Gordon Freeman is alive

Tamer17 said:
You don't actors who look like Gordon , you just need good actors.

It's not a problem to look like Gordon. The Make-up will just do fine.

Look at Monster , at first I didn't know that Theron was the actress.

The only problem is to choose a good actor , who can act like Gordon and "feel" like him.

That's all fine and dandy... but the real question is... Will the actor playing Gordon grow a small pony tail?
I like the idea of Chris Walken for G-man.

I really think Gary Oldman, and his goatee, would make an excellent Gordon.
Sure we'd either have to put some youthful makeup on Oldman or change
the storyline slightly to allow for an older Gordon.

In any case, both these guys can act. :bounce:
Sparta said:
I knew John Candy was dead, i was just saying he'd be perfect for the Gabe. And who is Otis?

You know who I think would make a good Otis or Barney?

Forrest Whittaker, ye he's black but some license could be allowed.

I've seen him act, he'd do a better Otis than Otis. :smoking: ;)
Lordblackadder said:
You know who I think would make a good Otis or Barney?

Forrest Whittaker, ye he's black but some license could be allowed.

I've seen him act, he'd do a better Otis than Otis. :smoking: ;)
oh yeah
good ol
"ghost dog"


naw Im just kidding (that movie was a stinker), however I do agree he would make a great otis.


I dont know why Im posting this, but I found it when looking for pics of Forest whittaker...

i thought ghost dog would suck, but it is a good movie. i loved the integration of the art of war with all of the hitman stuff.
Check this out; Now tell me Tim Curry wouldn’t make a great Gordon Freeman if they made a Movie, think about him with the specks, and a slight ginger tinge in his hair, can you find anymore people that look like HL characters?


Not to bad lol He smiles a little to much to be Gordon. I cant see Gordon hacking up a Antlion and be smiling like him. Other than the smile though, A+
I never saw Ghost Dog. All I know of Whittaker is his performance in BMW Films "the Follow" and the New Twighlight Zone. That was enough to impress me.

As for Tim Curry playing Gordon....... too many people will look at Gordon Freeman and think "Hey it's that alien transvestite for Rocky Horror". I don't think so, also he's older than Gary Oldman.

I don't have a sig.
a half life film probably wont feature gordon freeman at all.

drop the fanboy praise for a moment...

would you pay $10 to see some ginger headed guy crawling through vents for a hour and a half?

it would probably follow a Scientist who was in Bm when the invasion happened or something.
Dougy said:
a half life film probably wont feature gordon freeman at all.

drop the fanboy praise for a moment...

would you pay $10 to see some ginger headed guy crawling through vents for a hour and a half?

it would probably follow a Scientist who was in Bm when the invasion happened or something.

Good point actually :)
That would seem more plausible indeed. And you could have, like in Op4, Freeman running around in the background at certain moments for the people who played HL :)
That would be cool, if maybe in the background you could see a security camera and he would run by it. Or before it happens you see him on his way to the test chamber.
It would probably show several different perspectives, and at they start to team up along the way until eventually, they all leave together, except Mr. Freeman who has a score to settle with the Big Baby and the Big G. Here is the list:

Gordon Freeman: Ed Norton

Barney: Colin Farrell

Doc. Kliener: Robert Picardo

Some sort of paratrooper or tank commander who has to bail out of the aircraft/tank
(He/She isn't given the order to eliminate Freeman, but was attacked before the military are called in): Ed Harris

Alyx’s mum (Gina Vance?): Izabella Scorupco

Eli Vance: Delroy Lindo

We only get to see the young Alyx Vance at the end of the first film.
it should be called.

now how about some titles for the movie

Diary of a headcrab.
Ernest goes to City17.
G-Man: Friend or Foe?
The Gordfather (okay that sucked)
The Manhack strikes back
and iono

Doom3 vs Half-Life2
Lol I like Ernest goes to City17, but what about Ernest Goes to Black Mesa?
Full Metal HEV Suit
Saving Corporal Shepard (a OpFor movie)
Dude Wheres My Train?
Ernest Goes to Xen
3-Legged Striders, lol.
Black Gunship Down?
I dunno...
Halflife-Episode1: The Phantom Gman
Halflife-Episode2: Attack of the Combine
Halflife-Episode3: A Manhack devided
Halflife-Episode4: A New Gordon
Halflife-Episode5: The Administrator Strikes Back
Halflife-Episode6: Return of the Manipulator

LOL, isn't it pleasant to rip somebody off
A few good aliens
Half-Life: The exciting world of physics 'The theory behind resonance cascade'
Brian Damage said:
I was gonna say that but decided not too because it was a stupid idea.
So, with respect of my dignity, that's not funny at all BrainDamage! ;)
Brian, got it.. Umm, what was this thread about? Oh yeah, erm... Yeah I saw this one picture of a guy holding up a HL box next to his face and he looked like Grodon in the same pose it was funny.
If your ging to cast a Half-Life movie here is how it would go:
Gordon Freeman- Edward Norton
(Have you seen the cover to the 25th hour movie?)
Barney Calhoun- Robert Downey Jr.
G-Man- Christopher Walken
Eli Vance- Danny Glover
Adrian Shepard-Thomas Jane(The new punisher movie)
Thats about it.
in my opinion the cast must be this

freeman.......................Ben Stiller

alyx......................drew Barrymore

barney............Jack Black

eli vance.............Eddy Murphy

adrian shepard............someone who looks like a soldier(because we never see shepard's face)

Gman...JIM CARREY :laugh:
<RJMC> said:
in my opinion the cast must be this

freeman.......................Ben Stiller

alyx......................drew Barrymore

barney............Jack Black

eli vance.............Eddy Murphy

adrian shepard............someone who looks like a soldier(because we never see shepard's face)

Gman...JIM CARREY :laugh:
OMG, that'd be so awesome! :laugh:
Vi Diesel for shephard?

not bad idea

for that I dont post he
Vin Diesel? I thought you wanted Half-Life to have acting in it.

I would definitely pick Delroy Lindo over Danny Glover. Partly because I think he's a much better actor and secondly he goes to my gym.
Keeson said:
Here is a little quote from weaselboy AKA Doug Lombardi:

"Heads start to turn and ears start to turn up when they hear that 3 million people bought (the acclaimed 1998 PC game) Half-Life and are totally into it," says Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. "When people in the movie industry start to hear numbers like that, they obviously start to say, 'Hmmm, maybe this is something that would work as a movie.' " (Lombardi says actor Chris O'Donnell already wants to play Half-Life's heroic scientist, Gordon Freeman, if it heads to Hollywood.)​

Chris O'Donnell? :x

come on!! Edward Norton would make a great Gordon Freeman and convincing at that :)

i hope Valve are wise in who they pick for the roles.. we already know how most game -turned movies end up as disasters.. and with Chris O'Donnell(all due respect) thats a start on the wrong foot.. :|
PvtRyan said:
A few good aliens
Half-Life: The exciting world of physics 'The theory behind resonance cascade'

as funny as u were trying to be.. i think u kinda got a decent idea..

a good name would be "Half Life: The Resonance Cascade"

at least this title ties in with the movie :p
bgesley426 said:
Vin Diesel? I thought you wanted Half-Life to have acting in it.

I would definitely pick Delroy Lindo over Danny Glover. Partly because I think he's a much better actor and secondly he goes to my gym.

Delroy Lindo goes to your Gym (Gime, whats a Gime?), where the hell do you live?

Its a wonderful Half-Life: A christmas movie for all the family to enjoy (except those who dislike blood, gore, and a evil alien menace)
Keeson said:
"Heads start to turn and ears start to turn up when they hear that 3 million people bought (the acclaimed 1998 PC game) Half-Life and are totally into it," says Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. "When people in the movie industry start to hear numbers like that, they obviously start to say, 'Hmmm, maybe this is something that would work as a movie.' " (Lombardi says actor Chris O'Donnell already wants to play Half-Life's heroic scientist, Gordon Freeman, if it heads to Hollywood.)​

He could do it I suppose...
But there can be no denying that Ed Norton is the only one who should really be considered for the role. He's so Freeman it's ridiculous.

Mr. Redundant said:
good ol
"ghost dog"

naw Im just kidding (that movie was a stinker)

You're on crack. That movie was awesome!
Delroy Lindo goes to your Gym (Gime, whats a Gime?), where the hell do you live?

Its a wonderful Half-Life: A christmas movie for all the family to enjoy (except those who dislike blood, gore, and a evil alien menace)

I'll say the Bay Area of California
You know, if you have it out of the eyes of Gordon Freeman, you don't really need an actor for him. Just some arms in the HEV suit. :)
Like I said many a time either Ed Norton or Johnny depp( have you seen previews for secret window? Depp + haircut = Gordon Freeman).
Letters said:
OMG, that'd be so awesome! :laugh:

Originally Posted by <RJMC>
in my opinion the cast must be this

freeman.......................Ben Stiller

alyx......................drew Barrymore

barney............Jack Black

eli vance.............Eddy Murphy

adrian shepard............someone who looks like a soldier(because we never see shepard's face)


WTF are you thinking!! Do we want Half-Life the movie to turn into another crappy comedy?
Chainer said:
Originally Posted by <RJMC>
in my opinion the cast must be this

freeman.......................Ben Stiller

alyx......................drew Barrymore

barney............Jack Black

eli vance.............Eddy Murphy

adrian shepard............someone who looks like a soldier(because we never see shepard's face)


WTF are you thinking!! Do we want Half-Life the movie to turn into another crappy comedy?

forgive him.. hes on dope.. :upstare:
Gordon: Ed Norton

G-Man: Anthony Hopkins

Barney: Bruce Campbell or Henry Rollins

Adrian Shepard: Bruce Willis