Gordon Freeman has a son!

Dougy said:
im betting 99% of the stuff that you lot think is proof was written completely on the fly and without a thought of "Hey wait, does that give away our grand scheme?"

They made HL as a single game, bit like the matrix.

the matrix is insanely complicated, there are still a lot of things that fans haven't uncovered

Lets compare names here

Gordon Freeman

Now what do we know about gordon and the freeman?

well we took a little DNA sample and we have found that...
they are blood relatives!

And since we know the g-man carries a time machine in his briefcase... this can only lead us to believe that

g-man = g. freeman = Mr. T (disguise)

thank you,

that concludes my statement
Was the g-man the official name for that character or was it given by the fans?
G-Man in the HL code and in OP4's manual, but also:

Agent Coomer

... in the code.
Meh, just because he has no dependants and is unmarried doesn't mean he didn't have a wife/child at some stage but became seperated/they died/disappeared in suspicious circumstances...
And the Valve employees keep pictures of these characters so they remember that they exist - they must appear in Half-life 2 or 3!!!1!
Dougy said:
I personaly think You lot need lives.

Seriously its a Computer game.

Valve when they released didnt know everything was going to be analized by thousands of people...

im betting 99% of the stuff that you lot think is proof was written completely on the fly and without a thought of "Hey wait, does that give away our grand scheme?"

They made HL as a single game, bit like the matrix.

If they dont do a sequal then at least the original stands on its own without too much of a cliff hangar, whilst leaving room for sequals.

Just look at how much Op4 and blueshift contradict HL's story.

New alien races (Race X) new zombies..... New characters that you never knew about in HL etc....

Yes we know it's a game, hence we are having *fun* with it. We're not taking this seriously, it's just a pun thread.
Yep. Or mabe these people have imaginations, a sense of humour, and are able to type something amusing in the same time it takes you to type your bs.
Woo-wooo! Here comes the "Clutching at straws" train...
we11er said:

This is Gordon's locker in Black Mesa - just who is the baby in the picture? Hmm? And where is he (she? nah, looks male to me) now? Could Gordon Freeman junior play a part in the future of half-life 2?

Has the G-man taken Freeman's son and raised him as his own? Is this a secret part of the Half-life story that we haven't been told about?

Easter egg. I used to get all worked up over those, too. Irresponsible game development, I tell you!