Gordon Needs You!

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Gamespy have posted one of their renowned Gamespy Grudges, wherein you can vote for your favourite game or character. This time their grudge match is to find out which game you're looking forward to more - Half-Life 2 or Halo 2?[br]
Half-Life 2 is way behind right now but your vote can make the difference, so go and cast your vote (100 times each please), here.
Your a horrible, horrible person Chris. So much for our lead. :sleep:
You can't beat the console, don't bother :(
Way to go Chrissie, sinking to Bungie's level. :|

And really, what f*cking difference does this poll make?
"omgwtfbbq halo 2 wins now we must abandon teh hl2!!!! "
what does that pool prove anyway ? squat. hl2 is gonna own halo2 ass so easy. stop comparing them.
Halo 2 is gonna own hl2 ass so easy. stop comparing them.
Halo 2 looks like crap compared to Half-Life 2. And what can you expect from a console with outdated hardware. Half-Life 2 owns Halo 2 anyday.
Varsity said:
I expected better of hl2.net.

I'm pretty sure this is a half-joke. Note the 100 votes each part.

Edit: Or, on second thought, pretty much the whole post.
Really. Just how important is this poll? Will it make HL2 better? Do you feel like you're lying to yourself about how good the game will be if HL2 loses the poll? Silly kids, polls are for homos.
Sharrd said:
I'm pretty sure this is a half-joke. Note the 100 votes each part.

Edit: Or, on second thought, pretty much the whole post.
Of course, but that's not going to matter to the average joe.
Ive noticed that if I voted for Half-life 2, Halo 2 gets votes too :/

They are ripping us off and have rigged the poll to accepts votes for Halo 2 while your actually voting for Half-life 2. Check it out for yourself, take note of both results and vote for Half-life 2. Then go back and check the results.

Is that fair?!?!?!?!??!!!
I'll write a C# app to repeatedly vote for HL2, then post it on the forums for people to use. We'll WIN DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!
forget it, gordon has no chance against the monster armies of little xbox kids...
Mysterious: In that case, how could HL2 take the lead in the first hours?
It most likely is because people are voting for Halo 2 at the same time as you.
Sharrd said:
Mysterious: In that case, how could HL2 take the lead in the first hours?
It most likely is because people are voting for Halo 2 at the same time as you.

Basically, Bungie put it on their site....and then they came.
About The Thing's post: That just sucks. Bungie should hang themselves, their joke was as lame as Gamespy's jokes.

Edit: No, Ducky's thread was closed down because it had already been posted. Twice.
To say that you're gonna prefer Half Life 2 in an opinion, and valid. To say that Halo 2 is crap for no reason is just ignorant fan boy zealotism and you give us PC gamers a bad name.

Halo 2 has some damn fine graphics, some great gameplay touches and, from what I've seen, an involving story and fantastic multiplayer.

Half Life 2? Well you run it on a top end rig and the graphics will, of course, look eye bleedingly good (though on the min-specs you're looking at below Halo 2 quality) the gameplay looks unsurpassed and the story promises to be more absorbing than any Hollywood movie could hope to be. Shame about the multiplayer.

At the end of the day, and if anyone's still reading this, or interested in my opinion, I voted Half Life 2, cos that's the one I'm most excited about, but I'm gonna have a whole load of fun with both of them.
CrazyHarij said:
Way to go Chrissie, sinking to Bungie's level. :|

And really, what f*cking difference does this poll make?
"omgwtfbbq halo 2 wins now we must abandon teh hl2!!!! "
Well, I can tell you now, if HL2 doesn't win that poll, I'm ****ing off to www.halo2.net ;)
Mysterious said:
Ive noticed that if I voted for Half-life 2, Halo 2 gets votes too :/

They are ripping us off and have rigged the poll to accepts votes for Halo 2 while your actually voting for Half-life 2. Check it out for yourself, take note of both results and vote for Half-life 2. Then go back and check the results.

Is that fair?!?!?!?!??!!!
dude think about it more people than just you are voting every second when i voted there were 2 more votes for hl2 i didnt check halo2 but there probably were more than 2 votes added just because more ppl are voting for halo2 per second then for hl2 common think!
Someone find a macro program and make your computer vote all night for half-life 2...
this is pathetic, posting in the news section a request for voting in some stoopid gamespy poll. Why don't you spend your time trying to find out when the sdk is comming out, or why we never saw any of the tools that were suppose to come out after e3. do some grilling of them people, like news sites are suppose to do, not sheer fanboism.
ne ways, on topic ;) . hl2 will prolly be more fun then a console game comming out on an old ass console, but maybe not, hl never reached the level of fun of goldeneye.
thing is, i don't think hl2 is all that impressive, css was dissapointing, but i never really realized the power of source till i saw bloodlines, which looks AMAZING, and im more pumped for that then hl2 by far, and am pissed at valve for not letting this game come out when it was done (from what i hear anyways)
are ya'll gonna have a section of the forums, or site, dedicated to bloodlines? or wiill no mp or sdk kinda make it an irelvant discussion topic for forums?
The problem with it is that alot of the HL2 fans are alot more mature/lazy than Xbox/halo fans so there not gonner sit there wasting there time voting tons of times just to win one of gamespys lame polls. Then all the HL2 fans that arnt mature will be too busy playing CS.
12800 to 8058 :(

Looks like halo 2 is gonna win it :(

But its now 13400 to 9600, we are catching up !

It really annoys me however better hl2 will be, consoles always out do pc in sales.
It should be pointed out that Halo2 people have cheated in this poll by using automated macro scripts to vote thousands of times automatically and autonomously plus it also helps that Halo 2 is the featured game that is covered all this week in gamespy's articles and even Bungie the makers of Halo2 are involved :LOL: .

Just vote then go back to the original poll page and clear your cookies and then vote again. Repeat process... You can automate this process with any macro script that can record key strokes :D . Well I'm off to vote for Halo2 :LOL:
GameSpy on Halo 2 said:
Quick, what's the one thing that every successful first-person shooter must have? Nope, it's not a good story. Vehicles? Nah. Give up? It's the weapons, stupid! Without some cool rifles, grenades, or rocket launchers, you'd spend most of your time running up to enemies and attempting to take them down with your fists, bad breath, or possibly some sort of scathing verbal insult.

This is what is wrong with today's gamers. They're morons.
"Fargo: ...and to their friends, and to their friends, and every one of them will click on the ads. "

*pop* *pop* *pop* ... what ads? :thumbs:

halo2 won alright... give it up already "resistance if futile" :borg:
I wished that this, out of all things, wouldn't be in the news. Chris has stirred up a nest of fanbois and we have to suffer. ;(
I dont care who wins

I plyed Halo2 leaks *me covers of flames* and is trully good but I still think HL2 will be better

but still they are both good games
Mysterious said:
Ive noticed that if I voted for Half-life 2, Halo 2 gets votes too :/

They are ripping us off and have rigged the poll to accepts votes for Halo 2 while your actually voting for Half-life 2. Check it out for yourself, take note of both results and vote for Half-life 2. Then go back and check the results.

Is that fair?!?!?!?!??!!!


Or it might just be that every time you vote some other person somewhere in the world has voted for Halo 2..


I voted about 45 times for hl2 and halo got about 20 votes in that period and Hl2 got roughly 100
All who say that consoles and xobx is full of little kids are ignorant.
To be honest.. I AM more excited for Halo2 just cuz Half-Life 2 has been delayed, and delayed and delayed again.
I think that HL2's single player will be better than H2's but H2 will have way freaking better multiplayer than CSS.