Gordon Clones?



Could the combine be clones of Gordon?

We know they are wearing a similar protective suit to Gordon as they make the same beeping noise when they die as Gordon does.

We also know they they wear masks are are related to the aliens in some way.

Could this be the job the Gman wanted Gordon for and explain where he has been?
* PunisherUSA turns off Star Wars: Episode II
That would be retarded, but it's a possibility, fortunately a very small one at that.
They could be some form of Gordon/Xen/Mech creation. We know that the Gman was impressed with the way Gordon handled Black Mesa. They could be the ultimate soldier!
I think Half-Life 2 is 5 or 10 years after Half-Life so the combine would be children if they were cloned from Gordon. It should be obvious what this means...

Combine r on t3h st3riods :p
interesting, gordon has to kill himself in order to save the world..!
I am absolutely positive that they're not clones of Gordon. Not only is that idea stupid. but then wouldn't the combine soliders be a bit more startled by your presence? You know, in that sort of "HOLY SHIT, LOOK IT'S ME, WOW" kind of way?

Plus, you're supposed to be a one-man army, but why can you kill the Combine with ease?

There's something far more sinister when it comes to the Combine. I'm pretty sure.

EDIT: Also, I'm even more doubtful that they'd be clones of Shepard. The concept of Shepard came into existence some time during pre-production work on HL2. He might be a cameo, but he's probably not going to factor greatly into the storyline.
I thought Shepherd originated, like most things in the expansion packs, from ideas that VALVe wanted to implement in HL but didn't have time to...?
Brian Damage said:
I thought Shepherd originated, like most things in the expansion packs, from ideas that VALVe wanted to implement in HL but didn't have time to...?

The story for OpFor was Gearbox's, but Valve made sure it stayed in line with HL's story. Shepard is not Valve's creation.

AJ Rimmer said:
Calhoun is a cameo and he's in the game...

A cameo, by definition, is a brief appearance by a prominent actor.

Barney is not a cameo. He is one of the main characters in the storyline.

As I said, Shepard will is probably going to be a cameo. He's also likely to play the lead in an expansion somewhere down the line. I find it quite unlikely, however, that they would include him in the major overall HL2 storyline.

Another thing, why exactly would either Gordon or Shepard be cloned? Gordon is employed by the G-Man, and Shepard is detained. The G-Man wants Gordon to stop the Combine. Why the hell would he clone his employees only to pit them against each other?
D_tunisia said:
Could the combine be clones of Gordon?

We know they are wearing a similar protective suit to Gordon as they make the same beeping noise when they die as Gordon does.

We also know they they wear masks are are related to the aliens in some way.

Could this be the job the Gman wanted Gordon for and explain where he has been?

This theory has been suggested about one million times. The horse is already dead.
Mabey there clones like in that arnodl shwarsanegger movie likie 7 days or soemthing where all they do is scan ur brain and copy the data then put it into another bodie that has no concious(an empty vessel) and is already grown!
yadalogo said:
Mabey there clones like in that arnodl shwarsanegger movie likie 7 days or soemthing where all they do is scan ur brain and copy the data then put it into another bodie that has no concious(an empty vessel) and is already grown!
Kangy said:
Maybe they're Shephard clones.

I've got a big old post on here somewhere about that very theory (my very first post, as I recall)...more that they are combination Shephard/Xen creatures, though.

I always thought that the Admin had realized that regular soldiers just weren't good enough (considering how they got slaughtered at Black Mesa), so he had the best soldier he could find (that being Shephard, the Marine that mowed down the "elite" BlackOps and the only soldier to even come close to catching Gordon), and combined his DNA with Xen biology. Voila! Combine troops!
Absinthe said:
The story for OpFor was Gearbox's, but Valve made sure it stayed in line with HL's story. Shepard is not Valve's creation.

IIRC VALVe and Marc Laidlaw had quite a bit of creative back-and-forth dialogue with Gearbox.
D_tunisia said:
we know they are wearing a similar protective suit to Gordon as they make the same beeping noise when they die as Gordon does.

you know it, how? besides the marines in HL1 was able to reload their vest from HEV recharger aswell...
Bing_Oh said:
I've got a big old post on here somewhere about that very theory (my very first post, as I recall)...more that they are combination Shephard/Xen creatures, though.

I always thought that the Admin had realized that regular soldiers just weren't good enough (considering how they got slaughtered at Black Mesa), so he had the best soldier he could find (that being Shephard, the Marine that mowed down the "elite" BlackOps and the only soldier to even come close to catching Gordon), and combined his DNA with Xen biology. Voila! Combine troops!
That could be very possible. I guess we will have to wait and find out. :cheers:
Absinthe said:
As I said, Shepard will is probably going to be a cameo. He's also likely to play the lead in an expansion somewhere down the line.
I find it quite unlikely, however, that they would include him in the major overall HL2 storyline.
I agree with the second part, but as for him re-appearing as an expansion? I'm not so sure. Granted we don't know too much about the plot but I can't see where he'd fit in. It might make sense if the G-Man used him to fight the Combine too, but then that basically reduces him to a resistance fighter or something similar. Besides, one of the major initial draws to Sheperd was that he was an anti-hero and placing him in the resistance would stop that. If you put him on the Combine's side, well... I suppose that depends heavily on how the story and alliegencies pan out. However I find it doubtful.
As a cameo? Well first off we have no idea what he looks like, as he always wore a mask and he never spoke, so no idea what he sounds like. I don't know about you, but I don't want to know what he sounds or looks like.
Maybe he will appear or be referred to in some kind of in-joke, but I really don't see what part he has in City 17.
guchi said:
interesting, gordon has to kill himself in order to save the world..!

Can You say Hitman 47?
OMG :\ gordon clones? i guess communication is dead :|.
el Chi said:
Besides, one of the major initial draws to Sheperd was that he was an anti-hero and placing him in the resistance would stop that.

He wasn't an antihero.
I beg to differ. He wasn't a complete anti-hero in the same way that Scarface or Hannibal Lecter or Alex from A Clockwork Orange were, it's true. However, he was there to kill lots of people, and he was the hero of our story.
Now I can see where you're coming from in that the way events panned out (what with the Black Ops and all) made him something of a victim. Still, given his initial purpose he's certainly an anti-hero for some of it (one could even say he undergoes a redemption, but I think that might be a bit too much hyperbole for the plot of Op4 - not that it wasn't good)
Personally, that was one of the things that drew me to him in the first place - he was a stark contrast to Gordon. Obviously the being able to command other soldiers and hardcore weaponary (oooh, the M249) made him increasingly appealing to play as.
Personally, I was a little disappointed that there weren't many scientists you could just kill without consequences; after all, that's what he was there for.
I will be willing to be that they are dead people that the combine turned into cybernetic soldiers that they can control

I bet when you see them without amask they have a decaying human face
Watch the traptown video once again. Notice how the soldier says "Over There !" and "Get Down !" during the video ? Notice from the E3 2004 video how the combine speak ? Gordon doesn't speak.

End of problem :p
I don't think that Shephard is that much of an anti hero, as you can use a lot more role play in OF. He was being sent into combat without orders so you cannot claim his role was to enforce premeditated murder in order to silence the facility.

In fact there are more points in OF which compel you to save the facility staff than opportunities for brutality. Far different from the chances you have when controlling Gordon.
BTW, The beep when a combine dies is their radio going off, its a beeep static and it stops, when gordon dies its a fainting heartbeat.

Shepard I could see, but not Gordon clones, where did they get the DnA and where did they get the possibility to speed up the age process.