Gone GOLD!

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Now What?

Yay... but NOW what am I gonna search the Internet for twice a day for months while I'm at work???!!
bring on the golden gabes

hey hey! I've been in Reno for 2 weeks, did I miss anything?

/me lols at thread :laugh:

its funny to see ppl go crazy!
too bad I can`t say w00h00 myself since I`ll be playing it 2 weeks after its release :frown:
Someone should make a thread with all the funny "gold" pictures. That would rule, and show off my amazing Gman one!

That's just me being modest :)
lol, the official HL2 site hasn't been updated yet, it's like everybody in the world knows HL2 is gold except the Valve webmaster :P.
Awesome, the time has finally come. Though it sure would be nice if they'd release HL1:Source before hand to get a little refresher.
Only one problem, no more holiday. I think i might be unwell on the 16th. Get a day off work.

Anyone got any good excuses?
Say that you've visited the doctor on Saturday, and she/he says you've developed a shpilkitz in your keneticozoink. You will need to undergo some tests to see how serious the shpilkitz is, (since keneticozoinks are very sensitive).

It'll work. Trust me!
Dr. Shim said:
Say that you've visited the doctor on Saturday, and she/he says you've developed a shpilkitz in your keneticozoink. You will need to undergo some tests to see how serious the shpilkitz is, (since keneticozoinks are very sensitive).

It'll work. Trust me!

LOL, I'll try but I'm not sure if I can say those words! Maybe i'll just say I've got the runs!
Sh-pilk-itz, in your kenetic-o-zoink. You have to say it really fast, though. But you have three weeks to practice.
I will practice hard, besides if I say that to my boss he will probably think I'm crazy and send me home anyway. Its all good
I just hosted a beer pong party dedicated to Half Life 2. It was kind of sad, really. We were playing beer pong and getting wasted while the half-life 2 E3 videos played in the background. Now I'm quite intoxicated. Oh man. I can't wait until all the Halo2 fanatics play this game and realize how wrong they all were. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! ROCK ON VALVE!
I just check my calander

Halflife2 Comes out
half day
half day
half day
weekend(2 days)
weekend(2 days)
Thats about 12 days of HL2 time
ninja287 said:
I just hosted a beer pong party dedicated to Half Life 2. It was kind of sad, really. We were playing beer pong and getting wasted while the half-life 2 E3 videos played in the background. Now I'm quite intoxicated. Oh man. I can't wait until all the Halo2 fanatics play this game and realize how wrong they all were. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! ROCK ON VALVE!

Heh. Just wait until a few more Steam bugs are uncovered which inhibit us playing HL2. :D
I guess it's time for me to post something in this thread, as I was banned during the Gold Announcement.

That's the worst thing I've ever experienced. I feel like there's a hole inside of me since I didn't get the chance to celebrate with you guys back then :(

*Pretends to travel back in time for Gold announcement*

YAY!! Finally GOLD!!


It's still not the same ..
Ermac said:
I was just answering his question. :cheers:
A question from six months ago. Don't bump old threads. Closed.
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