Good sign?


Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Good sign that hl2 will go gold soon?

the rest of cs:source was preloaded.
i think we could be getting very very very very close to gold.
scroll down on csnation to see the news.
I guess it could be good news...or it's a conspiracy *looks under bed for shotgun*
ya i was hoping so.
yay i spreading news without getting flamed! :bounce:
r1y23 said:
ya i was hoping so.
yay i spreading news without getting flamed! :bounce:

That's the most worthless post I have ever seen.

"Irony! Irony, Will Robinson!"

(BTW, I'm just joking :) )
r1y23 = attention whore ... just kidding ... i hope it goes gold ... this shit is seriously starting to drive me batty ... :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Platinum- those comp specs don't actually bode well for HL2. However, I'm sure that system rocked for HL1! Not a flame, just an observation.
I think his specs are a joke and hes being sarcastic about "HL2 Ready!!!"
Ballsaccio said:
Platinum- those comp specs don't actually bode well for HL2.
You're very astute. No, really.

To the topic at hands,.

Feh. This comes down to more optimism by Valve. I think they're trying to put as much pressure on VUG as they can to get a October/November release. But its still in VUG's hands. Nothing will change that, and theres really no telling what VUG's intentions are.
Ballsaccio said:
Platinum- those comp specs don't actually bode well for HL2. However, I'm sure that system rocked for HL1! Not a flame, just an observation.

I hope your not making a joke on something thats obviously a joke, then again I hope you know it's a joke.
L337_Assasain said:
...Ballsacio...what was the point of that post?
I think it was evident I meant no harm by my statement. BTW, I thought HL2 went gold thursday or friday? I must be wrong.
Ballsaccio said:
I thought HL2 went gold thursday or friday? I must be wrong.
You are. When it goes gold, there will be about 50 threads with "GOLD#!%!!!#!%!#%!#!" in the title.
I was under the impression that when the finished game was given to Vivendi, it was at that time "gold". Sorry.
Ballsaccio said:
I was under the impression that when the finished game was given to Vivendi, it was at that time "gold". Sorry.
No. Thats the release candidate. Its gold (finished) when Vivendi says so.
did the first rc officially bounce then? its been 2 weeks wtf?
madFive said:
did the first rc officially bounce then? its been 2 weeks wtf?
I'm not sure if anything before the gold announcement can really be called 'official',. but I believe so. To what extent it bounced is uncertain (keep in mind that there are three seperate titles included in HL2).
i can only hope something good will turn out from all of this.
By the time HL2 is finally released it will pack the same punch as Dhikatana.
Well if they did Preload CS:S as they said, then that means CS:S probly went gold or close enough to it to justify preloading it. But as far as HL² and HL:S thats anyones guess.