waking life than most, it has had the most payoff for me.

Could be different for others, though.
Yeah my first experience was with the reality check method. I don't think I'm able to do the WILD method, as I've been in that situation many times and have never fallen into a waking sleep. I've just not slept.
I once had an unintentional lucid dream in which I was being chased around a ship by a floating painting of a grey landscape. I decided that to get away from it, I would have to wake up. To wake myself up I started screaming and screaming until my screams turned into the sound of my alarm clock (one of the big old fashioned ones with the bells). I woke up and it was morning and my alarm was ringing.
But your clock wouldn't stop ringing, and you watched it get bigger, and louder. Your arms paralysed, you realised you were probably still dreaming. At least, you hoped it was when it turned into a cucumber and started looking at you with come-to-bed eyes.
The only fruits that look at me with come-to-bed eyes in my dreams are strawberries.
Can't say I have ever "tried" this, but it has certainly happen to me by coincidence before.

Two times were completely horrific for me.

One had me paralyzed, but able to see and move my eyes (oddly, I couldn't shut them). The room was pitch black and quiet, except for this intensifying static sound coming from all around me. Then, honest to my ****ing cock, I heard a little girl's voice coming from the corner of my room; right at the edge of my bed. She said, and once again I shit you not, "I can see you, but you can't see me" in a playful, childish tone. I was able to look over at the corner but since I was laying down and completely paralyzed, I couldn't directly see anything directly except for the top of a pale, white aura about 4 feet tall. Of course, I started freaking out; like seriously contemplating that I had gone batshit nuts. Seconds later I regained control over my body and flew right the **** out of bed and right the **** out of my bedroom.

The second time was something similar, but a bit less horrific. Once again, I was lying down and paralyzed in my bedroom. I had control over my eyes, but like before, I couldn't shut them. I realized I was going (what I now know as) lucid, so I immediately began to panic because of the prior happening with the little girl. Then a humongous fist began to formulate from the wall directly above my headboard. It come out from the wall and clenched right above me. It had a transparent appearance with tie-die effects pulsating within it (like something you'd see on acid). In a few seconds I was able to snap up and regain control, and so the fist vanished.
I can [at least] see the future in my lucid dreams. Whether it becomes the future because of my dream, or whether I can foresee it, or whether there is any real reason for me to dream it or if it's just random thoughts that become real, I haven't figured out yet.

You dream something vague in your dream, and when something happens that is similar to it your brain fills in the blanks. You get a moment of deja vu and you seemingly could foretell the future.

Although, you only figure out you 'foretold' the future once it happens.

So no you are not foretelling the future.
Well last night was pretty uneventful. I got as far as feeling heavy/tingly/my arms and feet went numb but didn't seem to go any further than that.

It was horrible, about 20 minutes in I started getting EXTREMELY itchy points all over my body, but usually if I resisted itching, those parts would then start to go numb.

I just got too uncomfortable after a while.

I did, however have a pretty vivid dream so I used that as a starting point for a journal.
From an earlier thread:

Ya, I've had a couple OOBEs in the past. It was pretty trippy actually. The first experience was laying on a couch after learning the proper technique in getting an OOBE. I felt as though I was floating in the air and as soon as it ended I heard a loud bang.

Confused and even more interested, I attempted it again a few days later, this time in my bed. After hitting the point of necessary relaxation my entire body began to feel as though it were being shocked (normal for the start of an OOBE) and when I opened my eyes everything was crystal clear and my vision was zoomed in a little. It's hard to describe but from the 30 seconds or so that it lasted it was one of the most surreal moments in my life.

I should try it again.
I remember the OOBE / lucid dreaming thread from years and years ago well. It's not the one Tyguy linked, it was at least 3-4 years back and it was super long. I think OOBE was in the title but I'm not sure.

I had some degree of success with lucid dreaming, by the method of keeping a dream journal to improve recall and teaching myself triggers (such as flicking a light switch - if you are dreaming, the light level will not change for some reason - i conditioned myself to think about this a couple times a day and absently flick a switch and triggered lucidity in many dreams this way). I still have lucid dreams sometimes but generally if I get TOO lucid I just wake up so I'm not that interested anymore.

My girlfriend has lucid dreams literally 100% of the time, but she can't always control them.
I had success with taking the supplement SOMNIDREN GH, By: Millennium Sport Technologies, which seemed to effectively help in inducing lucid dreams. A number of nootropics also seem to have their moments.
I once had an unintentional lucid dream in which I was being chased around a ship by a floating painting of a grey landscape.
For some reason, I was in the woods wearing combat boots, and I had taken one of the boots off and was inspecting it, for some reason. And I was standing on a large rock in a small creek when I saw the largest black bear I've ever seen, running towards me at full speed.
I had a 100 yard head-start and like... put my boot back on. Wow, poor idea. These are difficult to put on, but in my fear, my dream had a glitch, and I guess I had put it on quickly. I ran as fast as I could up the snow covered mountain and luckily, I have been training in hill-climb lately, so I was moving out pretty good. I never looked back.

I woke up just then, heart beating quickly. I think I had already realized I was dreaming at the point of the glitch, but just wanted to play out the scenario.

I'm glad this wasn't a Lucid dream.

EDIT: that was last night.
Lucid dreaming is best achieved naked.
Don't ask how I know this.
Ok my first attempt was pretty unsuccessful too.

It didn't help that it was uncomfortable, but after hearing all those shit about the hallucinations you get when you are in sleep paralysis, I was forced to move several times.
Same here, not much of a result, but thats not the end for me. It'll just take more time to get used to.
Lucid dreaming is nothing but a bunch of new-aged hokus pokus!

I wouldn't mind trying to get myself into sleep paralysis.

You know what, I'll let trouble find its way to me before I find my way to trouble.
Can't say I've ever had a lucid dream that I can recall. I've never felt 100% in control. I have had some bouts of sleep paralysis though... at least that's what I think it was. The worst was a few months ago actually. At the time I lived in an apartment across the street from a bar on the north side of Syrcause, not far from a pretty bad ghetto. In the middle of a deep sleep, I had suddenly become aware that I was laying in bed, and it was almost completely dark aside from the faint light shining in through the the dining room windows (had my bedroom door open). I couldn't move, but I swear that at that moment, I saw a black, bald-headed silhouette slowly peek into the bedroom. I forced myself to move, and immediately jumped out of bed and charged at the doorway. The whole thing scared the shit out of my fiancée, who was sleeping next to me. Forcing myself to move felt exactly like trying to move your torso forward when you're nearly free-falling on a roller coaster.

I can see why you're weary to use this technique dts.. it really ****s with you when the hallucinations occur.
Hopefully you won't have a strange, vivid dream where your eyes are popping out.
From what I've read, the trick is not to open your eyes. At least to avoid seeing creepy and mind ****ing things.

During sleep paralysis, which is a state that I must be in if I am to use the WILD technique (the technique stated in the original post), I will hear noise as well. Seems like there is no way to avoid a visual or auditory hallucination if I am stuck in sleep paralysis, so I will just have to bear with it.

I'm going to try again tonight. I've got my reality check routines ready, and hopefully if I hear noises it won't be creepy whispers. I also need to remember not to look into a mirror if I'm ever in a lucid dream, since distorted shit happens as well if I do.

This is all really interesting though. I've read about the benefits of lucid dreaming, such as recalling and practicing learnt skills, as well as the ability to communicate with your subconscious self. If I'm able to master lucid dreaming, it opens up a whole new line of possibilities in life.

I remember a year ago when one of my friends (who scored 44 points for the I.B diploma and has been admitted to Stanford) told me about his grandfather, who was able to control his own dream and study during his dreams (his grandfather is Indian and meditates during the day) I was skeptical at first, but now everything is so plausible.
I had a huge Lucid Dream last night. I created a way to para-sail/fly with most of my friends and we got above the clouds it was amazing. Every time I went up I stayed in the air for a long time. I know I came back down a bunch of times but that helped me grab more friends and show them how cool it was. One of the best dreams I've had in a long time!
Apparently I don't have the patience. At some point last night I thought 'screw it', rolled over, and fell to sleep.
I've never had a lucid dream (nor tried to have one), but I once had a weird experience in which I dreamed that I was watching these people discuss music in a radio broadcasting studio. When I woke up, my radio was on, and it was the exact same people (or voices) talking about the same thing.

Also I experience that "deja-vu" feeling a lot.
I have had a dream twice in the same location, ( A huge hollowed out mountain in the desert somewhere with a train track running through it.) but I was there with different people each time, and different things happened.

It's like in the first dream we were stuck there, and in the next (many months after) we were trying to escape.