Gordon the messiah

Jul 23, 2003
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Just realized something, if in the HL series humanity ends up triumphing in the face of adversity, do you think that Gordon would be remembered as a religious figure?

"and lo didth Gordon swing his golden crowbar in a fiery arc that did smash open the heads of the combine unbelievers"

"and through his holy gun of gravity he was able to destroy the unholy tower as he cast down the traitorous breen"

etc etc

thoughts on Freemanism?
hahhahaha, this is funny :D

Do you swear on the freeman, that you will say nothing but the freeman, and so let the freeman be with you
"And when the freeman thus spake, all that could be heard was silence, for he spoke in truths so profound our very ears were unworthy of catching the sounds."

"In the name of The Gordon, The Alyx, and the Holy Barney"
Knowing the Vortigaunts, they probably already view Freeman as their messiah figure.
I bet in ep3 if Gordon sacrifice's his life, a marter(did I spell that right) they would have a statue of him, like that one in D.C with soldiers holding up the american flag in Iwo Jima, but instead of that Just imagine a statue of gordon in the middle of a city Him standing so ever tall and holding his crowbar ever so tight.

I could see Alyx mourning over it, that would be touching imo.
What Riomhare said.
The vorts already consider him a messiah and savior for freeing their race, and I think Dordon will be remembered as the man who brought the Citadel down. Plus he is already considered a superman ("The One Free Man, the Opener of the Way")
"This is the Freeman, the Combine's reconing has come"
I don't think Freeman would exactly have his own religion about him, but I do think he might be seen on the levels of perhaps Christ or Moses, as such perhaps an agent of God. It's apparent by Eli that Christianity still exists, so I think that'd be a bit more plausible than having him be his own "figurehead" for a religion.
The Kaiser said:
It's apparent by Eli that Christianity still exists
It is?
I mean, father Gregori is a better indicator than Eli in my opinion...
AJ Rimmer said:
It is?
I mean, father Gregori is a better indicator than Eli in my opinion...

Well, true enough, but Eli does make several sayings towards praying (For Alyx) and such. Perhaps Grigori is a good indicator that there are still those with a very strong religious conviction, and Eli is more of an indicator that there is still religion in the more common folk.
Gordon Should be a marter(Did I mispell it) , think about it, like Jesus he died for our sins, well Gordon died for letting Humanity have a second chance at life, A non-oppresive one, and there would be a statue of him in the middle of a city with his crowbar and wearing is protective HEV suit of a statue.
It's "martyr".

And why would Valve want to kill off Gordon, the symbol of HL saga? Nah, I bet we'll see eventually HL3 where Gordon completely destroys Combine on Earth and stops Combine from ever entering our universe, HL4 where Gordon goes to Combine home dimension and HL5 where Gordon fights the rest of the Combine Empire and goes to Vorts original universe(not Xen)... Possibilities are endless.
(HL3) which may not happen, because episode 1-3 IS HL3, you are playing Hl3 right now, well part 1 of it anyways.

So episode 3 is the supposively the end of the HL saga.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
So episode 3 is the supposively the end of the HL saga.
VALVe only said it'd be the end of the current episode series. They'll leave a door open for another sequel, I can assure you. With that in mind, I don't want Freeman to die a forced death. His final fate should always be left to interpretation as that always leaves more room for discussion and mod ideas.
I bet most ppl (including myself), do not want to see a forced death upon the Free-Man, but it would be quite touching, Imagine Alyx Crying upon it, never even got a chance to show her true feels, but Oh well **** happens, but it would be very touching, I too would cry, I also would like to see barneys reaction.
The Kaiser said:
Well, true enough, but Eli does make several sayings towards praying (For Alyx) and such. Perhaps Grigori is a good indicator that there are still those with a very strong religious conviction, and Eli is more of an indicator that there is still religion in the more common folk.
I think Eli only uses everyday expressions more than he is actually meaning to pray to god. He is after all a scientist, and he's also experienced first hand some creatures that are from a place I know not of as referenced in the bible. Unless there's a verse Xen 3:16
AJ Rimmer said:
I think Eli only uses everyday expressions more than he is actually meaning to pray to God. He is after all a scientist, and he's also experienced first hand some creatures that are from a place I know not of as referenced in the bible. Unless there's a verse Xen 3:16

Being a scientist doesn't automatically make one more inclined to atheism, despite the common belief that it does. There are plenty of scientists that are Christians, Jews (Albert Einstein anyone?), or Islamic. Plus, Xen's existance wouldn't nullify any belief, as it never said in the Bible there wasn't a Xen, but does in the beginning state all the "numerless" stars in the sky and such.

Plus, if you don't believe in a God what's the point of saying "I'll be praying for you baby."? Praying to what? What's there to listen to the prayer if there's no God. There's no point in saying that, and it just doesn't make any sense period.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
(HL3) which may not happen, because episode 1-3 IS HL3, you are playing Hl3 right now, well part 1 of it anyways.

So episode 3 is the supposively the end of the HL saga.

If they wanted the series to be Half-Life 3 they would of called it Half-Life 3.

But back on topic, I'm sure Gordon has done enough to be remembered for many generations to come.
Mr. COWmaster said:
If they wanted the series to be Half-Life 3 they would of called it Half-Life 3.

But back on topic, I'm sure Gordon has done enough to be remembered for many generations to come.

Gabe said in an interview him self that we where playing HL3, but i don't think it will end, in a radio interview with someone with valve that freeman will go on. but it could be the end of HL and the beginning of a new game

Edit: oh btw do you think gordon is the "Dark messiah" *Snickers*
The Kaiser said:
Being a scientist doesn't automatically make one more inclined to atheism, despite the common belief that it does. There are plenty of scientists that are Christians, Jews (Albert Einstein anyone?), or Islamic. Plus, Xen's existance wouldn't nullify any belief, as it never said in the Bible there wasn't a Xen, but does in the beginning state all the "numerless" stars in the sky and such.

Plus, if you don't believe in a God what's the point of saying "I'll be praying for you baby."? Praying to what? What's there to listen to the prayer if there's no God. There's no point in saying that, and it just doesn't make any sense period.
I didn't recall the prayer-quote, yeah, that does kinda seal the deal on definite christian :p
And what I meant was it's kinda hard to fit Xen and the combine into creationism. What, after god rested he went back to work on Monday and made another 100 dimensions, and then a bunch of floating islands in between those and our dimension?
AJ Rimmer said:
And what I meant was it's kinda hard to fit Xen and the combine into creationism. What, after god rested he went back to work on Monday and made another 100 dimensions, and then a bunch of floating islands in between those and our dimension?

Well, The Lord did create the stars in the sky on one of the first days if I do recall, so it could fit in there, I'd suppose. Plus, considering (In the Catholic Belief) that the Lord uses evolution and creationism together, it's not unlikely that the combine couldn't have evolved on another planet, somewhere far off from earth.

I dunno, God usually seems to have a sense of humor in these things, maybe Xen was a practical joke of His?
I think that while the Vances may have a belief in God's existance, it's more of a lip service compared to standard Christians today. Aside from utterring the name of God and the occasional prayer, Eli and Alyx won't do much more than that. Therefore they won't be bothered to think about various flaws as why the Borderworld exists and other questions.
AJ Rimmer said:
I think Eli only uses everyday expressions more than he is actually meaning to pray to god. He is after all a scientist, and he's also experienced first hand some creatures that are from a place I know not of as referenced in the bible. Unless there's a verse Xen 3:16
Our freeman in teh lab, Hallowed be thy name, Thy Lab come they combine gone on earth as in xen, give us today our supplies of ammo, forgive us our Friendly fire as we forgive those who FFed us, Do not bring us to teh lake of itchys but deliver us pizza... for thy lab thy power and thy grav gun is urs forever Vorten!(vorten is thier way of saying amen)

But Gordon being a martyr is a perfect way to to end the HL world and the adventure's PhD Dr. Gordon Freeman, And alyx crying over Gordon would be very touching as they had a very close relationship in hl2 and ep1.

I bet most ppl here want to see Gordon & alyx get married and have kids and Sh*t, then Gordons job would be taken over by one of his sons, then gordon would die a old dude, but it not a good way to end the Hl saga, Idk.

All Hail Saint Gordonicus Freemanicus! :D
In the beginning Gordon created the resonance cascade and portal storms.
And the Black Mesa was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the research facility. And the Spirit of Xen moved upon the face of the Black Mesa.
And Gordon said, I need a weapon: and there was crowbar.
And Gordon saw the crowbar, that it was good: and Gordon divided the crowbar from the rest of his inventory.

The power of crowbar compels thy!!!
Crowbar-at-hand said:
I bet most ppl (including myself), do not want to see a forced death upon the Free-Man, but it would be quite touching, Imagine Alyx Crying upon it, never even got a chance to show her true feels, but Oh well **** happens, but it would be very touching, I too would cry, I also would like to see barneys reaction.

He'd place the beer he owed Gordon on the base of the statue. :p Anyway, I think Gordon dieing to save the world from the Combine would be a great, dramatic way to end the Half-Life series, though I don't think it should end with the episodes... I think there should be at least one more game (or trilogy of episodes) before Gordon dies.
Gordon will die....you see.. I know how it happens...I will be there....

What happens is this:
They win, the combine get pwned. The combine infact surrender and well in the surrender barney got all the bear he owed freeman.
Freeman that night...drank all the beer with barney. Freeman drank so much that he died.
Maybe Valve is implying that Gordon is the Messiah "symbollically" (sp?) Since I've heard references that G-Man symbolizes God. So God sending the Messiah to do the work sounds right...........

Maybe G-Man is Gordon's long lost father? Their name's both start with G!
G-man= is god man mm Hm sounds right, Its starting to make sense.

And Gordon is the second comming of the lord.
After the Combine gets pwned, Gman whisks Gordon to his alternate univere.

"I'm sorry it has to end this way, but I hope you will understand my compulsions in the course of...well...I'm sorry, but your time is up."
*points magnum at Gordon - BLAM*
Arkangel said:
and breen is the devil, because he fell from the sky (citadel?)
But the devil fell from heaven looooooooong before Jesus came around.