Good News


Jun 11, 2003
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Steam is currently experiencing network outages. The Forums are offline during this time.

It is coming
How can you tell? :\
The only thing i get out of this is that VALVe got bandwith problems :\
The forums usually go down before something big happens, its kinda their sign.
tkato said:
How can you tell? :\
The only thing i get out of this is that VALVe got bandwith problems :\

Yes, and they always had when releasing something... history tends to repeat itself...
Sweet... We will see... Hopefully I can play a bit before I have to go back to football practice...
Well, it is almost 11 am at valve, sounds like about the right time Cliff got his lazy ass up and did something.
Except for the fact that that message has been there for hours.
dear sweet CS gods i hope so ...
Lets hope history doesn't repeat itself valve style..
still a doublepost though, sorry :D
tkato said:
Give me an example...

The Counter-Strike: Source preload.

It's to increase their bandwidth, and to stop 5000 threads about the same thing.
I just went over to the Steam forums and it definitely does look like a promising message. We'll see. I'm gonna go have some lunch and check back.
in Israel it's 20:50 :|
Dope i wanna shhot navy seals :X.
Dalamari said:
Well, it is almost 11 am at valve, sounds like about the right time Cliff got his lazy ass up and did something.

Just cuz your family beats you, doesn't mean you have to be a jerkoff 24/7.
2am GMT ,thats 6pm PST, normal update time. Dont be surpised if we didnt see it until then...
Dalamari said:
Well, it is almost 11 am at valve, sounds like about the right time Cliff got his lazy ass up and did something.

LOL lazy twinkie-eating ass, GIVE UP THE GAME!
Judging by the 2 huge network drops today, i have my suspicions they will delay it a day, but even if they dont, you wont be getting it any earlier than the preload was.
I have never had an error like this, people go on about em but I seem to never have em :S
if it doesnt come out today, i will totally lose trust in valve and regain it in a few days lol
Lobster said:
Judging by the 2 huge network drops today, i have my suspicions they will delay it a day, but even if they dont, you wont be getting it any earlier than the preload was.

2 huge network drops today? I wasn't even aware of those. C'mon Valve is the worst for anticipating the shear mass of people waiting to play cs source, or for people waiting to pre-load something.
Lobster said:
Judging by the 2 huge network drops today, i have my suspicions they will delay it a day, but even if they dont, you wont be getting it any earlier than the preload was.

I have a feeling you might be right :|
Yeah, I have that feeling too. The network drops didn't look that great.
CB | Para said:
I have a feeling you might be right :|

The only reason you agree with his opinion is because of past encounters... give VALVe a second chance... (*fourith :\)
tkato said:
The only reason you agree with his opinion is because of past encounters... give VALVe a second chance... (*fourith :\)

Honestly I won't be mad at all if it were delayed :)
denial of service attack. A bunch of geeks lag valve basically
And all the DOS attacks are orchestrated by none other than.. dun dun dun.. John Carmack!!!! OH NO!! :LOL:

..that's my conspiracy theory for the day :smoking: :E
ddos attack is when a bunch of hackers command all their zombie machines (computers they infected with a virus for example) to keep requesting data from a website/service/network. It's like hitting refresh a gazillion time if you will. Most websites/etc crash almost instantly when under ddos attack. It's bandwith sucking.

I must admit I don't know wether this is a good sign or not. I'm not sure this was a ddos. Maybe they were uploading the hl2 content to all their servers at the same time or something. No? And now that it's done, css will be released as planned at 6PM valve time, wich is about 6 hours from now.

But that's all just guesswork. Sorry if it ends up disappointing you (and me).
yes simply put it will be released at 6 P.M. Valve time, which is 6 quick easy, lightning quick hours away. My lord I think I have time to watch The Sound of Music, twice. Joy !
lord finesse said:
yes simply put it will be released at 6 P.M. Valve time, which is 6 quick easy, lightning quick hours away. My lord I think I have time to watch The Sound of Music, twice. Joy !

WHAT! when its 6:00 down there its 9:00 down here

i got school tommorow and i gotta goto bed at 9 :flame: