Got a tattoo?

especially since no one can pronounce it correctly
No I don't have a tattoo - although I could probably be persuaded to get a small one provided I really liked the design. Tattoo's have a tendancy to be rather permanent so I'd have to be really sure ;).

Oh and Glenn from memory π = 3.141592653 - yes thats right :dork: :dork: :dork: and I have a friend who knows it to like 100 decimal places :O .
Know the facts... 60% of people who get tattoos regret the decision. Will you be one of the 40% or not?
I got told by someone that girls with tatoos look stupid, I dunno. I want one, but I don't know what, or where, I just like the idea of having something really meaningful with me all the time ..
Oh and Glenn from memory π = 3.141592653 - yes thats right :dork: :dork: :dork: and I have a friend who knows it to like 100 decimal places :O .
Hehe, oh dear .16, I had a sleepy afternoon that day! Your friend scares me a little. I understand that someone recently found the end of Pi and there was a big fuss.
Wo Ba Ni De Xiao Di Di Kan Diao.

edit, i will edit if i can find the chinese words