Gone GOLD!

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^Ben said:
Welcome to the fasted growing thread ever.


Full stop.

its not even funny.


Whohohohohoho This Rocks!!!! Once it unlocks its all mine! :cheers:

(ironically, people chatting on the steam forum think this is another hoax. :) )
*Takes out his magnifier and takes a closer look*
Yep its definitely pure GOLD! LETS DANCE! :D

but I am not too happy por personal problems
I have been waiting for this announcement for many years now.
I am happy.
Iom So Fing Confused Whats Going On Ahh I Wanna Play Now Whats This Crap About Everyone Talking About Rpeordering Ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!!ahhh! Help!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT WHEN IT WENT GOLD YOUR ALOUD TO PLAY IT! WHATS THIS BULL!
When's it gonna be released on steam, for all those who've preloaded it?
been waiting for this since march 15 2003 when i first found out about hl2!!! saw the first e3 03 shaky cam videos and everyone in my class was amazed...
heh less then a month if you include it getting leaked...

again but this time in COLOR! :afro:

EDIT: oh not available on steam til its in stores... some contract thing otherwise stores and whoever else make no $$$
Right now i just LOVE Vivendi and Valve;))))))))
This rls wil coincide well with my new PC purchase :thumbs:
Lanton said:
When's it gonna be released on steam, for all those who've preloaded it?

Same time as it is released in stores...... Novenber 16th
fluke2k said:
Right now i just LOVE Vivendi and Valve;))))))))
This rls wil coincide well with my new PC purchase :thumbs:
So, i was right after all. Some dipstick, yesterday, was telling me he's convinced that once hl2 went gold that it would be out on Steam.
Very excited and hugely relieved about this news. Gonna buy Steam silver package in a few days :) Never played CS, but maybe CS:S will keep me from going insane over the next month... :laugh:

Congrats Valve :thumbs:
I think we should all make gold avatars with black stripes that say R.I.P. Valve. :D
Ohhh, nice news at last, never have seen this community so happy for a long time. Although a development time of nearly 6 years is just sick, yeah really sick; Lets hope its worth it. :naughty:
poofyfinger said:
hmmm0rz... 230+ posts in 3 hours.... imagine how many posts in 24 hours....

230 x 8 = 1, 840 posts by tomorrow!

Ok Im really bored

Poofyfinger, stfu... you're nuthing but annoying. :O
:afro: :dork: :) :monkee: :sniper: :P :devil: :sleep: :laugh: :cool:

Might aswell spam alitle, its not like someone is going to read all these posts.

oh, and YAY!!!!!!!!!!!111111eleven
I went to this site every day for three years waiting for half-life2, a month is nothing
This news is really.. errr.. umm.. worth it's weight in GOLD:p (pun _very_ intended)
HELL YES!!!!! Waited sooooo long for this announcement!! b^.^d

Well, better appreciate the very friendly and happy atmosphere on this forum while it lasts...one month from today this happy celebrating atmosphere will be replaced with pissed off gamers who bitch about little knit-picks in every detail of the game. :P
Bandages said:
this happy celebrating atmosphere will be replaced with pissed off gamers who bitch about little knit-picks in every detail of the game. :P

oMG hl2 suckez it shadowz r teh horible!!1 I not buy teh gam3 'cuz shADowZ r SUCKE!!1
Did anyone else make an audible yelp akin to "Bwah!" when they saw the headline?
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