Goliath(Intel) or AMD(David)

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Which CPU Intel OR Amd and Ati OR Nvidia

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Just Wondering, out of all the people on this board, which CPU and brand Video Card are you using to run Half Life 2....


2. AMD

2. Nvidia
I wish I had AMD and Nvidia. But I have Intel and Ati.
I've had all 4.
First system was AMD + Nvidia
Second System was Intel + ATi

both worked great.
ATI and AMD, next rig > ATI and Intel.

I have also run Intel and Nividia and AMD and Nvidia. All of the equipement are different generation, so its hard for me to tell which is better, since each rig was consecutively better.
Why would you post this in the General Half Life 2 forum ?
is made for gaming
check any magazine review or site whatever AMD is better then Intel and ATI is better then Nvidia
Currently on AMD/ATI but chose Intel/ATI. Nothing but trouble with my current chip. I've not had trouble in the past with AMD but this chip has put me off for a while.

As for Nvidia/ATI, I'm just in an ATI mood at the moment, they are both as good as each other, just in different areas :)
AMD and Nvidia currently.
I switch between gfx card makers.

Duracell said:
Nothing but trouble with my current chip. I've not had trouble in the past with AMD but this chip has put me off for a while.
If it was the chip then you wouldn't be running at all. Chipset or board issues would be a possibility though. ;)
AMD and whoevers current generation is better. Nvidia for the newest generation, ati for the previous, etc....
I've been doing AMD for quite a while now, 6 years/3 computers. This most recent computer that I bought in November, is my first with an ATI card (X800 Pro).
I do video rendering and sound editing, so my intel would eat out an amd...so i stick with my intel/ati
Intel + ATI is currently my machine setup. It's probably the best setup for me seeing as how I always have 2+ programs running (And thus cannot devote my comp to the game only, like an AMDCPU would prefer)

My previous comp was AMD + Nvidia though, and that was the best setup back then, it has held up well until I got this new one I must say.

It all depends on what you'll be using your comp for. Interesting thread :)
I've done ATI and AMD once, never again.
Now I've got AMD and nVidia.
Should say what the computer's primary use is. Mines purely for games..
My first 2 comps were Intel and Nvidia, I use AMD and ATI now and run stuff great, plus a AMD chip costs loads less than a Intel chip
All I know is that my 3.2 ghz pentium and my Nvidia 6800 Ultra run Half Life 2 as good as if not better than any ATI/AMD computer.

Memory controller moved to cpu from northbridge leads to "device-northbridge-cpu-memory-cpu-northbridge-device" from "device-northbridge-cpu-northbridge-memory-northbridge-cpu-northbridge-device", cutting 2 steps in the info path and what really gives AMD the performance edge.


HL2's optimized for ATI cards. Doesn't matter who you like, the game is still better on ATI. Monetary partnerships will prevent it from being any way else. Just like nVidia, and TWIMTBP...if most of the games you play have that logo, you go nVidia for graphics cards. If you see the GITG, you go ATI. Never matters who the best performer is. It matters which company paid for that logo to appear, as the way both companies deal with graphical info, although similar, is very different in the pipeline. DirectX and language are the only common denominator. The driver splits the code up and sends it to the card in the order that the card needs it, according to the pipeline. Code that matches the order of the pipeline is naturally going to be faster than code that does not. That's how you optimize for a card...
Crap clicked the wrong checkmark...

I have Intel and nVidia... Yay for PS3.0

*edit* cadaveca: The game has been spent more time tweaking for nvidia cards... What idiot developer would honestly optimize for only one card brand, seriously? VALVe doesn't screw us over, they are just part of ATi's "Get in the Game" program... This means that ATi customers are guaranteed the game won't run crap because it was tested with the cards thoroughly... Not necessarily optimized more, just that it was tested throughly... And that any ATI drivers will work fine with HL2 as they are tested with all "Get in the Game!" developers before they release the drivers...

I mean I hate it when you guys see a logo and then hear people say "HL2 was made with ATI in mind" and all this, and then just simply say "ATI is obviously the better choice!" No, it's not necessarily... Both cards work fine, I mean of the benchmarks I've seen they are like a few frames difference per second...

I always rant about this things, srry :monkee:
HL2's optimized for ATI cards. Doesn't matter who you like, the game is still better on ATI. Monetary partnerships will prevent it from being any way else. Just like nVidia, and TWIMTBP...if most of the games you play have that logo, you go nVidia for graphics cards. If you see the GITG, you go ATI. Never matters who the best performer is. It matters which company paid for that logo to appear, as the way both companies deal with graphical info, although similar, is very different in the pipeline. DirectX and language are the only common denominator. The driver splits the code up and sends it to the card in the order that the card needs it, according to the pipeline. Code that matches the order of the pipeline is naturally going to be faster than code that does not. That's how you optimize for a card...
I've seen benchmarks with Geforce 6800 cards outperforming ATI cards..in Half Life 2. If you want I can search for them.