
They fit in the page layout quite well for an ad. I'll click it when it slips through my adblocking plugins or when I'm at school, they use IE there.

About the veteran-forum, this has been discussed before (Can't find the thread anymore, sorry). I'm very much against the idea, because it will break up the community into an elitist group and the normal users group. The normal users will feel excluded, this will (of course) piss them off resulting into animosity between the two groups.
Don't even get me started about the criteria, postcount/join date/age, all are irrelevant. Let's say the coolest user ever to visit the forum might join tomorrow, but he doesn't meet the criteria. Will we make an exception? Problems problems problems.

To summarize: a seperate forum for a certain group will break the community. Bad.

Hell, I already don't like the seperate staff forum thing much :P, but I can see the functional necessity. Not so with a seperate forum for 'regulars.'
This is taking the thread off topic though.
/me clicks.

i second that, tGB - it would break the community.
Hehe...Norton's firewall blocks them out for me...didn't even know they were there. :D
What adverts? Me stupid.

While a veterans only forum would make me feel all warm inside, it woudl eb a bad idea. However a 'Forum Nostalgia' forum would be good...since only we would have any interest in it...
Well if it makes them feel bad dont tell them ;).
Btw wouldnt it be a good idea to have some ads in the forums as well, since most of the users dont go hanging around the mainpage all day but go straight to the forums.
Just a suggestion
We'd end up in a war between the generations. Pre-HL2 and post-HL2.