Gordon Freeman is the G-Man

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May 20, 2004
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"Gordon Freeman is the G-Man"

I know this is a long shot, but when thought about, doesn't seem that crazy or unbelievable... here are some theories that I have to back up this comment:

1. The names are similar, the name G-Man is composed of Gordon's name, i.e Gordon freeMAN = G-Man... just like how, NEO from the matrix was the ONE, an anagram...

2. In this moment in time, Gordon has the capability to teleport from room to room or from universe to universe, who says that in the future he doesn't have the capability to use this teleportation to travel through time? G-Man is obviously older than Gordon, I presume G-Man comes back in time via teleportation to help himself through battle, look over himself through battle to ensure he survives for his future goals etc...

3. The reason why G-Man is able to move from one point in game to another very quickly is because he uses an advanced teleportation device than the one Gordon uses now...

These maybe farfetched but I do believe there may be a hint of truth in at least 1 of these points... What do you think?
ah. remember in the game how Gordon was teleported to the lab, but it took a week! He said he will have to do research on that. Thats DEFINETLY a big clue to something.
boy*N.F.i* said:
"Gordon Freeman is the G-Man"

1. The names are similar, the name G-Man is composed of Gordon's name, i.e Gordon freeMAN = G-Man... just like how, NEO from the matrix was the ONE, an anagram...

2. In this moment in time, Gordon has the capability to teleport from room to room or from universe to universe, who says that in the future he doesn't have the capability to use this teleportation to travel through time? G-Man is obviously older than Gordon, I presume G-Man comes back in time via teleportation to help himself through battle, look over himself through battle to ensure he survives for his future goals etc...

that does make sence, they both have green eyes and Blackish color hair

and then that part where they take a week to come back in the teleporter
Do you guys have any idea how many times this has been speculated? The whole "Gordon is the G-Man come back through time" theory is probably one of the top 5 most repeated theories on the boards. Even if this was once the plan for the story, I suspect that Valve will change it...it just wouldn't be dramatic or unexpected anymore.
They both have green eyes!

It's a conspiracy!!!!
boy*N.F.i* said:
"Gordon Freeman is the G-Man"

I know this is a long shot, but when thought about, doesn't seem that crazy or unbelievable... here are some theories that I have to back up this comment:

It's utterly crazy and unbelievable, because there's no evidence to back it up.

1. The names are similar, the name G-Man is composed of Gordon's name, i.e Gordon freeMAN = G-Man... just like how, NEO from the matrix was the ONE, an anagram...

G-man is a generic name, it stands for "government man." In the original Half-Life, before they had even begun to figure out the plot for the sequel, G-man didn't really have a name. His name was taken from his model file, which was named gman.

2. In this moment in time, Gordon has the capability to teleport from room to room or from universe to universe

He doesn't have an ability like that. If you are talking about the teleportation sequence in the beginning, it has nothing to do with Gordon. The teleporter malfunctioned, just like it malfunctioned for Barney back in Blue Shift. He experienced the same warping around.
It makes no sense.

How could the gman hire himself out from the past :rolleyes:
^ That said, maybe the G-Man is Gordon once he is *free* from something....

the plot thickens...
Spartan said:
It's utterly crazy and unbelievable, because there's no evidence to back it up.
No sh*t shirlock, hence why its in the Rumour and Speculation room, i've never once said this is the truth or the plot of the storyline, only my opinion...
Spartan said:
G-man is a generic name, it stands for "government man."
read below
Gordon's Beard said:
G-Man = Gordon FreeMAN

It's beyond what we perceive as Government Man....

Spartan said:
The teleporter malfunctioned, just like it malfunctioned for Barney back in Blue Shift. He experienced the same warping around.
Who says it can't malfunction and send him into the future? who says Gordon grow and later on learn how to develop time travel, once again we are in which room...?!?! :thumbs:
as another user said, gman has a widows peak and gordan doesnt, gg.
where your hairline on your forhead makes a "v" shape, instead of going straight across.
if the gman is gordon from the future, then why would he go back intime to make sure he makes it through the battle? hes surely already survived the battle so why go through all that trouble, if you know what im trying to get at :/


Temporal theory here guys? If the G-Man is Gordon, events have occurred in such a manner to place him in the situation he is in today. If he travels back in time to confront himself and send himself on dangerous missions across the dimensions, the first time he alters anything that Gordon has done, he can set off a cascade of events that leads him to never being able to travel back in time at all.

At that point he wouldn't be there to effect things, and....paradox.

It doesn't make any sense. If the G-Man sends Gordon on missions in which he can die, he risks destroying himself. According to most theories on time-travel, he does that as soon as he changes the course of his own life. Reality ending, Terminator 2 type oblivion.

Imagine you find a time machine next to the Mr. Coffee at work today. You fire it up and go back to your prom night so that you don't spill spiked punch on your date. You have a great night, get a great confidence boost, a college degree and a great job, which doesn't happen to be the crap job with the time machine next to coffee-maker. So you aren't there to travel back and what happens then?

Am I making sense here?
There is no *real* proof that the G-man is Gordon in the future.
It's perfect possibly, but there is no real proof..
For all we know G-Man stands for
Gay Man
Gordon Freeman
Goverment Man
Gigagoon Man
Gondura Man
Go Matt And Nicky
Gordon Manager
Gift Man
this is one of , if not THE, most cliche and blind theory ever. you can see it's heavily influenced by bad B movies. i HOPE valve didn't decide that, but i don't really fear that as there is not really any evidence for it.. thank god
Different face.
Different hair.
Different eyes (G-Man's are blue).
Lack of glasses.
G-Man speaks, Gordon does not.
Time traveling future-selves are hokey.

Please refer to signature.
u said why risking sending himself to the past? to give risky missions
well what i think is
if gordon is g-man
what if in the future things are so bad that
its corrupt by well god know how many and g-man sends gordon to places that he can make a differnce?

And that he has different hear shape and face shape doesnt mean anything!
g-man is much older than gordon.
so ppl change....
or think on this what if g-man is gordons son?
and hes watching over hes father?
for whatever reason....
think on that...

i maybe lost right now but im yust typing....
It does matter that his face is different because you cannot very well go around changing your bones at will. It would require immense cosmetic surgery to do such a thing, and please, let us not start with the idea that things get so bad for Gordon, because he becomes well-known, that he decides to get reconstructive facial surgery. There is no reason why Gordon would ever have all his teeth pulled out and replaced with new ones so that his dental records are changed.

Also if G-Man is Gordon's father then why does he have a serious disregard for his personal safety? One would think that a father, even one that views his son as an enemy, would go out of his way to protect him. Much more so if the G-Man finds that his personality is mirrored in Gordon; he isn't anywhere near being his enemy. In fact he's taken quite a liking to Gordon Freeman. However, if Freeman fails and dies, it's simply an inconvenience to the G-Man, nothing more. Maybe not even that; who knows how many people he has under his employ?

As you can tell from my signature I've repeated these things many, many times. I do understand that people are so hopelessly curious--myself included--as to who the G-Man is, what his purpose is, and what his relationship to Gordon is, that they throw out every conceivable possibility. More often than not the possibilities are always one of four:

G-Man is Gordon from the future.
G-Man is Gordon's relative (9 out of 10 times people say "father").
G-Man is an alien.
G-Man is a robot.

Please keep in mind that Valve are master storytellers; they have a seasoned, award-winning writer who pens the story outline and gives design ideas. Read "The 37th Mandala," by Marc Laidlaw. While some of his conclusions may some oddball and straight out from left field, I assure you they are anything but campy or predictable. The above four theories are taken from B movie plots, and only the "G-Man is an alien" theory has a chance of being the snowball that doesn't melt in Hell.

Not trying to come down on you personally, or anyone else who believes these theories, but just remember that the time-traveling future self almost never works as a plot point, and the only time the plot point of, "villain is the good guy's father," that actually got pulled off well, was when audiences found out Vader was Luke's dad. Valve can come up with something better than that. Anyone can. Let's see some creative speculation!
The G-Man is a member of Time Squad. He was the one stealing all the doughnuts. He keeps a pack of gum and a teddy bear in his breifcase.

This thread is horrible, this whole theory (if you can call it that) is horrendous and totally untrue and has been speculated so many times its making me laugh (or cringe).

Let us drop it and move over to more intelligent discussion.....PLEASE
Also at the end of HL1, Gordon is hired by the Gman, if the gman is gordon, then why would he hire himself? then theres the end of HL2, Dr.Breen says that Gordons contract is open to the highest bidder, or something along those line, Gman also says that alot of spiecies are interested in his services...
If gordon is the gman how can gordon die? If the gman exists then gordon must live to become him. Also why at the end of HL1 would the gman send gordon to his death (the alternate ending) if gordon was really a younger version of himself.
UKchaos2 said:
If gordon is the gman how can gordon die? If the gman exists then gordon must live to become him. Also why at the end of HL1 would the gman send gordon to his death (the alternate ending) if gordon was really a younger version of himself.
I think to be honest it's impossible to not recognize yourself.. Even if your double is 20-40 years older you would still know it's you. So with that in mind it would be far too cliched if Gordon Freeman did = the G-Man. It would bring up almost a infinite amount of unanswered questions. However I think it would funny if in HL3 Gordon Freeman spoke for the first time in the series and he sounded exactly like the G-man. I think that would really creep out alot of people.... But it isn't going to happen.
how do u know?
u could never know what will happend maybe we will all be suprised...
For all we know G-Man stands for
Gay Man
Gordon Freeman
Goverment Man
Gigagoon Man
Gondura Man
Go Matt And Nicky
Gordon Manager
Gift Man
Dude you forgot Gabe Man. Gabe Newell obviously created the G-Man as a mirror image of himself.... uhm...
I completly agree with Darkside that the G-man is none of the aforementioned family members/alien/robot/advanced dog thing, but a few things that he said irked med:
One would think that a father, even one that views his son as an enemy, would go out of his way to protect him.
Uhm.... no. If a father considered his son an enemy, he would do the same as he would with any other enemy, have him killed in unimaginable nasty ways (or ignore him and hope he went away). And also:
the only time the plot point of, "villain is the good guy's father," that actually got pulled off well, was when audiences found out Vader was Luke's dad.
There are probably alot of books where this gets done well, I only know that it worked in the Wizards First Rule series by Terry Goodkind, but don't say that the only time bla. bla. bla: you cant possible know. So it is much safer to say; most of the times when this is the twist it sucks and ruins the story.
Just a few thoughts.

And There is no chance he is... Because When the G-man offerd Freeman to work for him he gave him a choise: Work for him or to Fight a battle he has no chance of winning

Unless the G-man is gordon from another dimension... but it's a wild chance, we can say
Let's see, I was driving my buggy on the rail track, a train's coming so I jumped off and hid in safety. The buggy was destroyed. What happeend? "Subject terminated, failure to perserve vital mission equipment."

Assuming G-Man was the guy filing such a report, it'd seem odd that he'd terminate himself from the past, unless he was (like in star trek first contact) protected from the time continuim or something.

Of course you could argue he didn't file the report, which implies someone more powerful's in play.
Theres this dude at school, we have the same eyecolor and haircolor..
Guys G-Man is not gordon.
You might think..but it stands for Gordon FreeMAN
But guess what back in HL we got his named because his model was named gman.
Now guess what?


Judging by the way GMAN speaks, I think we can rule out the possibility that he's a normal human, if human at all. It's as if he's very uncomfortable with language, and can't quite get it to flow naturally.

although...gordon... never speaking...bah

I say he's an AI.
All old people like the G-man can talk like that x_X!!
The strategy guide gives hints that pretty much throw a lot of these speculations out of the window.

But just to solve the G-man / Gordon green eyes thing, I am looking at the posters I got in my gold package and their eyes are not the same. Gordon's are mostly green with some brown on the outside. The G-man's are green in the middle and blue on the outside. ALso, their pupils are differently shaped and sized. Gordon's is bigger and rounded smoothly. The G-man has a much smaller pupil and the outer edges aren't completely smooth.

Also the strategy guide says explains how his voice pattern is weird and further brings up a doubt of his humanity when it says that: "...as if he is not quite comfortable with human speech." -Prima Official Game Guide for Half-Life 2

So I'm guessing the G-man is in a host body much like what Dr. Breen wanted to be put into to escape earth and survive in the combine's world.
Maybe G-Man started off as Valve's inside joke.

Maybe Gabe is the G-Man, always running around the Valve offices and monitoring everyone's progress. Eh? I like it.

All three main characters have green eyes. I'm starting to wonder why. I don't think it's a coincidence. (Although, it could just fit the whole green glowing nuclear waste theme.)

Alyx's eyes on the box art look weird, by the way. They look like reptile eyes or something. Dunno if it means anything or not.
TenchiMUYO said:
And that he has different hear shape and face shape doesnt mean anything!
i maybe lost right now but im yust typing....

A widows peak is genetic, so... I don't think you can change that. Unless I'm wrong.
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