Gordon Freeman has a son!

[sl@yer] said:
Office of the Administrator
Black Mesa, New Mexico

May 5, 200-

Dr. Gordon Freeman
Visiting Fellow
Institute for Experimental Physics
University of Innsbruck
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Re: Offer of Employment

Dear Dr. Freeman:

This letter shall confirm a recent telephone conversation in which you were offered, and did accept, a position at the Black Mesa Research Facility commencing immediately but no later than May 15. As discussed, you shall begin at Level 3 Research Associate status, assigned to the Anomalous Materials Laboratory. We understand that it will take some time to conclude your affairs at the University of Innsbruck and return to the United States. Please notify the Personnel Department of your intended arrival time immediately.

Since you are unmarried and without dependants, you have been assigned appropriate living quarters in the Personnel Dormitories. However, you may not gain admittance to your quarters until Level 3 security processing is complete. Please bring this offer letter and all documents listed on the attached sheet to the Black Mesa Personnel Department no later than May 15.
A retinal scan will not be necessary at this time, but we do require urinalysis and bloodwork to establish baselines for your medical history during your employment.

Please note that as a necessary condition of your work with anomalous materials, you may be required to wear and operate an HEV hazardous environment suit. You will be trained and certified in its use during the standard orientation process. All further questions regarding the Black Mesa Research Facility and your role as Research Associate will be answered during orientation.

As you know, Dr. Kleiner, your former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, originally recommended you for contact by the Civilian Recruitment Division. He wishes to extend his congratulations on your decision to accept our offer. Like Dr. Kleiner, we are confident that your career with the Black Mesa Research Facility will be a long and rewarding one.

Office of the Administrator
Civilian Recruitment Division
Black Mesa Research Facility

OTA: lm

Thanks loads for that! :cheers:

I always wanted to see the employment letter, never thought someone would take the trouble to type it for little old me!

And don't worry about the revision, i'm supposed to be doing coursework! (GNVQ ICT to be exact).

:cheers: again.
nah me an feath have nailed it.. gordon is the g-man. And the final nail in the coffin.... they both have green eyes... still haven't had a pm offering me beer for this info though...
jabberwock95 said:
Thanks loads for that! :cheers:

I always wanted to see the employment letter, never thought someone would take the trouble to type it for little old me!

And don't worry about the revision, i'm supposed to be doing coursework! (GNVQ ICT to be exact).

:cheers: again.

No problem, happy to help :cheers:
pk1209 said:
nah me an feath have nailed it.. gordon is the g-man. And the final nail in the coffin.... they both have green eyes... still haven't had a pm offering me beer for this info though...

I just said the samething in another thread.
WOW, some of you REALLY, REALLY, look way too far into things...

lol...do you guys read some of the stuff you post?
G-Man is obviously Gordon Freeman from the future... but why wouldn't the G-Man tell his former self who he really is? BECAUSE IT WOULD MEAN THE END OF EXISTANCE!

haven't any of you see back to the future?
How do you know gordon freeman is not actually gordon freeman from a different dimension?
X2Cube said:
G-Man is obviously Gordon Freeman from the future... but why wouldn't the G-Man tell his former self who he really is? BECAUSE IT WOULD MEAN THE END OF EXISTANCE!

haven't any of you see back to the future?
aaaah so what you are saying is...
if the G-man (Gordon-man... Gordon Freeman) were to tell the present day Gordon that he were him, ....

he would get Parkinsons disease?
God guys, next youll be pondering if the scientist you interuptted in the toilet in hl1 will come back and promtly lay a steaming turd on your head.
Nindoze said:
God guys, next youll be pondering if the scientist you interuptted in the toilet in hl1 will come back and promtly lay a steaming turd on your head.

It could happen...
pk1209 said:
my bet is it's one of the dev team members' kids. These guys are always ruining games putting silly photos in that arent meant to be there :)

In the texture wad files there are about 7 random family photos, Originaly i thought they were just stock stuff from a web image gallery or somthing like that, but when those guys visited valve i noticed one of the photos on the texture artists desk lol!
Lobster said:
In the texture wad files there are about 7 random family photos, Originaly i thought they were just stock stuff from a web image gallery or somthing like that, but when those guys visited valve i noticed one of the photos on the texture artists desk lol!

You'll also find a picture of Xena in there as well lol. Can't believe they put a poster of her in the game lol :rolling:
jasonh1234 said:
The G-man is obviously Gordon himself.

Just look at the evidence.
thats pretty amazing... but dont think this g-man being oldie gf is a new idea, because it really isnt..

EDIT-> that would make a cool avatar, but i dont know how to put animated stuff in it...
If there's ever a huge rift in the fabric of reality itself and I gain the ability to make a game, remind me to a) never input an easter egg or injoke EVER or b) brutally murder some people.

Plus, you know the hardware at the BM lobby, where the scientist tells you he's expecting an important message? That's clearly a sign!! It's full of top secret information, and that sci is in fact Zaphod Beeblebrox!!

...yeah, it's probably just a dev's kid.

I reckon "LM" stands for Leonard Mason myself. Sounds like a good name for a creator or controller :imu:
Mechagodzilla said:
Here's reproduction of the HL1 employment letter. ^^^

Aidrian Shephard's Journal too. ^^^

Some scans of the Decay manual letters are below, and I don't think Blue shift had a letter in the manual.

Hmmm... By that training scheduel, we may deduce:

1. Gordon's holographic trainer was indeed Gina Cross.

2. Barney was trained before Gordon.

3. They were testing the prototype of the HEV MK5 (I think Gordy's was the MK4, wasn't it?)

4. Otis' last name is quite possibly Laurey.

[EDIT]: BTW, I seriously doubt Gordon and the G-Man are the same dude. Why would the G-Man give Gordon the option to kill himself in an unwinnable battle (At the end of HL) if he was Gordon from the future?
Yea, 30+ years does change...but Gman still looks nothing like Gordon.

Also Considering that I believe Gordon was 27 in HL1? 10 years have taken place since HL1. Gordon would be 37. That would make the Gman in his 50s or 60s in HL1? And what...70 in HL2? Does he even look 70 to you? He looks to be in his late 50s or early 60s still. Dream on. So you guys are saying Gordon will make that much of a change in his appearance in 13 years? Does that even sound logical to you? That caps the same person idea...

I highly doubt its a relative...that story idea is so damn cliche...and I have doubts that ML will use it.

If you are looking for him to be, yea, maybe he does.

It sure does make a lot of sense that Gman would teleport back just so he can allow the same events to take place instead of stopping them all together. All while realizing and taking the chance that Gordon would luckily survive it all again, AND choose to join him instead of death.
The G-man is actually the Grandfather man.. hes scientist too and made a invulnerable potion which allows him to be invulnerable and that stops the aging proces..so yes, they are related.. the g-man is gordon's grandfather!!
I think we can still safely say that the G-man is Gordon's son. Gordon obvioulsy just hooked up with a rather ugly female.

He hasn't aged because as we have also already proved he developed time travel in his timeline. He went back in time to the HL1 perdiod, and when Gordon (his father) jumped into the portal, they both teleported into the future, hence Gordon only remembers jumping into the portal and appearing wherever he appears at the start of HL2.

And there it is. You know, I reckon there may just be some bits of truth hidden away in these crazy stories. Time travel is a possibility isn't it? G-man has alot up his sleave I'm sure.
we11er said:

This is Gordon's locker in Black Mesa - just who is the baby in the picture? Hmm? And where is he (she? nah, looks male to me) now? Could Gordon Freeman junior play a part in the future of half-life 2?

Has the G-man taken Freeman's son and raised him as his own? Is this a secret part of the Half-life story that we haven't been told about?


Looks like someone besides me got so excited about Half-Life you had to play the original...
we11er said:
Yes, I was trying to keep us in the half-life universe.

So we've confirmed it's his son - and that he lied about him because he really needed the job at Black Mesa. The G-man clearly would find out about this, and has kept the boy safe during the tmie between HL1 and 2. Maybe even passing himself off as his father.

do you think that gordon could hide the fact that he has a son from the g-man form the begining.

edited, didnt make sence before
Still a little off topic,

But since were talking about wild theories, I think the Gordon Freeman / Gman relationship is the exact relationship between "Cornelius" and "Tyler Durden" in Fight Club.

Its an old movie, but Im not going to spoil it. Anyone who has seen the movie will get what Im gearing towards. Afterall...Gordon always sees the Gman from afar or behind a window/screen...etc.

The '10 years' that have passed from halflife1 to halflife2 could also be like the time when Edward Norton is 'sleeping' in Fight Club, while Tyler is setting up clubs all over the world. Hence...everyone in the halflife2 world seems to know Gordon, while he doesnt know them.

But then again...my username is Pinnerdink.
I personaly think You lot need lives.

Seriously its a Computer game.

Valve when they released didnt know everything was going to be analized by thousands of people...

im betting 99% of the stuff that you lot think is proof was written completely on the fly and without a thought of "Hey wait, does that give away our grand scheme?"

They made HL as a single game, bit like the matrix.

If they dont do a sequal then at least the original stands on its own without too much of a cliff hangar, whilst leaving room for sequals.

Just look at how much Op4 and blueshift contradict HL's story.

New alien races (Race X) new zombies..... New characters that you never knew about in HL etc....
PinnerDink said:
Still a little off topic,

But since were talking about wild theories, I think the Gordon Freeman / Gman relationship is the exact relationship between "Cornelius" and "Tyler Durden" in Fight Club.

Its an old movie, but Im not going to spoil it. Anyone who has seen the movie will get what Im gearing towards. Afterall...Gordon always sees the Gman from afar or behind a window/screen...etc.

The '10 years' that have passed from halflife1 to halflife2 could also be like the time when Edward Norton is 'sleeping' in Fight Club, while Tyler is setting up clubs all over the world. Hence...everyone in the halflife2 world seems to know Gordon, while he doesnt know them.

But then again...my username is Pinnerdink.

Gordons an insomniac!.... no wonder he never slept in hl.
Maybe he lied so he could work at blask mesa
OR maybe he had a son but he was 'killed'(Actually kidnapped by the gman!)
That kid could be anyone, the picture might have come with the frame for all we know.
Anybody thought that that kid should have a mother somewhere (Do you guys even know how do you make children? :))? Where's the pic of Freeman's wife then? He hasn't got any, because he's a science freak and he doesn't have the time for things like this! That kid mus' be like those books from Marc Laidlaw some daughter or a son from one of the developers from VALVe. You're overreacting. Again. End of story.
Dougy said:
Just look at how much Op4 and blueshift contradict HL's story.

New alien races (Race X) new zombies..... New characters that you never knew about in HL etc....

I'm not entirely sure (Which is my way of saying I disagree with you vehemently) that those are contradictions... more like... expansions.

My view, anyway...