Golden Eye (N64) - Source

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graydon20 said:
If anyone cares :P, i'm actually Leading a team right now, and we're prepping our modellers and map plans. We're going to re-make GoldenEye 64 for the Source Engine. We still need alot of help, so if you have anything you can contribute with, drop us a word on IRC...

Are you guys planning to have a site up anytime soon? I know I, and many other people awaiting this mod, would really like to see your progress, occasional updates, team member info, etc. Maybe some renders or map screenshots are you get closer to completion? This would be really cool if you'd keep the community updated.

but I cannot play console FPS games anymore. I'm too adjusted to the far superior keyboard/mouse combo.

Same here, PC.. just outmatches feeble consoles..
Mitch2891 said:
Yeah Goldeneye was brilliant, especially one shot kills on the facility.

No man....its all about COMPLEX That was the ONLY really awesome map.

Played it ever time, w/ License to kill, on Complex, with super speed on. I always beat my friends by at least 200 kills :)
I'm getting severe de-ja-vu here. Maybe there was a golden eye mod for HL1? I don' think it ever got anywhere though.
Reaperman said:
Surely your not forgetting Perfect Dark ("Unoffical" goldeneye 2)
Oops, forgot. But i still consider Goldeneye the best, even thought there both equally fun, why? because Goldeneye was more groundbreaking
graydon20 said:
If anyone cares :P, i'm actually Leading a team right now, and we're prepping our modellers and map plans. We're going to re-make GoldenEye 64 for the Source Engine. We still need alot of help, so if you have anything you can contribute with, drop us a word on IRC...

i really hope this takes off! has the potential to be 1 of the best mods evar!

u goto include some of the perfect dark weapons though.... the N-BOMB!! the far sight! ohhh man im gettin excited at the prospect of it all! :E
guise said:
i really hope this takes off! has the potential to be 1 of the best mods evar!

u goto include some of the perfect dark weapons though.... the N-BOMB!! the far sight! ohhh man im gettin excited at the prospect of it all! :E
Don't forget the slayer, Hours of fun chasing my friends with them
I don't know if anyone remembers this but back in the good old original beta versions of CS (I think it was 2 or 3) They put facility from Goldeneye in. Man that map was ****ing sweet, although it eventually degenerated into AWP fests down the long corridor. Some of my best CS experiences (back when the M4 was always silenced and had a scope!)
MOd Team

MY friend's mod team is doing a goleneye: source. They have the weopon models down alerady and they look great
dudeman2000 said:
MY friend's mod team is doing a goleneye: source. They have the weopon models down alerady and they look great
They wouldn't happen to have a website would they? :)
Sounds like it'd be an interesting mod :P

On the PD side.. me and some friends pulled out an old dusty 64 and held the now odd feeling controllers in our hands and played some "joust".. tranq guns on lethal injection, that was actually fun unless someone decided to shoot the actual tranquilizers at us until the screens were too blurry to joust good (used the level with the tall tall stack of metal boxes, don't remember it's name)
Hey I'm new to the forums.

If you are seriously making a goldeneye mod, I think it would be sweet to add a manipulator gun only mode. Just like that had modes in the original goldeneye where you could only use certain weapons. Imagine ripping a urinal out of the wall in the facility restroom and using it as a projectile. It could create some interesting fights.
This not only belongs in the mods section, but there is already a thread on it, and I already explained that it is quite illegal to do. Especially with the new Golden Eye (yes two words) coming out.

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