good motherboard?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
hi, i jsut got the Gigabyte GA-8LK1100 with my new computer. i was wondering how good it actually is? anyone got one?
GA-8LK1100 in google yeilds one hit (about a ram module that's compatible with it) :)
So I dont think its a very known board...
it should be a decent board. Gigabyte dont make crap, but theyre not THE best. They are still good though and have very good motherboards out already. I`m using a Gigabyte 9800 pro and I`ve had no trouble with it so far.
Originally posted by Willber123

Are you sure thats the name of the motherboard? I can't find it anywhere on Gigabytes site.

But like Unreal said, Gigabyte makes quality boards with lots of features, they just might not overclock or perform as well as others.

EDIT: Are you sure its not the GA-8IK1100?

The features look quite good, have a look here:, and heres a Toms Hardware review/mass lineup:
Originally posted by Unreal
I`m using a Gigabyte 9800 pro and I`ve had no trouble with it so far.
Really? my gigabyte 9200se has issues like with battlefield 1942 it does that flicker the ground thing and it fux0rs itself in other games as well and after i updated the drivers it was worse stupid p.o.s