Gordon spotted through portals

The only problem that could really deny the portal gun altogether that i see is that all of portal was played indoors. The outdoor world of othe half-life universe doesn't have Anti-Portal walls, and as you know the ball thing that soon becomes a portal travels forever until it hits something and dissapears, or becomes a portal. Basically, the only way a portal gun could possibly be in Episode 3 is if Valve made every point of gameplay on from the moment you get the gun, to the moment you lose it or the end of the game so that you don't try to portal your way to places that shouldn't be reachable.
Valve is making a Portal 2, they aren't going to exhaust ideas with Episode 3, when that game has so many great ideas to exploit on its own.
Hey guys first time poster, relatively long-time browser. Sorry for the necro post I couldn't resist, this all seems so interesting!

Personally I'd love to see the portal gun in HL2: EP3 just for the hell of it, but I can't really see it happening. GLaDOS herself said that the device is worth more than the 'combined organs and incomes of all residents of [subject hometown here]'. In other words the ASHPD is damn expensive and I'm guessing, very hard to manufacture to say the least. At most there are probably only a very small amount of the things lying around and by canon the only one we know of is/was in Chell's possession. As far as has been shown the Borealis was involved in portal technology and methods of proportions equal to the size of the vessel if not larger. The portals being used were big enough to move the entire ship. The Borealis may have had an ASHPD aboard but since it was being engaged in tests that managed to move the entire ship I doubt they would have been left aboard seeing as how the outcome of the test might have led to the eventual loss of the device, which it did.

What I mean to say is that Aperture Science were involved in something big with the Borealis and that they wouldn't needlessly risk portal guns being possibly lost unless they too were a significant part of the test, which seems unlikely seeing as how the largest portals we have seen being made by them are a mere 6 feet high (give or take).
Half life is not about puzzle solving? Come on people, did you at least play the HL series or what?
And wrong.

Half-Life is not, first and foremost, a puzzle game.
I think if portals appear at all, you won't control them; instead another character will, or they will simply be a different kind of transition between rooms. That way, you still have the link between Half-Life and Portal, while avoiding the problem of breaking the Half-Life style of gameplay.
I red 6 pages and my head hurts of stupid theories written here.

It's just me or a goddamn portal gun doesn't belong to Borealis? The fact that Aperture lost a ship in an experiment doesn't automaticaly imply that they have portal guns onboard (which, by the way, belong to laboratories). It would be stupid to consider that Aperture, (supposingly) trying to teleport an entire ship, would place portal guns on it. WHY????????? Why, why, why?

Let's take it easy and let's not rush theories. If YOU would be in charge of the experiment involving teleport of a whole ship ( with or without crew, doesn't matter), would you place personal teleporter guns onboard? If yes, the reason would be...?

No, from the story's point of view, the portal gun doesn't belong to Borealis. It would be stupid, pointless. Freeman could find anything on Borealis, EXCEPT a portal gun. Even finding blueprints of a portal gun would be stupid. Why? Borealis is not a laboratory, is not an "enrichment center", is not a training place, is not a research facility. The ship and some part of the drydock were lost during mysterious conditions, that's it. There may be proves, ghosts, tapes, computers, video recordings, clues, even living people on that ship, but, I must repeat, I DON'T SEE THE POINT IN HOLDING A PORTAL GUN ONBOARD. Why would they keep one, for teleporting from bridge 1 to bridge 2?

Come on, be serious... Although the stories from these two games share some common facts, that does not imply, by any means, that this two games will be the same. Not for a single second.
Half-Life is not, first and foremost, a puzzle game.

In the end you are right, but I have to admit that, back in 1998, at a first glance I was thinking about an adventure game, or a survival horror. Beginning with Half-Life 2 the series has definitely turned into a shooter (driven by a solid storyline).
Thus, we won't get the Portal gun.

they could still design the level in such a way that portals wont be able to look at each other...OR they could give it to an NPC and we follow them, that way they can place the portals perfectly so we can't see ourselves.
the portal gun can only create portals on specific surfaces so it's pretty easy to not have portals facing each other.

Actually, it's the other way around. The portal gun can't create portals on specific surfaces.
Actually I know this for a fact. The Portal Gun WILL be used in E3. Obviously, just Confirming it.
True, we'll have to see in Portal 2 won't we. I wonder what the gun upgrade will be if there is one.
This whole portal gun thing on the borealis is getting so old, same with the whole "we'll find glados and chell on borealis too!" thing. Come on guys, get back to planet earth, valve isnt going to do that. The borealis is an asset of apeture science, but that doesnt mean we'll find th f'in portal gun in it!

Jeeze, whats next? Alyx turns out to be a combine synth that turns into a 300 foot tenticle monster and becomes the final boss?
It's pretty hard to create a world without flat concrete. Thus, you can't engineer Episode Three so that use of a Portal gun wouldn't let you view Gordon through them.
Only have it on the Borealis. Ship's made of metal. IIRC, portals don't spawn on metal.
How do you know? It's not like Valve have provided us with a material-chart of what textures are made up of in Portal.