Gordon Freeman how old is he?

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I know that gordan freeman is 32 years old now but does anybody know any other characters age's hehe uummmm.... you know just tryng to pass the time.. release the game allready :(
they say his age at the begining of the original, i'm not sure but they may have done it for Barney too in Blue Shift.
Wait...what the hell is he doing with a crossbow in the beginning sequence? H4xor OMgosh!11!
You have to love cheats. I know I'll use it if it is allowed in HL2.
Shit, I hope that OGC-2 will release the same day as HL2.
exec ogc.cfg
ever see that line? haha
OGC != impulse 101

sv_cheats 1 is a variable built into HL. It's meant to be used.
OGC is a series of engine exploits discovered by reverse engineering and viewing active memory in assembly and what have you.. rarr.. hacking, so to speak. :|
Gordon was 27 in Half-Life 1 when he worked at Black Mesa, and now it's ten years later and he is 37 I'm surprised no one got this yet.
lol Okay. now I can goto bed. haha. ogc rocks. with my old ID I got banned from 200+ sites. haha.
Well, not really. But, think about it.
All HL experts have used ogc to help us find the cheaters.
If we don't know what it does, then how would we find cheaters.

ps. I haven't used it for 2+ years. I used it for 1 month learning everything I could about it.
PLZ PEOPLE. Don't use it.
Also, remember if Vavle uses their heads and gives the admins the power to find out if we are using directx or openGL and the power to change it for certain servers the wall hackers would be stopped in their tracks.
I got it. I did my math. but just didn't post it. however, we will find out when the game is released. I wonder if they will post the same thing on the screen with a new age.
ALSO, PLEASE HALFLIFE 2 MAKERS. set it up by date so he can get older. THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOOO COOL
Valve is bullheaded...a friend of mine sent them a portion of coding of his (for CS) that made it very difficult for hackers...they sent him back a letter saying "We can block 95% of hackers on our own blah blah we dont know anything about how many people hack blah blah"
jackofthetrade32 said:
remember if Vavle uses their heads and gives the admins the power to find out if we are using directx or openGL and the power to change it for certain servers the wall hackers would be stopped in their tracks.

There's no OpenGL for HL2
Well, I understand why this is. But, I hope they include OpenGL2 when it comes out. I heard directx 10 won't be out until longhorn.
OpenGL2 would be out a year or two years before longhorn releases.

Well, we still need to have the option even though I said that stuff a minute ago.
didnt gabe say it takes place 15 years after hl1? So that means he is 42
Im not sure where i read this but i think hasnt gordon been in stasis or asleep for 10-15 years? isnt that why the gman says "wake up Mr Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes"?
so wouldnt he still technically be 27?
Physically he would only be as old as he was in half life 1, but chronologically he would be 10 years older.

End thread.
Guys, He is 27 in the start. The hole first game maybe take 1 year of hes life and then he meet G-man and boom gone... Then he gets frozed down or something and stop ageing... Eli vance said "My god, u havent change a bit"
A year? Jesus how long was your game. It was like a few days, a week at most.
He sure is old looking for being only 27. I mean, yeah, the stress of an alien invasion and your own military trying to kill you would probably do that to you, but he looks more like he's in his forties rather than late 20s.

The Black Mesa incident was 3 days. I think Freeman was done and hired at about 2 days.
27 + 10 = 37 chronologically...

He seems to have been frozen, put into stasis, or maybe whipped forward through time by the G-Man, so that he hasn't aged physically, hence the comment from Eli.

Already been said, more or less, but I hope I helped clarify it...

I'm pretty sure the BM incident took three days, didn't it? There's a writeup on it somewhere, maybe there was even an official statement on it at some point...
Farmaren said:
Guys, He is 27 in the start. The hole first game maybe take 1 year of hes life and then he meet G-man and boom gone... Then he gets frozed down or something and stop ageing... Eli vance said "My god, u havent change a bit"
Are you retarded?
Kschreck said:
Gordon was 27 in Half-Life 1 when he worked at Black Mesa, and now it's ten years later and he is 37 I'm surprised no one got this yet.

He's not 37 if he hasn't aged
Maybe ha fell into coma when he was knocked down by those grunts, and woke one year later in the...*trying to find a name*...Star-Wars-thing.
The_Monkey said:
Maybe ha fell into coma when he was knocked down by those grunts, and woke one year later in the...*trying to find a name*...Star-Wars-thing.

Black Mesa was nuked.
DizzyOne said:
If you're born with a coma and you wake up when your 16 your still 16 :P
You can't be born in a coma. Or into a coma. Or with a coma. Or... how do you say that? Past tense or...?
I think there not forawa9-0

Err... admins delete this if you want, this post was a mistake lol.
Estevan said:
didnt gabe say it takes place 15 years after hl1? So that means he is 42

"I keep telling you, I got a rare disease! I look 12 but i'm a 42-year old investment banker! I wanna go out and get laid!" "Yeah and I'm Santa Claus. Now tidy your room."

I remember something like: "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job...no one is more deserving of a rest..." from the Gman
Dile said:

"I keep telling you, I got a rare disease! I look 12 but i'm a 42-year old investment banker! I wanna go out and get laid!" "Yeah and I'm Santa Claus. Now tidy your room."

I remember something like: "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job...no one is more deserving of a rest..." from the Gman
indicating he's been in some sort of stasis.
"No-one is more deserving of a resst, and all the effort in the world would have gone to waist until... well... let's just say your hour hass... come again...
So wake up, Mr Freeman... wake up and... smell the ashes."
You forget how long Gordon may have been unconscious for when the G-Man found him. That could have been another year or so, on top of the original 27. As for his age in HL2, I'd say he's biologically still 27/28.
Kangy said:
You forget how long Gordon may have been unconscious for when the G-Man found him. That could have been another year or so, on top of the original 27. As for his age in HL2, I'd say he's biologically still 27/28.
If you're uncounscious for a year you're not gonna wake up. ;)
Excuse me but when did the Gman "find him"?
AJ Rimmer said:
You can't be born in a coma. Or into a coma. Or with a coma. Or... how do you say that? Past tense or...?

it was just an example that your birthdate will still be the same, not talking about mentally or that its possible to be born in a coma or on a coma or under a coma...
DizzyOne said:
If you're born with a coma and you wake up when your 16 your still 16 :P
In one way yes. Physically that may be true BUT mentally, he'll probably be just like a newly born kid. He definitely won't behave like a normal 16 year old kid. I can tell you that much :p