Good Nvidia card for price?


Jul 17, 2008
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I'm thinking of buying a new GPU and I was wondering if theres any good nvidia cards for a good price?
This thread is hopeless without a price range.
Yes PCI-E price range $100-180. Anything better than an 8800gt.
Anything on Nvidia's side in that price range won't be a significant increase. You could probably get a 9800, or a shitty 200 series card. Does it have to be Nvidia?
Kinda yes... I have always been an Nvidia user and thats how it is.
It sucks. Pretty much a 9800gt thats costs 50 bucks more for no reason :/
No im not. I've had both manufacturers and they're both fine. Its the specific cards you should care about, not the brand.

The 250 is shit no matter how you cut it. And a 275 is out of his budget. The best he can get is a 260 which is decent, but doesnt seem like a worthwhile upgrade to me. I would say to wait for the 275s to come down to your budget, but that wont happen until their next card comes out I dont think, and who knows when that will be.
Oh shit, I was mistaken. The 275 is well out of $180

But yeah, if I had the card he has, I wouldn't be upgrading.
When do the Nvidia DirectX 11 cards come out? I forgotten all about that and shouldn't even bother to upgrade until those come out.
ATI already has DX11 on their 5000 series cards. Nvidia is undergoing huge changes in its business model, so god only knows when their 300 series will come out. It was supposed to be late '09 but they said "f*ck that" and now nobody knows. Could be several months from now.
I'm in the market for a new video card as well. And I'm not looking at the GTX series. They're overpriced, oversized, and can barely stay ahead of the ATI 48xx's. Looks like I'll be getting a 4890 or a 4870 for Christmas. I'd recommend them, but you're being stubborn.
What about MB? You like to keep your current MB? And, does it support PCIe 2.0?
I'm in the market for a new video card as well. And I'm not looking at the GTX series. They're overpriced, oversized, and can barely stay ahead of the ATI 48xx's. Looks like I'll be getting a 4890 or a 4870 for Christmas. I'd recommend them, but you're being stubborn.
Meh, there's not really much to separate a GTX 260 and a 4890. About the same price, about the same performance.

If you really want to get a new graphics card and you really want it to be NVidia ... go with the GTX 260. I'd recommend a Radeon 5770 at that price, but if you're against ATI cards ...
Being unquestionably for or against a graphics card manufacturer is silly. I was ATI all the way when I was like 14, and then I realised Nvidia makes good cards too.

ATI cards these days are generally better. You don't have a good reason to stick with Nvidia.
If you want to upgrade now then a smart choice would be an ATI 5850 or 5770. Or wait until Nvidia releases their DX11 cards and see how the GPU market changes for prices.

Any other card would probably fall into one of two categorizes.
1)Old tech. The DX11 cards here or to come would be worth waiting for (not specifically for DX11).
2)Not good enough. It would be a marginal performance increase and you would be upgrading again soon.

You won't get "good deals" right now. Nvidia is not changing their prices because they don't have their replacement cards in and ATI's 5000 cards are not dropping in price yet for the same reason and lack of competition from Nvidia against ATI's DX11 parts.
Being unquestionably for or against a graphics card manufacturer is silly.
ATI cards these days are generally better. You don't have a good reason to stick with Nvidia.
Especially if you run Windows.
It used to be that if you ran Linux you would pick Nvidia because ATI's drivers under that OS did not do well. It is not the same any more.

The only strong reason I can think of going Nvidia is for current Folding@Home PPD which happens not to be anything about Nvidia hardware but Stanford's software not taking full performance advantage of all hardware.
Compared with a 9800GTX, hows the performance of a GTS250?

[edit]Wait found the differences

Now you know that, you could check prices