Gordon Freeman is the G-Man

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sorry bout the bit of text that i accidentaly highlighted from the message board
but if the gman can control time, what if he goes bad and uses his power against everyone else...isnt that a lot of power for just one guy under his employers
well my theory is that hes from a different universe and can only control time in our universe because the rules of our universe don't apply to him.
its probably not even worth it to him... another one of my theories is that he just takes this "G-Man" form in our universe but is actually like a million times bigger and looks completely different in his universe and our universal quarals are just a source of his amusment
so basically the halflife universe is the gmans game of counterstrike?
Yes something like that... and G-Man could possibly be influencing more people around the world besides you.
so could somebody be playing marbles with the gman...like one step higher than what we're talking about
marbles is a boring game though...why would they waste their time?
no their playing something like battle feild but with different species
the half life story is just too complicated for something as flaccid as "gordon, i am you 30 years from now" like that gay AMP ad. plus mark laidlaw aint that gay.

Gman is an alien, its so obvious from the way he looks and speaks.

gman will probably reveal his true self in half life 3, and that ladies and gentlemen is when i will ask you all to bow down and worship me for being so darn cocky i knew the answer 3 years from when it was revealed.

Now cut the gman bull%#%t and get back to talking about how awesome op4-2 is going to be

peace out.
you have got to be ****ing kidding?
you resurrected a thread from 2004 to post that :O
prepare to be banned
You're all n00bs, Gman=Mossman
PLEASE, SOMEONE LOCK THIS BLOODY THREAD:flame::flame::flame::flame::flame::flame::flame:

Counter Terrorist Model 3 has green eyes, therefore, G-Man is on a campaign to stop the terrorist!!!!! Seriously Theres about a thousand different pieces of eveidence that says this theory is sh*t.....

Oh god, not another Gordon/G-Man thread. They are not the same person. Where's the mod when you need one?
JDark said:
Oh god, not another Gordon/G-Man thread. They are not the same person. Where's the mod when you need one?
See the '!' at the top right of every post?
[font size = ub3rbig]Gordon has Ginger hair!1 Gman has black! It's nOT a coincedence![/font size]
What I love about these threads - and there's bugger all else - is that you just know that the original poster was in bed, trying to get to sleep and then BAM! It hits them!
They leap, panting and salivating, out of bed and onto their keyboard in a single graceful movement:
"Must... Tell... Internets... Revelation... Gordon... Teh... G-Man! Mystery solved..."
Close This Mother ****ing Thread! Now! Its ****ing Useless!
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