Gordon Frohman is DEAD!

I really think you overestimate the guy when you say 'no one' could have done better :P
The guy was really great at making comics and deserves the fame that Concerned got but he's not the funniest man alive.
What were your favs?
My fav were was when he wakes up with that combine dolly (its so cute!)
My personal favourite.


These two easily comes after and commonly shares the second place. :laugh:


I really think you overestimate the guy when you say 'no one' could have done better :P
The guy was really great at making comics and deserves the fame that Concerned got but he's not the funniest man alive.
That's not what i'm saying at all. He's simply done the best anyone could do with the source material, which itself is a major limiting factor.
RIP Gordon Freeman, and we do demand an Episode 2 tribute of some form.

Rest in Peace, poor guy. Rest in peace.

Oh, and by the way, this topic should be renamed to "ThE KING IS DEAD!" and then the first post should say "The Sausage King of Chicago, i mean."
:D Yeah I must say I liked the CS ones the most.
What was that you said? Sitting on a chair, as much booze as you could find stuck in a crate with a perfect vista of the Citadel in all its explosive glory whilst listening to Kleiner prattle on as you await your imminent doom.


Ah yes, how can I forget :)

That'd make a great evening.

"Too bad we didn't catch the train, Paula"
"Well, at least we get to see the fireworks"
*drinking commences*

Best 'machina' - OK webcomic is the correct word ...- ever created. I loved the humor, irony ;) and all those little small things that really uplifted the whole thing above all those stupid mere average Garry-Mod comics...

Mr Livingstone you trully are talented...I hope you'll reap the fruit of your labour

Best of luck...
It's not a machinima until it's actual video, Blck_prod. ;D

But no worries. It was probably the best ingame webcomic ever. Period.
:( I was hoping it'd run into Episode 1. Garrys Mod doesn't support that, right? I have no idea; I've never used it/don't know much. I guess not though.
:( I was hoping it'd run into Episode 1. Garrys Mod doesn't support that, right? I have no idea; I've never used it/don't know much. I guess not though.

Yes, gmod supports episode 1. Chris just didn't wanna continue into ep1, don't know why exactly, but maybe he was getting tired of the whole thing. I have to admit even though I loved the comic, I felt it got a bit weaker towards the end.
*Raises hand*

Question: Is there a version of that comic that is funny? Just out of interest.
Rest in peace Frohman.

Man i'm going to miss that comic, i loved it oh so much. So many golden moments!

Chris is such a funny guy, he should consider a printed version for sale as well as other merchandise (which i believe he said he was interested in... woo!)
*Raises hand*

Question: Is there a version of that comic that is funny? Just out of interest.

Ay, but only if you have a vague sense of humour, El Chi. ^ ^

And Russian dude, it's my policy not to click on random links that have no real relation to the topic. And if your english is bad i doubt there's anything i understand on it anyway.
God, not Gordon Frohman? :(

He was such a nice guy, always helping other people out...
Now that I have looked at every comic of gordan frowmen I can say this.:angry: nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo why why it was a good comic series! I wanted to see it go to episode 1 and 2. Its cool because it tells you about how certin events happend. I don't think its the end.
i'm afraid i didn't read this comic because it sucked

but my heart goes out to those of you that did
I've never actually read the comic, so I couldn't comment either way.
Now that I have looked at every comic of gordan frowmen I can say this.:angry: nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo why why it was a good comic series! I wanted to see it go to episode 1 and 2. Its cool because it tells you about how certin events happend. I don't think its the end.

Will you PLEASE stop calling him Gordan Frowmen?! His name is Gordon Frohman!
Well sssoooooooorrrrryyyyy it was a typo I miss spelled it. And all I did was do it a couple times its not gonna kill yoou if I get it wrong
*dies from being Frowmanned to death*
:rolleyes: That Figures frowmen frowmen frowmen DIE ALL OF YA DIE FROM BEING FROWMEND TO DEATH:sniper:
i'm afraid i didn't read this comic because it sucked

Well what are your favorite comics then? I mean granted, this series wasn't a home-run for every episode, but I thought there was plenty of clever stuff in there.

As soon as I saw the woman talking about how Combine troops took her husband away and she hasn't seen him since, then see Frohman thinking "Hmm... I think she's hitting on me" I cracked up.
In honor of Frohman, someone should make a mod about him; Get great voice acting to sound like Frohman.