Gordon = Jesus?



For the record, I'm an atheist... and I realise how sacreligious this probably is. And this topic is half the result of it being 3:30 in the morning... so don't be offended, anyone! :D

Everyone's heard the story of Jesus' crucifiction/resurrection/ascension... even me. And I was playing through "Entanglement" today, and I got to the teleport, went through after fighting off the combine, ended up in Dr. Kleiner's lab, and then I noticed some odd things. As far as I can gather from Google, the tomb of Jesus was supposedly covered by a large stone, which was eventually pushed/rolled aside... much like Dr. Kleiner pushes that heavy sliding door aside, eh? (don't ask how this occured to me, I have no idea...)

Then I started thinking about other possible connections, and I noticed some things- for instance, the way the combine teleporter rises into the air, much like Jesus' cross/crucifix/whatever you call it. And the way it takes a week to arrive... In the bible, it takes Jesus 3 days to be resurrected (again, according to Google :rolleyes:), but aren't they eerily similar...?

And then I was thinking about how Gordon ascends to the top of the enormous Citadel, eventually dissapearing into a space that is apparently outside of our own time and space. In the Christian faith, and others, the "external" realm is the home of God(s), and in the context of the New Testament, this is where Jesus ascends to- much like Gordon traveling to the top of the enormous Citadel and then traveling out of time and space as we can define it.

That last paragraph might be a stretch... but you get the idea, hopefully. Maybe this will fuel the "G-Man = God" discussion?

Again, I'm completely atheist... so I hope this won't offend anyone, because I can't really tell by myself. I just thought it was sorta interesting (and hilarious).
Whatever that's supposed to mean... :cheese:

I was reading through some other topics, and people seem to think "oh, G-Man can't be god, Valve would never do that, they'd fire the writer," etc.

That's what I thought (hoped) about the matrix. When Neo got practically crucified on that bed thing and the giant glowing cross erupted out of his chest, a little part of me died. :LOL:
(although I managed to convince myself that the first matrix is the only true matrix, and the other two are cash cows... crisis averted!)

The whole Jesus thing, though, can make a very powerful story if you tell it right. Godless as I am, I wouldn't be dissapointed in the least if HL2 was one huge biblical reference, as long as they did it right. I mean, HL3 would probably be some kind of "second coming" thing... would that be epic, or what?

And the more I think about it, I think there has to be something *special* about the G-Man, because if there isn't, then it's going to be a simple story of "Gordon goes to the Combine homeworld, kills them all". Not that that's bad... but Halo 2 just did it (partially, I guess... but Halo 3 will undoubtedly finish it). And if the G-man is just another link in the chain, then it could keep going on and on, with one mundane mysterious alien after another, nothing special.
Not to mention that at the end of HL2, you are practically a god running around with your grav gun and 200 armor :)

That's how I felt anyway.
i see where you're coming from, but wouldn't go so far as to equte freeman with jesus christ. last time i read the bible, JC didn't have a crowbar. hehe, sorry, i couldn't resist.

i DO think that gordon is taking on the savior/messiah role, as the last hope for the human race to gain ultimate freedom from the combine. breen even makes that statement in one of his broadcasts. many hero elements are cliche, overlap between stories, and take their inspiration from older sources (even the bible), so in one sense gordon freeman COULD be viewed as jesus ... but i prefer to refer to him as a savior.
oh god! jesus himself said it!

actually, yes, I've considered the Jesus and God relationship between Gordon and G-man... the G-man sends Gordon to right the wrongs on the earth; we never knew if Jesus had a true choice in what he was doing, and we know that Gordon does not. It could easily parallel.

Does that mean that Gordon is going to die?
jesus did nothing but complain, well and turned over a few tables.

gordon kicks some arse and wastes em.

personally i think he is a jesus like figure in a kind of way. leading humanity to salvation. in these times.
but he is just simply, a different guy, in a different time, doing different stuff. like i said
moggy said:
jesus did nothing but complain, well and turned over a few tables.
i think he did a tad bit more than just that. :thumbs:
Gordon kinda looks like Jesus with the whole goatee thing.. kinda.. maybe.. It does make sense that the G-man could be God, influencing events how he does.. Perhaps G-man is God, but in our species infancy, we understood him different than we do now.

One thing I'm surprised none of you mentioned is how in the water level, Breen says "a man who has aquired an almost messiahistic reputation", or something very similar.

He clearly says "messiah" or "messiahistc".

ALSO, everyone says maybe G-Man is Gordon from the future. They look similar. Perhaps, Gordon is the G-mans son!

NJspeed said:
One thing I'm surprised none of you mentioned is how in the water level, Breen says "a man who has aquired an almost messiahistic reputation", or something very similar.

He clearly says "messiah" or "messiahistc".
*points up to previous post*

Dill0n said:
gordon is taking on the savior/messiah role ... breen even makes that statement in one of his broadcasts.
You barely mentioned it, I was trying to get the exact quote, so if someone knows it or can load up that part, please post it.
@ NJspeed

you stated that nobody had mentioned breen's messiah comment, and yet someone (me) clearly did. although i didn't give the exact quote, which i didn't read you asking for, i had brought it up in my post ... just reinforcing to you that it had been added to the discussion, nothing more, nothing less.
Wow, it's really sad when society is equating Jesus Christ with a goatee... 'ed... crowbar wielding videogame character.

I can see it now:

After-Life 2

You run around from Jesus's perspective with a crowbar in the lower right-hand corner of your POV. At the end of the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness you would have a boss battle with Satan. Breaking the bread at the Last Supper would be a mini-game. On the way to Calvary you would use a balancing system similar to maintaining a manual in Tony Hawk to carry the cross.

I feel so ashamed now.
After-Life 2

You run around from Jesus's perspective with a crowbar in the lower right-hand corner of your POV. At the end of the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness you would have a boss battle with Satan. Breaking the bread at the Last Supper would be a mini-game. On the way to Calvary you would use a balancing system similar to maintaining a manual in Tony Hawk to carry the cross.
I smell a mod...
holy crap, if gorden ended up being jesus 2 i would walk into Valves office and personally pimp slap gabe.

there's no way its gunna happen, fans would go crazy.

yay atheism!
Oh yeah I had thought the same thing, I posted this in another forum. Oh and Phat-T I don't think anyone is thinking Gordon Freeman would turn out to be Jesus... just pointing out a symbolic parallel. None of it corresponds perfectly but they usually don't in symbolism... its just another layer of depth to the story. Anyway some of my thoughts on the biblical parallels...

Gordan Freeman is symbolic of Jesus as the SAVIOR, who will FREE mankind from the BONDAGE of, in the game, their oppresor (the combine, who they are slaves to), and in the bible, the bondage of sin which the bible says people are slaves to sin. Gman could represent a God-like figure, though it doesn't relate to a biblical God-Jesus relationship there are still symbolic aspects of Gman being God: over-seeing, fighting against 'evil' (combine), controlling time, etc.

The game seems to have a lot of biblical apocolyptic influences... Dr. Breen is like the anti-Christ, who comes to take power at the end times and performs 'signs and wonders.' (citadel teleports in and he is in charge, he is in control, appears as if he is running the show). He arises as leader with a good image but is really evil; he is anti-freeman (ie anti-Christ).

"The mark of the beast" - did you notice the posters in the game with the hands/palms with marks on them? I think those are the born posters with the Lambada marks. Also at the start when people want to walk through different areas through the forcefields, they hold up their hands and the camera takes a picture so that they can pass.

Notice in the history of the game. The SEVEN-hour war (seen on the newspaper in Eli's lab), and then the earth surrenders. Seven is used quite a lot in the apocolyptic book of Revelation describing the end of the world, the end of mankind, as well as in other prophecies. They picked the number "seven"-hour war for a reason. Also I think there is something about a 7-year period of Tribulation or something as well I can't recall. Perhaps this is like the 'tribulation', hell on earth?

And then of course there is the issue of the second coming. Was Gordan Freeman returning the 2nd coming, where he came and destroyed the citadel after being gone for a week? Like the original poster said when he ascended and then in his absence he sparked a revolution and the earth went into uproar and rose to fight back. He was gone for one week (SEVEN days, seven is heavy in biblical references and talk of the end times), and then he comes back to restore order after everyone thought that he was dead (Kleiner says he thought he was dead as well) - just like Jesus coming back after everyone thought he was dead.

Well I think there is definetly credibility to the parallels and symbolism drawn here even if not everything lines up perfectly, I think there was some biblical themes throw in to add depth to it all!
Its fun quoting yourself, eh?
There are a lot of things that could contribute within this, all you need to do is play the exact same chapter like 50 times just to get it.
so g-man = god man?

Also did anyone notice the connotation between the name Judith and Judas?

Judith betrays Gordon as Judas betrays Jesus.
yes, much of the story is a lot like revelations and such... (well, it is as I think about it... its so symbolic its hard to remember, and I'm not getting up to go look at it :D ) The combine are the beast, the combine soldiers wear the mark of the beast, and then Jesus comes in and kicks some 4ss...(such a theologian, I know) Then the world ends hooray!
-Gman tells Gordon about how he reminds him of himself at a previous time beacuse Gordon has beat all odds.

-Plus all the facts first pointed out by this threads creator.

I was thinkin that if all this went down and everyone was like . HEY ITS GORDON!! FALLOW HIM!!... Wouldn't someone have told them he was coming or at least who he was.

Perhaps Gordon was their savior in HL1 and somehow Gman is the embassedor to the human race or just helping them. Making Gordon comeback to help out again. I think the Gman has been watching you since the second you steped on that Translink thing in the first game.

He has obviously been interacting with the fellow citizens, considering you were gone for years and years (Alyx was born), and they know who the g-man is.
You see Voritgaunt watching TV with Gman on it. You see gman talking to citizens.

I dunno, i just think that this has somewhat of a bible feel to it... a little too much to just be an accident. The game was obviously set up for a 3rd so we will just have to wait and see...

-Gman obviously knows some bad $hits gonna go down in black mesa #1... hes been watching you ever since..

Hl2 should have started off... differently

you should start off in the airplane that you end up in at the very end of the game HL1..

Then you choose....

/end random talking
One minor thing Eightball - Alyx was born before the events of HL1.
You don't have put "i found it on google" after every religious thing you say. It's not like knowing about it would make you any less athiest. I'm catholic (barely) and i know things about Jeudism (sp?) and Islam
How is Gordon anything like Jesus FFS, Gordon didn't die, didn't raise again on the 3rd day, was not a martyr, Gman did not love the people around Gordon including Gordon himself (if we are calling Gman God) and I don't remember Gordon curing any diseases.

Last check also, Jesus didn't kill people.
Dalamari said:
How is Gordon anything like Jesus FFS, Gordon didn't die, didn't raise again on the 3rd day, was not a martyr...and I don't remember Gordon curing any diseases.

Last check also, Jesus didn't kill people.
moggy said:
jesus did nothing but complain, well and turned over a few tables.

gordon kicks some arse and wastes em.
Gordon is Jesus for 21st Century America (especially for GW Bush)
G-Man could be Satan. Gordon's deal with the G-Man is actually a Faustian Pact, so in exchange for glory and success, he gives his soul to G-Man. That's why G-Man can put Gordon is stasis whenever he wants. That is also why everyone knows about Gordon Freeman and think he's the savior

This is a fact, don't ask how I know all this
PvtRyan said:
Not to mention that at the end of HL2, you are practically a god running around with your grav gun and 200 armor :)

That's how I felt anyway.

hehe... Me 2 :cheers:

but ok... Gordon=Jesus.. err... No!
Blue Grav Gun = da secret of Jesus's special powers!!!! The mystery is solved!!!! :D
Jesus' big thing was peace, Gordon's big thing was killing. So it would be more like the Jewish Messiah, that never came, who was supposed to save the Jewish people from oppresion by killing all the enemies.
Hmm, i was trying to search and post similar looking images of jesus and gordon, but well... if you google jesus check the first image that comes up (in image search)