Gold junk shipping?


Feb 27, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone heard anything about the extras from the gold pack? Is it going to ship now, or when HL2 is released?

I want mah hat!
If you look on the Reciet it says "Please allow 6-8 buissness weeks for your product to arrive" or something to that effect... I just know its 6-8 weeks. so it will be now... but it will be 6-8 weeks
didn't it say that they would send a conformation mail when the product shipped or something. Or am i hallucinating again...
They need hl2 pants.

Because I have no pants.
soccerdude21490 said:
If you look on the Reciet it says "Please allow 6-8 buissness weeks for your product to arrive" or something to that effect... I just know its 6-8 weeks. so it will be now... but it will be 6-8 weeks

I think I caught the gist of that but im not quite sure... :rolling:
Yea I'm 100% sure it is 6-8 weeks from the day you bought it... cause I like about threw my computer out the window.. why does it take so long? It bugs me
purchase confirmation e-mail was sent far as I know from that point on it will be 6-8 business 6-8 sets of monday-friday
soccerdude21490 said:
why does it take so long? It bugs me

Ask yourself how many people they have to ship merchandise out to, and keeping it all in order, ect.
I'm just asking if anyone else has received that E-mail confirmation yet.
How about you just pay me 99 bucks and I'll staple a "kick me in the face" sign to your head.
THC, I think you're mixed up, bro. Purchase and Shipping confirmations are seperate. I have not received a shipping confirmation email yet.
MrMetroid said:
How about you just pay me 99 bucks and I'll staple a "kick me in the face" sign to your head.
You're just jealous 'cuz Nintendo never released a Metroid Gold pack.
It was bad for the postman. He was introduced to the ice beam that day.
What they nee to do is, Ship out HL2 Halloween costumes, that would really get into the swing of things...
Think about it, What a marketing scheme.... Especially for this game, Costumes!!! Halloween!!!!
Platinum packages inclues Valve pants and cookies.
JaegerMaster said:
What they nee to do is, Ship out HL2 Halloween costumes, that would really get into the swing of things...

I was gonna go as a Combine metrocop, full costume complete with a gasmask (perhaps with a few mods), but then I realized I was poor and lazy.