1/. Install steam. Log in, set your games downloading, go to bed.
2/. Use steams backup facility to create files to transfer. If you have a USB stick, make them that size. Then save as executables, installing steam if not already present. If you will have the 2 pcs on a network, transfer the executables that way.
I have similar question, so instead of making a new thread I'll ask it here.
I'm gonna buy a new computer in two weeks, but i'm gonna use it in my dorm. My Steam games are installed back at home. Is it possible to download and play games in my dorm, while those at my home are still installed? Or do i have to uninstall them there in order to play here? I travel a lot between these two places and I would like to be able to play games at both of them.
1. Copy steamapps to somewhere safe (remove steam if necessary)
2. Install steam again (on a different location or a different harddisk)
3. Let it update - copy over steamapps
4. start steam