Gonarch a.k.a BIG MAMA


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
will the giant uvulas as I call them return? because from what I could tell they were the source of all headcrabs
I seriously hope so, but I'm guessing there will be. Hopefully more than one.
lol well considering the big mama got twatted by a bunch of alien plants, i expect the headcrabs can also lay eggs in the host or somthing like that, they strike me as an infesting species.
there was probably more than one of them in the xen universe
They might. I don't know, only stolen build users might know from sound files. I have never played the stolen build, but I watched some videos of it being played (coundn't resist.) Watching the videos made the game look way cool. It made me want it more. I have no idea about the Gonarch thing though.
I gonarch in souce would own, it would knock things over and shiz... :cheese:
I want to see the Houndeye. Those things would be so badass in Source. Imagine the reflection from their eyes, along with the shockwave they emit. *drool*
EC said:
I want to see the Houndeye. Those things would be so badass in Source. Imagine the reflection from their eyes, along with the shockwave they emit. *drool*

hell ya it would knock things over with its blast to... and its eyes would be like 100's of gman eyes...creepy!
What if... There was an even bigger alien that spawened all the gonarchs?
Ahhh yes... 'tis the ball sac indeed. :P

I hope it's in thar.
i thought we were talking about the end guy.

the spider guy was bad ass though.
Oh yeah, I can't wait to see that bulbuous scrotum rendered in loving detail with Source.
i wonder if they're gonna bring back the gargantuan. I heard they were bringin back the Ichyosaurus (sp?) that shark thingy in the water. With the new engine and graphics i'd be scared senseless from it.
There's a strange thing I saw somewhere that *spawned* headcrabs.
Gonarch was pretty bad ass, but I don't think she'll be back. She (and her kind) lived on Xen, and we aren't going back to Xen in this game. Probably only stuff that actually came here before you iced the end guy will still be around from Xen. And I don't think Houndeyes will be back. Gargs could be, but at this point they are pretty dwarfed and outclassed by some of the combine threats, so I don't know if they would really make sense to have around.
Apos said:
Gonarch was pretty bad ass, but I don't think she'll be back. She (and her kind) lived on Xen, and we aren't going back to Xen in this game.

Well, Vortigaunts, headcrabs, bullsquid and barnacles are all Xen monsters, and they're now on earth. I don't see any reason why a gonarch couldn't be.
good point. i forgot that killing the nihilanth ended the resonance cascade. They could always start it again tho...
That thing was awesome. I called it the "giant testical beast" but thats just me ;) I believe it will be back, because it did spew out a white semen toxic substance and little fetus headcrabs.

EDIT: What are Vortigaunts? I forgot!
a Vortigaunt is a mean green electric shooting machine! erm thing/beast/biped/humanoid/triplearmoid
OH! From Op. Force. I remember now. It was carried by the one eyed green alien grunts. Thanks. ;)
The one-eyed dudes are Shock Troopers.

Vortigaunts are what Nemesis posted up there. ^^^^
Funny thing, but when I first saw the Gonarch, I thought it was going to bludgeon me to death with the dangly bit...
Brian Damage said:
Funny thing, but when I first saw the Gonarch, I thought it was going to bludgeon me to death with the dangly bit...

thought, or hoped?
When i first saw it i thought "my god! It's a bollock monster!"
I just got really scared, and ran away from it, and was totally distracted and got hurt by the attacking plants. That was one of the best parts of Xen, it made xen not so bad.
I hope it's back, it could look really good with the same IK system that enables the Strider to navigate on all terrain. Imagine a 30 foot Gonarch walking through the ruins of City-17, perfectly placing her feet on the uneven ground... *drool*
I think she(?) was a unique beat, because when you kill it Nihilianth says: "Done, what have you dooonneee?" , IMHO
It would be cool seeing a gonad fighting a strider.

they would be kicking 7 shades of sh*t out of eachother....

And the gonad is the mumma headcrab.
Perhaps the Combine have captured a 'Headcrab Queen' and are using her to spawn millions of headcrabs in order to help the capture of Earth.

The Gargs may also have become Slaves to the combine, or perhaps the Gargs are more intelligent that we give them credit for and there will be a level where they join you in order to destroy the combine who are responsible for Xen's complete destruction!


Please note, all of that is just speculation.
Me and my friends always joked around about why it was called Big Mama when it was a huge ball sack with 4 legs.