Gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce recently


Under Surveillance
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
Here is a whole page advertisement in San Jose Mercury News on August 24, 2009:

Cash for Gold comes to Cupertino

With unemployment and foreclosures at a record high in California, ARC Capital Investments will host another fun, safe and lucrative cash for gold purchasing event here in Cupertino to help stimulate the economy. Many people are already very aware of the benefits of such an event due to the many advertisements on television, radio and the Internet.

ARC Capital Investments, a California state-licensed precious metals dealer, has a different approach to the demand and supply of precious metals. Owner of ARC, hosts a 4-day event in the Cypress Hotel, a very well established and reputable hotel, in order to ensure 100% client interaction.

The Gold Evaluation Process
........ "

The price of the gold in August was around $950/ounce. ARC of course is not a charitable institution. When it pays huge to rent hotels and put advertisement to collect gold from area to area, how much do you think they expect to make in future gold market?

When media repeats on foreclosure and unemployment news, it squeezes people to sell gold and jewellry to speculators. The next financial balloon will be a gold bubble. At that time, the topic in media will be inflation. It will advise you to buy back gold. This is how the inside group controls this country and make money from each crisis.
Long time no see. What government agencies have you been pissing off lately?
Want to know what is more valuable than gold Kathaksung?

Your blood.
cash for gold is a terrible scam.

"I'm the CEO of Cash For Gold, I have a pony tail, put your gold in an envelope and mail it to me!"
It's not a scam. It is a ripoff though.

But then again, I would have to question the intelligence of an individual who sent something in and actually expected to be handsomely compensated for what it was actually worth, rather than a lower price with a quick receipt.
He is ubiquitous.

Therefore, he must be God. The Internet God anyway.
Gold will go dollar amounts recently.
"will [...] recently"

Yay changing tenses in a single sentence.

gotta love people who go nuts over the word gold!
Here is a whole page advertisement in San Jose Mercury News on August 24, 2009:

Cash for Gold comes to Cupertino

With unemployment and foreclosures at a record high in California, ARC Capital Investments will host another fun, safe and lucrative cash for gold purchasing event here in Cupertino to help stimulate the economy. Many people are already very aware of the benefits of such an event due to the many advertisements on television, radio and the Internet.

ARC Capital Investments, a California state-licensed precious metals dealer, has a different approach to the demand and supply of precious metals. Owner of ARC, hosts a 4-day event in the Cypress Hotel, a very well established and reputable hotel, in order to ensure 100% client interaction.

The Gold Evaluation Process
........ "

The price of the gold in August was around $950/ounce. ARC of course is not a charitable institution. When it pays huge to rent hotels and put advertisement to collect gold from area to area, how much do you think they expect to make in future gold market?

When media repeats on foreclosure and unemployment news, it squeezes people to sell gold and jewellry to speculators. The next financial balloon will be a gold bubble. At that time, the topic in media will be inflation. It will advise you to buy back gold. This is how the inside group controls this country and make money from each crisis.

....and you put this whole cpnspiracy scenario together because you saw an ad for a cash for gold event? did you take ytour meds today kathaksung?

the grand pooba of the illuminati:

....and you put this whole cpnspiracy scenario together because you saw an ad for a cash for gold event? did you take ytour meds today kathaksung?

I have this theory that Kathaksung goes on a posting spree every other month or so cause that's when he runs out of meds. Then he gets his prescription renewed and all is well for a while.
the voices make him stop taking meds

Do you ever have days so bad that drilling a hole in your forehead seems like the only possible relief? You"re not alone, nor is the idea without precedent. It's a surgery called trepenation, wherein a hole is drilled into your head.
I have nightmares about how kathaksung is actually right and we're all mocking the only sane person in a world of lies.
I have nightmares about how kathaksung is actually right and we're all mocking the only sane person in a world of lies.

I don't have that fear. Cause even if he is right, that means forces that control the world are so incompetent they've failed to kill a single man for almost twenty years, despite having him under constant surveillance.
Maybe Kathaksung is like that guy from Borne Supremacy. Albeit a more.... deranged version.
I think the Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. In which US dollars will rapidly devalued to a historical low. The price of the gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce. The exchange rate of the Japanese yen will go 80/dollar or higher. The Euro will go 1.6 dollar/Euro or higher.

This is why there is regime change in Japan. The Liberal party was too close to its enterprises and big business. It resists to increase the value of yen to the desire of the Feds. So it has to step down. The Democrat party who is willingly to sacrifice the Japanese financial interest now gets the power. The high value of Japanese yen will certainly hurt Japan's economy.

China and India co-operate with the Feds. They have bought the gold quietly for sometime and will make a good profit in coming gold rush.

It will happen in coming days of this year. What a tsunami it is if it all takes place in three months. I predict it before the media bang the drum on inflation. And remember what I said today and how the Feds control your mind with propaganda.

When I say the Feds is the hand to push up the gold price, the Feds here means intelligence (FBI, DEA). So they have their own way to clear the uphill road for the gold.
Hmm, interesting.
Tracking active...
Surveillance extended...
Maintain wiretaps...
Subliminal messaging active...
Just think of how lost we'd be without good old Kat Hak.
gold is up though, which means US money is weak and it will continue like this till the dollar is worthless and the people cry out for a new monetary system
Listen to what this guy says rather than just noticing his user-name at first.

And no, I'm not taking the idea of 'they control the world' from what he said, but rather about a gold bubble.

THAT is something that should be listened to and researched, watched carefully, etc. A bubble doesnt have to be made by conspiracy- the real estate bubble sure wasn't but it still HAPPENED. Watch out for a gold bubble in the face of rising inflation and basically, like kathaksung said, media attention to "BUYING GOLD NOW" just like it was about houses. It's not a conspiracy but it is a true current event.

Check THIS one out.

Barrick shuts hedge book as world gold supply runs out.

Global gold production is in terminal decline despite record prices and Herculean efforts by mining companies to discover fresh sources of ore in remote spots, according to the world's top producer Barrick Gold.
612. War crisis in September (10/29/09)

From #593 to 607, I talked about how the Feds attempted to frame a drug case which was to be covered up by Iran war. The fire of Iran war designed to be lit by North Korea. In three months from April to July, N. Korea launched a ballistic missile heading to Alaska area on 4/5; did a nuclear test on 5/25; and planed to launch another ballistic missile to Hawaii area on 7/4. The 7/4 plan went soured. I think because I revealed that Iran war could have been justified by a shipment of nuclear weapon from a N. Korea's ship. That ship failed to go to its destination and finally returned to N. Korea. So failed that project.

A new attempt came in September. On 9/25, Western intelligence accused Iran of constructing a secret underground uranium enrichment facility in Qum and of hiding it from international inspectors for years. Following the revelation, media said that US would demand to access to other sites that have long been off limits and demand Iran to answer detailed questions about its suspected efforts to build nuclear weapons. A tough new sanction would be seeked if Iran resisted. It means the war may start any time when Iran doesn't obey the demand.

The response from Iran was swift. Next day, Iran said it would allow U.N. inspectors to examine the newly revealed secret nuclear site. One month later, on 10/26, inspectors of IAEA examined the covert nuclear facility in Qum. Iran is very humble and cooprative this time. Iran felt the threaten of war.

So said terrorists came out to help. It's not a coincidence.
The news of Secret nuclear site in Iran was released on 9/25 by western intelligence. Here are the other news:

* "Terror suspect charged in plot to make bombs. Denver man may have planned to strike there or N.Y." (By W.K.Rashbaum, New York Time, 9/25/09)
* "Bomb plot arrests in Illinois, Texas". (Chicago, AP, 9/25/09)
* On same day - 9/25 - "Osama Bin Laden demanded that European countries pull their troops out of Afghanistan in a new audiotape Friday, warning of "retaliation" against them for their alliance with the US in the war." (Caro, AP, 9/26/09)

As I always said, the war will be justified with nuclear horror, terror attack, either it is done by North Korea or Al Qaida. Though the media didn't propaganda it as a crisis, there was a war crisis in September. You can judge it how collaborated they were on Sept. 25 - Western intelligence, FBI, media and Bin Laden - when they release the news at same time.

613. Iran war and another economic tsunami (11/12/09)

I have said that the purpose of Iran war is to save US dollar. Because Iran had abandoned dollar in oil trading, US has to keep the oil price at about $80/barrel to maintain the value of dollar in internetional money market.(see "556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)").

There were four big attempts to start the Iran war in past three years. 1. On 8/30/2007, a B-52 "mistakenly" carried six nuclear missiles to fly over the US continent. 2. On 8/8/2008, when Olympic Game ceremony opened in China and Russia invaded Georgia. 3. During April to July/4/09, when N. Korea tested its ballistic missile and nuclear bomb. 4. 9/25/09, when a secret nuclear facility in Iran was revealed and US gave Iran an ultimatum.

If the war on Iran plot have gone through, then Iran would be forced to go back to dollar system in oil trading, the oil price would go normal - that is around $20 to $30/barrel. But in the short period around the war time, what will happen? The oil price will go high, the dollar will go to historical low, and the gold, will go up like a rocket. Will those who planed the war project miss such a good chance to make a fortune? We know in 911, there was unusual trading in stock market that bid the downwards of air company because someone knew a disaster would come. So was in 8/30/2007's plot. Do you still remember the oil price had been manipulated to $147/barrel before 8/8/2008 plot? This time they focus on gold and money market. I felt this when I saw the "Cash for gold" advertisement in August. I wrote "609. About gold price and inflation (9/16/09)", predicted that the gold would go $1,500/ounce or higher, Euro would go 1.6 dollar/euro or higher, and yen would go 80/dollar or higher this year. On 9/25, Iran war crisis suddenly broke out. US gave a three months ultimatum to Iran. (that would be 9/25 to 12/25) If Iran hadn't humbly made a swift response, three months is enough to push the gold price to $1,500 to $2,000/ounce. I did foresee another economic tsunami ploted by the Feds.

The ripple of September Iran war crisis:
1. Obama was awarded Nobel Peace Price on Oct.8/2009. It's true that Obama didn't do anything big enough to get that prize. My interpretation is that the European elites who, too, felt the coming war crisis. This action is an effort to stop the war before it happens. It also explains why there is a noise in US media. Because it really makes the war more difficult for a Nobel Peace prize winner. That makes the Feds unhappy.

2. On Oct.18, bombing in Iran killed five senior Revolutinary Guard officers. Iran accused Pakistan, the US and Britain were behind the attack. Such kind of case needs intelligence resource. It obviously is a provocation. Because on Oct.24, the inspectors of IAEA would come to Iran to examine the covert nuclear facility. If the Iran regime was enraged by the death of their top ranking commanders and changed their decision of accepting the inspection. Then the war became possible. Once again, Iran humbly swallowed the bitter fruit. Iran still opened the door for the UN inspection. Iran knows it faces a war.
615. Gold rush in the end of the year (12/5/2009)

In early September, in #609, I predicted that "Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. ..... The price of the gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce. The exchange rate of the Japanese yen will go 80/dollar or higher. The Euro will go 1.6 dollar/Euro or higher."

The gold price was around $1,000/oz at that time. It reaches $1,200/oz these days. Euro now is $1.5/Euro and yen is about 87/dollar.

The speculators gathered the gold at the price around $900/oz. To set the profit margin at $1,500/oz is natural. It can be reached in the rest days of this year. How high the gold price can go after the price passing over $1,500/oz? It depends on the situation how successfully the speculators unload the hot potatoes (high price gold) into the hands of public. At that time, notice the big topic in the media - war, inflation, article to praise the value of gold and report of the short supply of it.... It's the time the speculators retreating from the gold market.

Also I have talked about "China and India co-operate with the Feds." to push up the gold price in that September message. Seven weeks later, on November 3, the IMF sold the Central Bank of India 200 metric tons of gold at $1043/oz. The news helped the gold went over the strategic point of $1,100/oz easily and stood steady there. My perspection is once more proved correct.

As a matter of fact, it was the Feds which is the hand behind the stock market collapse of 2000 ( bubble) and the housing bubble of 2007. As early as six years ago, I wrote "180. Beware of housing bubble (11/16/03)". In which I said, "anytime soon there will be a broken housing bubble, and a staggering economy following it." Anyhow, the Feds failed to eliminate me. So the housing bubble keept growing up until it explodes in 2007. We all see the staggering economy now.
Nothing wrong with meds in the right hands. BTW If you want to send your gold or mobile phones to me. PM and I will send you a pre paid envelope and offer you the best price for your gold, mobile phone today!

LOL rakuri tangerene comes back to say he believes kat hak sung. I always knew he was nuts.
616. Feds, a robber (12/16/09)

Rare people know that the operation fund for FBI and DEA comes from the wealth of "criminal case", from the property and the money they confiscated from "drug case" or other "criminal case", and looted from the victims in framed cases.

Quote, "Mr. Hoover prides upon the "profit" it shows annually. During fiscal 1960 the FBI received $113,600,000 in operating funds. Fines, savings, and recoveries of stolen property and contraband in cases investigated by the FBI amounted to $142,822,244, or $1.25 returned for every dollar invested by the taxpayer.'" (see #8. FBI's profit)

When the "profit" becomes the target of the law enforcement agency, you can imagine how aggressive they will be to frame case and to cultivate the criminal business (such like drug case) and to kill innocent people. A dead man can never accuse the robbery.

My personal experience of lost credit card (see #34. The lost Credit Card) proves when the Feds planed action date, they can create a case by credit card company to replace the Visa card by a MasterCard. (so they could withhold it when the new card was mailed) At that time, I still puzzled with the question that how could the Credit Card Company happened to replace the card at the Feds' action date? It was after 2001 when I learned that retired former FBI Director Louis Freeh had taken a job as a vice president of a credit card company, I knew it all. They developed a society to loot money from people. Retired agents still go on with their "looting" job in different career - credit card company or other financial institution such like banks.

Here is a paragraph in that secret drug deal: "For use by the Beijing government, the Federal Reserve agreed to transfer to a neutral designated country, as a neutral depository or escrow agent, 40 Billion dollars in U.S. credits, assets, gold bullion, and currencies, both U.S. and foreign." (see "610. The road of persecution (9/23/09) That "credits, assets, gold bullion, and currencies" is a strange combination. It looks more like a private wealth robbed by the Feds in the framed case. (Of course, 40 billion is too huge for private parties, I later realize it is an equivalent amount with equal value benefited by hosting the Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO)

When "profit" becomes the operating fund of the Feds, you can expect how hard the law enforcement agents are working to frame case for their own benefit. Will there be any justice left for the Department of Justice? Terrorists and drug traffickers now become the source of power and money Feds wanted. That's why there is no end for "war on drugs" and "war on terror". Because the Feds live on these war. After decades developing, now the stock market and the housing market become the cash machine for the Feds.

617. Manipulate stock market in China (12/21/09)

In July 1994, trying to get rid of the persecution of the Feds, I went to China.

As I had no work to do, I thought I might find a fortune in stock market. The Shanghai security index was at three hundred something at that time. There was not much space for investors to lose at that level.

I studied the stocks and chose one - a manufacturer whose product was cement. That manufacturer was generous in dividends while most other Chinese companies didn't give a cent to their shareholders. It also had a bright future - the factory located in SiChuan province, not far away from Three Gorges where the biggest hydro-power station was going to be built. The demand of cement would be huge.

Several days later the security index went to five hundred, but my selected stock didn't catch the index. So I bought two others. When the index jumped on to 700 level, my selection still wouldn't go with the rising market, I started to suspect that I was targeted. The stock market in China in early 90s was a new born baby. It was very primitive. The price of all stocks went up and down with the stock index. My stock selection became exceptional in a rising market. I also knew I was under surveillance.(see "15. EM sleep wave in China (4)") When my acquaintance met me to discredit my stock selection, when my friend called me to tell me the "inside news" that stock market would collapse, I view it from an opposite angle. One morning when I entered the hall of the security company, I found the electronic display board blackened. Staff said the business would shut down that day because the power supply problem. I thought in other way. I thought it was a sabotage targeted at me. There might be a good day tomorrow.

I immediately opened an account in another security company and bought three different stocks there. Really, next day was a big day - index jumped to 900 level approaching to 1000. Although as usual, my selection didn't make money, I was happy. I successfully foresaw a soaring market - from a sabotage done by secret police.

I changed tactic. I bought stock in small trading - about 2,000 Yuen each time(which equals to $250). With $5,000 capital, I could have 20 trading. It covered the all category of the stock market, from industry to utility. In 1994, there were only 150 companies in stock market.

The stock market went down to 500 level. I lost several hundred dollars but my feeling was good. It looked like that I controlled the stock market passively with $5,000. It was unbelievable! I told other people that I was targeted. Nobody believed it. I said the market would soar if I left. People just laughed. People couldn't feel what I had experienced. I had watched the price curve of a stock rising slowly for hours. Then stop at a point and turned downwards. That point was always the time When I finished a buying order on it. It happened many times. So accurate that I believe my account number was registered in a special formula. The Chinese security was trading in a computerized system.

In May, 1995 my application to extend the Visa was rejected. The police behind the counter advised me in a low voice,"Go home, go home." I bought an air ticket leaving on 5/18.

On 5/17, I sold the stock. It was an extraordinary slow day that day. The price of stock was frozen in the trading board. Next morning, I went to the security company to collect money.(The leaving flight was in the evening) The hall was like a boiling pot. I still remembered the red figure of 27% illustrated the increase of security index. It was a brilliant day for stock market. It also was a brilliant day for me. I had predicted the soaring up of market. I didn't expect it came so swift. The speculators that manipulated the market had their capital locked up in stock too long time. (Many speculators in China were state running company. The speculating capital were from company's normal business fund) Once the secret police opened the green light for an upwards market, they couldn't help to free their fund from a locked box.

I really got good lessons though I lost money in Chinese stock market.

1. The stock market is controlled by the government.

2. The financial group has to obey to the secret police.

3. Chinese secret police collaborated with the Feds.

4. I was targeted by the Feds. They would sacrifice the interest of other group, however big it is, to suppress a targeted individual, however small he is.
tbh I think he has a point when it comes to the gold thing.
The value of gold was way up before he even made the post. He's got some mental problems.
618. South East Asia financial crisis (12/26/09)

In May 1995, I came back to US. The stock market was at an unreasonable level with high P/E value. I view it as a trap for me. Of course, I would not touch it.

In later 1997, media said the international speculators attacked Hong Kong dollar. The Hong Kong government managed to go over the crisis so the speculator turned on to South East Asia. Within months, the currency of Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, all depreciated significantly. That was the famous South East Asia financial crisis. With the success in other countries, the speculator came back to Hong Kong in 1998. This time they aimed at stock market. They bought a large amount of future contract to bid there was a low HanShen index(Hong Kong’s security index) for the August. To achieve their victory, the speculator had to sell down the security market. Hong Kong government, on the contrary, came out to save the stock market. It activated its big foreign currency reserve to take over the stocks poured out by the speculator. Finally the Hong Kong stock market successfully stood above 8,000 index.

A hedge fund company named "Long Term Capital Management" (L.T.C.M.) lost huge in that fight. News reported the Federal Reserve had called an emergence meeting, forcing big financial firms such like Citi group, Goldman Sach... to lend money to save L.T.C.M.. A Hedge fund company could manipulate other big financial firms, it must be more powerful than the Federal Reserve. Obviously it was a cover company of the Feds.

What caught my eye was a news which said that in order to sell down the security market, the speculator borrowed a large amount of stocks from celebrities and rich families of Hong Kong. Now those borrowed chips were all taken over by the Hong Kong government whom said it would keep those blue chips in hand as reserve and wouldn't sell it any more. Since what government bought in this battle occupies 11% of the total blue chip, a large amount of stock were locked up in safe box.

Then how would the speculator to compensate the lenders? They had to buy the same stock from the market. According to the principle of supply and demand, the buying action will push up the stock price. Since Hong Kong stock market always follows New York stock market, I concluded there would be a prosperous bull market.

I had the experience that secret police would suppress the whole market (in China) to restrict me to make money from stock. They didn't care other group's interest, but what if it was their own interest? It worth a try.

I bought 100 shares of Boeing on 9/23, and bought 100 shares of Travelers on 9/25. I chose Boeing because it was one of the only two big commercial plane manufacturers in the world. Feds wouldn't shut down a big company just for my 100 shares? As for "Travelers", it was a new Dow Jones 30 share. I don't think financial group would introduce a junk stock in Dow Jones 30. They would make money on it when people were still strange to it. Several days later, "Travelers" merged with "city Bank". So I then had 100 shares of Citi.

The response of the Feds was severe. I suffered heavy E.M. wave attack that I couldn't stay at my home. At last I had to go San Francisco to live with my parents. On 1/15 I encountered with a bank robbery on my way to my parents' house. I think it was a trap Feds prepared for me - a "random shooting death" case. The case was disrupted by a bystander. (see 402,404,561,562 "San Francisco bank robbery")

In mid March 1999, my parents and my wife told me they would leave for trip within a week. My parents would go China. My wife would go Hong Kong with my daughter and her father. So I would be left alone in the house, either in San Francisco or in San Jose. I thought the Feds could wait any time longer to boost the stock market. They prepared another murder case for me. Before my relatives' leaving, I bought an air ticket and went to Hong Kong on 3/19.

As I expected, the Hong Kong stock market went bull followed the leadership of New York stock market after I arrived in Hong Kong. Seeing a boiling market, seeing other stocks were rushing towards their historical high, I bought another 100 Boeing shares at the price $41 on 4/15. Boeing's historical high was $60, there was $19 space for its price to grow. When Boeing stock turned its head to downwards, I realized I made a mistake. I remembered the experience in China: a rising price curve suddenly stopped and turn downwards. The turning point was always when my purchase order finished. On 4/21, I sold my stock. I made $3100 dollars at Citi Bank. I lost $230 on that newly bought "Boeing". I knew if I held on it, they could drive the price to $34. I made $650 on the Boeing I originally bought on 9/23/1998 later.

In Hong Kong, I had a hard time to make a trading. The phone in my rented room was harassed. To carry out a trading, one day I had to go out in mid-night, to buy a phone card in a Seven-Eleven store and called the securities company to fulfill a deal by public telephone.

619. Nasdaq bubble (1/2/2010)

After Hong Kong, I went to South East Asia. In Bull market, there used to be one peak in chart. This time the bull market had multiple peaks in more than two years around 11,000 points of Dow Jones index. It almost became a plateau of peaks. I think the Feds maintain the stock market in high value at the hope that I'll return to buy back some stock. Of course, I wouldn't touch it any more.

On 7/26 2000, I came back to US. In August, in the statement of Securities company I found my wife had bought two high tech. stocks in May and June - two months before I came home. They were: 50 shares of New Focus @ $46/share and 200 shares of China Unicorn @ average $22/share. On 8/30, the price of New Focus was $136. The Nasdaq market was crazy at that time. I select Dow Jones fundamental stock because for most time, it would keep a certain value. I have different views on high tech. stock. They are highly speculated. It could become a piece of paper any time. So I urged my wife to sell her two high tech. stock immediately. She refused. Within days, the Nasdaq market went downwards. That was the start of the evaporation of the bubble. I think it was the result of my urge. Feds wouldn't let my account make money. (It was a joint account)

In the end of November, New focus was at $20 and China Unicorn was $14. They lost half of their original cost my wife paid. New focus later changed its name to Oclaro. 50 shares were shrunk to 6 @ $1 each. That piece of paper now is worth six dollars.

I think that's revenge from the Feds. To offset the profit I made in trading Boeing and City Bank. They lured my wife into the Nasdaq bubble. The money she lost almost equals to the profit I made.

Strange to say, the break off of the Nasdaq bubble doesn't affect the Dow Jones index. Dow still kept floating around 11,000 when Nasdaq lost almost two thirds of its value. I think that was because Feds still wished me to fall in their high value stock trap.

When I was in South East Asia, Feds still sent many informants disguised as tourists to travel with me. This needed a large operating fund. I think the money may come from the rising stock market. I thought many small groups worked on it. They follow the signal of buy and sell from a lady Whom media called "the Goddess of stock market". I noticed her because her hint for many times accorded with the plot Feds applied on me. In my opinion, the US stock market has been kept in an unreasonable high level since 1995 at the purpose to prevent me to profit from it. So the market had a tendency to adjust to normal (much lower from the current level) when there was a trap set for me.
620. Nasdaq bubble (2) (1/8/10)

I wrote "619. Nasdaq bubble" on 1/2. Next day, there was a swift response from the Feds. San Jose Mercury News had a big article "Lost Decade" in its first page with a Nasdaq index chart - though there is still two months away to the ten years anniversary of the Nasdaq bubble peak. It clearly shows that the Nasdaq peaks at 5048 on March 10, 2000. It apparently points at my words in last post "Within days, the Nasdaq market went downwards. That was the start of the evaporation of the bubble." (The time I referred was September 2000.)

Yes, the Nasdaq bubble did break off on March 10, 2000. It did follow what I said, that the Feds manipulate the Nasdaq stock to collaborate with the persecution on me. The internet surveillance team thought they found a flaw in my article so they made a rapid response to discredit. That's because they might have not taken part in the persecution in March 2000.

On March 2, 2000, I went to US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand to complain that FBI abused power to manipulate bank remittance. The staff there told me to file a written complaint to the legal Attaché. (Years later, I learned that legal -Attaché is the title of FBI representative in foreign embassies). I wrote a letter, here is part of it. (see " 37. Manipulate Bank operation")

Re: Letter to Mr. Ralph Horton
"March 7, 2000

Mr. Ralph Horton
Legal Attache
95 Wireless Rd.
Bangkok 10330


Obviously, my complaint on March 7 caused a swift response from the Feds. A decision of elimination was made. That was why you saw the Nasdaq index reached its peak on March 10 and went downwards since, because in their new project the target would be eliminated soon. It was unnecessary to maintain Nasdaq at high level any more.

In following days, I encountered an attempt to frame me in a drug case. I was in panic and seek political asylum in Foreign Ministry of Thailand on March 22, 2000. (see "49. Frame attempting" and "50. Seeking asylum") I managed to evade from that trap later and finally go back to US in July. Since the plot of the Feds failed, between May and August, Feds pulled back the falling Nasdaq index to maintain it around 4,000 level, lured my wife bought two stocks at that time. When I found this and urged my wife to sell the stock, Nasdaq market started its evaporation and after nearly ten years, still lost almost half of its value of the year 2000.

Nasdaq bubble and bubble were twins. Feds created it to make money both in stock market and housing market.

Feds bought a lot of real estate property in my case. These property mainly are in San Francisco area (where my parents and sister live) and San Jose Area (where I live). These two areas has another name - Silicone Valley - where there is a lot of high tech. company. Nasdaq bubble enable the Feds make big money on new listed high tech. company. Dot. com bubble increased the property value in Bay area where the Feds held a lot of houses.
787. Weird posts on

Having just got home from work i cooked my dinner, i'm sure feds were watching me. My housemate Andy and his friend Andy order chinese food, i decide i want to eat a ready meal as i have no cash on me. I'm sure this was a setup.

I cook the meal in the microwave, it's ham and mushroom tagliatelli, after cooking i throw it away, it might have been poisoned by the feds.

I open my laptop and turn it on, i go to and hit 'New Posts'. There's a guy called kathskung making cool posts, he may be undercover, i should keep an eye on him. A man called vegeta897 posts. His name seems to come from some kind of anime ******ry, but i can't stop thinking about cabbages.

I know this is a trap for me, he wants me to not know. Perhaps he is a fed, i am too clever for him.

Mr Paul Skinback
12 Upuranalpassage


I start to post but all of a sudden. i. have. a. fit. com and the feds are watching me so i leave. This is the last time i will ever post on recently.
I can't tell if hes for real or he just likes attention
Pretty sure he's legitimately paranoid schizophrenic. If not he sure puts in a lot of time and effort pretending. He's been doing this on this site for 5 years and he can be found all over the rest of the internet too.