Gordons new weapon, TORPEDOS.

yeah gordon is a "SUB"-Marine :P
He got drafted after he tested posative for psycho behaviour towards crates and other objects.

im rambling...
Originally posted by nw909
Wtf, are you attacking my sarcasm?

I will wage war on your country.

Bring it... j/k.

I was agreeing with you that torpedos didn't make too much sense. I was trying the point out the obvious, like you were.
if any of you douche-nozzles thought i meant torpedo's seriously, get some help, i was commenting at how big they icon is
Originally posted by Tek
if any of you douche-nozzles thought i meant torpedo's seriously, get some help, i was commenting at how big they icon is

Thank God! For a while there I thought you were one seriously dumb f*cker.;)