Goodbye dear forum


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well... I have just submitted my resignation. I dont want to be a mod anymore. I will still be around but not as a mod and much less active.

*looks at forum, "Farewell my old friend" *

cya around guys

thats a shame cause you were fun too, harsh but fair with your comments :(

come back and I'll bake you a cake :D
WHY?!?!? :(
sniff.. why? please..tell us why ... oh cruel world..WHYYYYYYYY!!!!??????!!!?????!!?!?!!

... sniff bye bye... see you around
Bye EVIL... I'll cya on MSN soon mate :)

Sorry for you to leave mate, even though I know the reason ;(
Hey Evil, sorry to see you go, but good luck with whatever problem you are dealing with. You helped to clean up this town and to keep things in order. You done good here, you done good. Hope to see ya around still.
all together now

"for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow"

:) you guys are to kind. I am glad that I was appriciated as a mod around here.

The reasons for my "departure" from the hl2 staff was that I disliked the way things where ran in this community and the website and the bad communication between staff. Plus I need more time to get my portfolio started and dedicate myself more towards OES and my art.

Fenric, you are a true enrichment to this community. your professional view is well appriciated by myself and to others asswell (I hope :))

anyway. I am not gone forever. this is still my favorit forum and I hope everything gets better in the future.

well, back to work *dives in the painfull world of "actionscripting"*
Originally posted by EVIL
well, back to work *dives in the painfull world of "actionscripting"*


What was I thinking when I told a client we could develop him a program in flash that could determine genetics in snakes over a period of time. Why is actionscript so damn slow anyhow.... and why is it so fickle. I've always hated how you have to rely on frames to provide your space for coding, and other things. Anyways, good luck. What's it for if I may ask?
:) treying to get some stuff going between flash and mysql, so I can make my flash portfolio (wich aint finished yet) more interactive and dynamical.
Is this going to be something run off of a website, or someone's harddrive/cd rom?

If you are looking to integrate more features for deployable flash movies, you have got to check out SWF Studio.

This software lets you do things like ftp through flash programs, file saving, install files, registry entries, and tons more. I found it to be worth every cent. We had to use it to allow flash to communicate with c++ programs. Also, you can have lots of files packaged into one file that you give them (pictures, movies, programs all in the one exe).

Check out the feature list here:
What does it take to be a Mod?

Does the fact that Im always on these forums help?

And that I have never flamed or trolled at all?

Because Im awsome.
Originally posted by Fender357
What does it take to be a Mod?

Does the fact that Im always on these forums help?

And that I have never flamed or trolled at all?

Because Im awsome.

I personally think the average mod should have flamed and trolled on occasion. I mean, the average joe does on occasion let their temper go to their head... so why shouldn't our mod have done it ;)
Didn't know ya' really. But sad to see ya' go man.

Take care. :)
Originally posted by EVIL
:) you guys are to kind. I am glad that I was appriciated as a mod around here.

The reasons for my "departure" from the hl2 staff was that I disliked the way things where ran in this community and the website and the bad communication between staff. Plus I need more time to get my portfolio started and dedicate myself more towards OES and my art.

Fenric, you are a true enrichment to this community. your professional view is well appriciated by myself and to others asswell (I hope :))

anyway. I am not gone forever. this is still my favorit forum and I hope everything gets better in the future.

well, back to work *dives in the painfull world of "actionscripting"*

ahh :( well I hope your all still mates though, thats what counts right :)

and thanks for the kind words also :)

oh and actionscript *shudders* I'm glad I'm not you :D programing.. of any kind... too much math.. scares me lol
*sniffles* but you were one of the best possibly mods for this board. You and stone. :(
I like you Evil. It's too bad you have to resign, but good luck with your portfolio.
sorry to see you go Evil, i'll miss you, you loverable piece of hell spawn you... ;(

make's me want to go get my coat for the last time too ;(
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!Well bye friend.You shall be missed. :(
Originally posted by Stone
sorry to see you go Evil, i'll miss you, you loverable piece of hell spawn you... ;(

make's me want to go get my coat for the last time too ;(

But..... Stone, we got him all for ourselves now ;)

No need to share our EVIL :p
I feel less evil in the threads now.. How can this be? OMG no EVIL!!! Bye dude :( have a good one and cya anytime :)
Shouldent you get some title anyways, like honorble member or such, just to state that you once were a mod and helped the site? I think so. ;)
Nope. munro is an ass ;). I already asked for a custom title but well as I said I cant have one :(

and thnx all.. hihi @ stone and badger. And tr0n. I am not dead ^_^

how mannyyyyyy forums must a uuuser walk dooown,-
before you can caaaaaal him a mooooood :)

see you around buddy