Gordon Freeman is the G-Man

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well this is all well and good but theres one problem...time travel cant exist...unless

1. you have some form of out of phase tech so noone will ever see you or notice you in any way

2. you can only go into the future (which of course noone can really say exists and if it did it would imply we have a destiny)

why you ask

(and this just makes too much sense to be wrong, im not certified in any of this so you can believe me or not)

becuase everything you see hear or feel in any way shape or form effects your decisions in life even if its the smallest thing. so if you see somthing out of the ordinary its gonna effect you and in effect change you future in some way no matter how small.

so gman cant go back and interact with himself or any other person of the timeline without in some way effecting his time and that could be very bad, for example...you go back in time and talk to some person before world war 2, so he stops walking and talks to you, after you get done talking he walks off and gets killed by a car when it was just supposed to barely miss him, so sinse he is dead his kid cant play his part in the war which could of been somthing very pivital in the war forever changing the timeline for the worse.

and the future thing you would just change their future and not your time.

and all of this is dependent on the idea that we are at a single point on the ribbon (best i can describe it) of time and there is a past and a future.
Quick nod to Prodigal Monkey, I shouldn't have said that the only time the father/son revalation worked was in Star Wars. That was the only time it came to mind, and at least it was probably one of the only widely-known revalations that came out of nowhere and really stunned people.

Although, I stand firm on my quote that even a father who hated his son might try and rescue him, or prevent him death. While one can't be so optimistic in the real world, in stories that's generally the way it works. Again, Star Wars, and I'll reference a book called Stormrider in which the character the Moidart (who is something like a duke) truly hates his son Gaise Macon, but he does become concerned when there are outside forces attempting to kill him. My apologies if anyone who is reading this post is reading that book and I just spoiled something, but just the knowledge of it won't ruin it in the longrun. It's a good book, you might want to check it out. Oh, also consider the Lionel/Lex Luthor relationship on Smallville. Same thing there.

Anyway, everyone who says that "G-Man" could be code for "Gordon Freeman," I'm about to blow your minds: the G-Man's real initials are L.M. Check the letter of employment on the inside of your HL manuals; it is signed L.M., from the office of the administrator. We all know that the G-Man was acting as the administrator's liaison, and while a scientist mentioned that the facility was "crawling with the administrator's men," it is most likely that the person who typed that letter was either Dr. Breen's secretary, or the G-Man himself. Even if it is the former, I can almost guarantee that the G-Man's true initials cannot be G.M., or G.F. His first name probably doesn't even start with G. Imagine how silly that would be if, in his youth, his friends referred to him as, "The G-man," and that influenced his career choice. :LOL:
Double to nothing his first name is Lewis. He looks like a Lewis to me. Not even a Louis, just Lewis.
the G-Man's real initials are L.M
I made a thread about that letter, wondering whether Dr. Breen was a in story replacement for the first administrator, lm. But of course it could just be a secretary. I dont see how it has anything to do with the g-man though.
We all know that the G-Man was acting as the administrator's liaison
I had no idea actually... Where are we told this??? Though it would make sense when in the ending of hl2 Breen talks of Gordon being up for sale, as if he wanted to buy him from the g-man...
well i think its just a joke from Valve, they wanted to implement some mysterious person into the game (HL1) so they made G-Man. They proberly gave him that name because of the match in Gordon freeMAN, and then they named him that!

and in HL2 they implemented him even further because we made him cult! (what wouldent people say if G-Man was mising in HL2!!!!)
boy*N.F.i* said:
"Gordon Freeman is the G-Man"

I know this is a long shot, but when thought about, doesn't seem that crazy or unbelievable... here are some theories that I have to back up this comment:

1. The names are similar, the name G-Man is composed of Gordon's name, i.e Gordon freeMAN = G-Man... just like how, NEO from the matrix was the ONE, an anagram...

2. In this moment in time, Gordon has the capability to teleport from room to room or from universe to universe, who says that in the future he doesn't have the capability to use this teleportation to travel through time? G-Man is obviously older than Gordon, I presume G-Man comes back in time via teleportation to help himself through battle, look over himself through battle to ensure he survives for his future goals etc...

3. The reason why G-Man is able to move from one point in game to another very quickly is because he uses an advanced teleportation device than the one Gordon uses now...

These maybe farfetched but I do believe there may be a hint of truth in at least 1 of these points... What do you think?

You know how ****ing sick and tired I am of hearing that crap? VAVLe even said it is untrue...

oh and welcome to the forums n00b
G-Man is just the name of the model, and not the actual character's name. Right now he's unamed and simply refered to as the "G-Man" because its simple and in HL1 the model's name was G-man which is short for Government MAN.
"Gordon Freeman is the G-Man"

I know this is a long shot, but when thought about, doesn't seem that crazy or unbelievable... here are some theories that I have to back up this comment:

1. The names are similar, the name G-Man is composed of Gordon's name, i.e Gordon freeMAN = G-Man... just like how, NEO from the matrix was the ONE, an anagram...

He's never actually refered to as the G-man that's his codename, we don't know what his actual name is. G-man = Gordon Freeman, well that' a bit obvious isn't it.

2. In this moment in time, Gordon has the capability to teleport from room to room or from universe to universe, who says that in the future he doesn't have the capability to use this teleportation to travel through time? G-Man is obviously older than Gordon, I presume G-Man comes back in time via teleportation to help himself through battle, look over himself through battle to ensure he survives for his future goals etc...

Gordon doesn't really have the capability, and why interfere or "play with yourself" in the past? It is an awfully cliched idea, if G-man turns out to be Gordon in the future, or Gordon's father I will kill myself (or any of Gordon's relations for that matter). That's how confident I am Valve won't make a half-arsed storyline like that.
Sure G-man may have the ability to time travel, but that doesn't really prove the link between Gordon and the G-man.

3. The reason why G-Man is able to move from one point in game to another very quickly is because he uses an advanced teleportation device than the one Gordon uses now...

These maybe farfetched but I do believe there may be a hint of truth in at least 1 of these points... What do you think?

Yes but that again does not prove G-man is Gordon from the future. In a way, it counter-proves it. But there seems to me there is no link at all.

Sorry if I have seemed condescending, but I have seen enough of these type of G-man is Gordon or his father threads, and to be honest, don't you think Valve would have a slightly better story for Half-Life than this? It would be corporate suicide for Valve to follow this storyline.

Even the G-man is a diguised Vortiguant is a better storyline than this.

No, I believe Valve's Half-Life 3 story will be unique from all these theories posted by the community. Noone saw the HL2 combine conquering the world story coming (not to my knowledge), so why would anyone be able to predict Valve/Marc Laidlaw's Half-Life 3 story?

I'm not saying stop the speculating, some of these theories are quite interesting. I'm just saying, enough with the G-man is Gordon in the future or G-man is Gordon's Fairy Godmother.

Sorry to get all serious...it's been a long day.
you have alla missed one thing.... in the end of HF1 you have to make a decision... Gman says that you should accept his offer and use the teleport... but if you dont do that.. Gman will kill you? if Gman is Gordon freeman from the future doesnt that means that he will die himself? do anyone understand?
Also Gordon and the G-man have different kinds of speech impedements. Gordon can't speak...G-man speaks like a snake.
They also have different coloured hair.
Also why would you employ yourself.
Grargh I just don't like this idea. And I think Valve are smarter than that.

Odessa Cubbage is Gordon's father!
if G-Man is Gordon Freeman from the future... then why does he want the army to kill Gordon Freeman in HL1?...
If Dr Kleiner is Eli Vance in the future....why did he allow Gordon to overcook the baked potato in the microwave at the beginning of Half-Life 1? :eek:
Sid Burn said:
if G-Man is Gordon Freeman from the future... then why does he want the army to kill Gordon Freeman in HL1?...
Maybe, it's not him who's calling the shots with the Marines?

I belive it's true because:

A: It makes total sense.

B: Except for the widow's peak, they look identical, except the G-man is a little bonier, because he's older.
--Gman is Freeman:--

[G]ordon Free[Man]
They both have green eyes
Both look about the same, but you can tell the big age difference
Gman can mess with time, and go back to help his younger self
Gordon doesn't talk in Half life 1/2, Gman has trouble talking
Gman mostly watches you throughout the game

--Gman is not Freeman:--

Gman gives Gordon the option of death in Half Life 1
Gman might be an alien
Gman has a Widow's Peak hair

--Some facts about Gman:--
He can teleport almost anywhere, stop time, etc.
Gman does talk to other people besides you, like the scientist at the beginning of HL1, that person who gives you the rocket launcher in HL2, Sheppered, you see him riding the monorail in black mesa where some scientists and security guards are by, etc.
Nothing happens when you shoot gman both in HL1/2, maybe this is to not change the story, or that gman has some force field around him
GMan stands for "Government Man" which gordon might become

What i beleive

Gman is just an ordinary guy (government) who has access to a time machine and a teleport machine (in his suitcase with some other government papers) that knows Gordon is "the one"
G-man works for another empire fighting the Combine Empire.
I want the e-mail address of the guy who came up with this thery. I have a virus that will do nicely.
One, you must remember people
Gman is not his real name, nor probably has anything to do with his real name.
Gman is a real word, and it makes total sense in HL1 to name his model file that because it was what he was in HL1.

As someone once said, or something near it..
"I do not play gordon, I am gordon. As you are gordon in game. As far as I know, im not the G-Man."

Gman can mess with time, and go back to help his younger self[/QUOTE]

Possible, but there is no proof of that.

Gordon doesn't talk in Half life 1/2, Gman has trouble talking

Gordon does not talk for cinematic reasons. If it were a movie, I don't see any reason why he wouldn't talk, although I don't think he is the chatty type.

And this nonsense about the G-man talking poorly because he is an alien needs to stop. People have speech impediments, or a neurological injury might cause a speech impediment.

Gman gives Gordon the option of death in Hälf Life 1

Well OBVIOUSLY Gordon chose life. This arguement is undercut by the very existence of Hälf-Life 2.

Gman might be an alien

Again, possible, but unlikely.

Gman has a Widow's Peak hair

That's really the only fly in the ointment, right there.

He can teleport almost anywhere, stop time, etc.

Speculation based on observation. Not fact.

Nothing happens when you shoot gman both in HL1/2, maybe this is to not change the story, or that gman has some force field around him

If you kill him you pretty much screw the story, so that's it. It also serves, in my mind, to set him apart from the story, to reenforce the fact that he is aloof and unaffected by the events in the story.

GMan stands for "Government Man" which gordon might become

Remember that "G-man" is a nickname given to him by the fans. It's like the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty," in Stär Trek. It was never, ever said by anyone, any time, but somehow it got wedged in there.

What i beleive

Gman is just an ordinary guy (government) who has access to a time machine and a teleport machine (in his suitcase with some other government papers) that knows Gordon is "the one"

That's pretty sound.
kirovman said:
If Dr Kleiner is Eli Vance in the future....why did he allow Gordon to overcook the baked potato in the microwave at the beginning of Half-Life 1? :eek:

And if Lemarr is Opera Whimphery from the future... Why was the multiple egg merchant not stated?
I've seen footage of HL3

Gordon & G-man are talking
"Hello Gordon as you may have guessed my name is [G]ary Cole[man]"
"OK...I've heard rumors that you are...well...me?"
"What you talking 'bout Gordon?"
"I heard it on the internet!"
"Gordon I am your farther. Give your daddy a hug!"
"I love you dad!"
They hug.
"Why did you send me to fight the Combine"
"I thought we could set up a family business. Here come your brothers Barney and Adrien."
"Hey I still ow you a beer. Do you hear a cat?"
"Aaawwwww dad!"

I hope that answers your questions.
that does answer my question, thank you

Wow, you linked an image I made.. I am flattered

Could you please say that I made the pic? :dork:
Sarin Ola Sova

kirovman said:
Also Gordon and the G-man have different kinds of speech impedements. Gordon can't speak...G-man speaks like Snake.
They also have different coloured hair.
Also why would you employ yourself.
Grargh I just don't like this idea. And I think Valve are smarter than that.

Odessa Cubbage is Gordon's father!
Gordon can talk, you just dont hear him in the game. Like Barney Calhoun: in Blue Shift he said no word, but in HL2 he was speaking.
And GMan doesn't speak like Snake.
this is snake's voice click here

GMan = Bill Gates Man :)
gman isnt gordon freeman :T
why would the gman be watching out for gordon and "testing" his abilities if he already knew what he was capable of..
the gman is a name given to the guy, not his real name.
it basically means Government Man :D
G-man is Gordon after being atacked by Lamarr after the credits. Lamarr makes his face look old and his voice all weird. LOL

Gordon does talk. How else does he order the resistance?
Gordon does talk. How else does he order the resistance?

Its a gameplay inconsistancy, you just have to live with it, doesnt make a jot of difference to the story really.
ríomhaire said:
Gordon does talk. How else does he order the resistance?

He uses hand signals that are similar to the combine IMO
I think he can also communicate through them by pressing "E"... you can hear his voice whenever u press it.
Danimal said:
He uses hand signals that are similar to the combine IMO

How does he call them back when they're not looking at him?
Sid Burn said:
if G-Man is Gordon Freeman from the future... then why does he want the army to kill Gordon Freeman in HL1?...

Gman doesnt want Gordon to die at all during any time in HL1. He simply watched over you to see if you were fit for the ''job".

So if you died sometime in HL1, you werent fit for the job :D

But since he lived, he was hired.
G-Man = Gingerbread MAN


Really, trying to argue in favour of the G-Man=Gordon theory is dumb - it's like trying to revive a dead horse that has allready been beaten to a ****ing pulp. There are just too many things that show that it's impossible for it to be worth arguing about.

Faulty Sanity - so what you're saying is that if Gordon would choose not to work for himself, the G-Man would kill him, causing a rift in the time continuum which would, at the very least, erase Gordon from history, or in the worst case cause irreparable damage to the universe itself :eek: ? Brilliant, ****ing brilliant. Or maybe he just wouldn't kill him:

"Work for me or die Gordon!"
*whining*"But...but you're supposed to!"
*The G-Man throws a tantrum till Gordon steps into the portal*

God, this theory seems to just make more and more sense all the ****ing time!

And don't give me the "but pegcrab, if gordon wouldnt go into the portal there would be no hl2 LOL!" bullshit, because the risk of Gordon saying no was too big to justify taking it.
traditionaly, time travel is the weakest part of a story, used only when there is no other explanation or solution (you just hate it when someone time travels to stop their freind from dieing). I for one would like to belieive that the valve crew has more imagination than that. Although gman might be his dad...I like that. I wish my dad was that creepy. Imagine the introductions to strangers.
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