Gordons new weapon, TORPEDOS.

damn kiddies think that striders are a genious creation

now THAT frucking annoys me

Well, when you old people are dead and gone, no one will give a damn anymore. :P
Um, guys, that is no torpedo. Those are the flares he used to ignite the guy. Sorry to break the news to yeah

That UI Icon doesn't really look like a flare. Also, just because that icon popped up doesnt mean it was for the flare launcher
I think Wells would be flattered to see his aliens in action, even after a hundred years.

I'm gonna imagine that it is a game of War of the Worlds, the book rocked sooo badly and considering the subject matter of HL2 it's quite similar anyway!
Originally posted by Animal
Oh yes wait, thay also have aliens taking over the world, blatently ripped off almost every sci-fi movie ever, AND they have zombies, dawn of the dead ripoff me thinks!

Grow Up.

The grow up comment was not necessary, we are just pointing out stuff that have been copied or that inspired valve. And these zombies have absolutely nothing to do with Romero's zombies; HL zombies are only host to a parasite, the headcrabs: it's more like body snatchers.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
The grow up comment was not necessary, we are just pointing out stuff that have been copied or that inspired valve. And these zombies have absolutely nothing to do with Romero's zombies; HL zombies are only host to a parasite, the headcrabs: it's more like body snatchers.

yeah, the HL zombies are just parasites, they're not the dead resurrected.
You call this "thing" a flare gun and the only site that says "flare gun" is PlanetHalf-Life. You guys trust them all of a sudden?
Originally posted by Tredoslop
You call this "thing" a flare gun and the only site that says "flare gun" is PlanetHalf-Life. You guys trust them all of a sudden?

It shoots a flare that lights people on fire, why not call it a flare gun.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
You call this "thing" a flare gun and the only site that says "flare gun" is PlanetHalf-Life. You guys trust them all of a sudden?

hah, it's not that simple. We call it a flare gun, because in the Barricade video, the combine soldier on the tower fired a flare into the air to signal the Alien Gunship that comes. Also, just because Fragmaster is an asshole, doesn't mean PHL has bad or false information
Why not call a crowbar the "metal hurter-er"?
Why not call the gun a Napalm Launcher?
There is a Gabe email confirming the flare gun is called a flare gun. Sorry.
Tredoslop what the **** is your problem? Pull your head out of your ass! did you even read my post?
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
those definately don't look like grenade rounds. Looks more like a torpedo or RPG round. And just because the player doesn't use the weapon doesn't mean he has it

DUDE Watch the f**k'n movie he kills a guy with them and at the start it says he picks up 10! on the gun when he slaps it out it has 10 rounds left over! my god, its a f'n HUD icon. :flame:
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
DUDE Watch the f**k'n movie he kills a guy with them and at the start it says he picks up 10! on the gun when he slaps it out it has 10 rounds left over! my god, its a f'n HUD icon. :flame:

does everyone have a dick up their ass today? okay I'm sorry I made a mistake! sheesh! I forgot to count how many pixels made up the USP model, are you gonna bash me for that too?
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
Thats just stupid.

what's stupid is the sheer amount of bitterness and cynacism on these boards, we need more moderators
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
What in the world would Gordon do with a torpedo??

Yeah, considering torpedoes are usually launched from submarines and are over 1000 lbs.
So unless Gordon has a mini-torpedo launcher contraption in his suit that shoots up his ass, torpedoes are a no-no.
Originally posted by nw909
Yeah, considering torpedoes are usually launched from submarines and are over 1000 lbs.

Yep. That why picking up a 10-pack of torpedoes seems a rather unlikely thing for Gordon to do.
The weapons look good - apart from the pitol which is just terrible ( and they're my fave fps weapon :( )

The manipulator is gonna be so much fun \o/
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Wouldn't the manipulator be able to though? At least one?

But he picked them up right of the ground like a pack of cigarrettes.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
does everyone have a dick up their ass today? okay I'm sorry I made a mistake! sheesh! I forgot to count how many pixels made up the USP model, are you gonna bash me for that too?
Of couse not, that'd be the first place we'd look:bounce:
I would be more worried about this pic than the grenade launcher

a 45. cal USP Match firing what looks like a rifle bullets :P
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
I would be more worried about this pic than the grenade launcher

a 45. cal USP Match firing what looks like a rifle bullets :P

When you're fighting aliens, anything goes :)
HEY GUYS that must be the secret gabe was talking about- remember he said we never found the last one- i bet you it ties into a weapon we are getting that wasnt shown- or a secondary fire function.
When Gordon was firing that "flare gun" dealie at the Combine, I've noticed some sort of musical beat.
Originally posted by kinggi
HEY GUYS that must be the secret gabe was talking about- remember he said we never found the last one- i bet you it ties into a weapon we are getting that wasnt shown- or a secondary fire function.

That weapon is a Soviet Alfa-Class Nuclear-powered Attack Submarine. You would have to drop the RPG in order to pick it up.
Originally posted by nw909
Yeah, considering torpedoes are usually launched from submarines and are over 1000 lbs.

Umm.. Yeah.

Torpedos are also designed to operate in WATER. They have PROPELLERS that spin in the WATER like a motorboat.

These are obviously ROCKETS for his ROCKET LAUNCHER. The same one that he shoots down the flying gunship at the end of the E3 Dune Buggy scene.

Rockets would be the much, much more practical answer.
Originally posted by Tek
yes call us morons for not going back four months for a thread you made, you're so much better than us, give it a rest kid.

couldent handdle looking it up could you? k
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
couldent handdle looking it up could you? k

Easy for you to say...how many posts did it take for you to get to 'strider'?
Originally posted by RhapSidious
Umm.. Yeah.

Torpedos are also designed to operate in WATER. They have PROPELLERS that spin in the WATER like a motorboat.

These are obviously ROCKETS for his ROCKET LAUNCHER. The same one that he shoots down the flying gunship at the end of the E3 Dune Buggy scene.

Rockets would be the much, much more practical answer.

Wtf, are you attacking my sarcasm?

I will wage war on your country.
1. torpedos are big
2. the torpedo launching tubes are big. very big.
3. torpedos are used underwater.

ha looks people are already bitching about the use of the word torpedo.
I think most people understand how torpedo's work, 'cept for the thread starter.