Got Linux?


hard candy

The recent theft is a good argument for using Linux or BSD to conduct business on the net. There may be security holes in both and the programs that run on them, but the fixes are found a lot faster than when one company is in charge.
Now if Valve would port Half-life to linux they could increase their audience. Also Valve, get rid of Outlook (why they were using Outlook will be a good question for their security chief), it's always been a backdoor and always will.
A good example of "Trusted Computing" in action. Go Bill!
bill is at his house with the source i bet hanging out with a couple of mygs lol :afro: :cheers: :dork:
Linux will only fail for one reason... the same reason M$ is failing.. people are either

A. Too lazy to patch things up.

B. Too dumb to patch things up.

If you are
"A. Too lazy to patch things up"
get an apple!

There are linux flavors for everyone and if you are
"B. Too dumb to patch things up."
you can use anything from lindows to Lycori to the upcomming Sun Mad Hatter.

The "people are too dumb to run linux" doesn't really fly anymore. The several thousands of $200 Lindows pcs flying out of WALMART is proof.

As for Outlook, I never trusted the Windows version of Outlook after tring Outlook for the Mac. The Apple version is a 11-20 meg install with 1/1000 as many bugs. the PC version is 245+ meg install with the same amount of features. If something can be done in 11megs with far fewer bugs, then what is going on with the windows version?
Re: LInux

Originally posted by jabberwokk
If you are
"A. Too lazy to patch things up"
get an apple!

There are linux flavors for everyone and if you are
"B. Too dumb to patch things up."
you can use anything from lindows to Lycori to the upcomming Sun Mad Hatter.

The "people are too dumb to run linux" doesn't really fly anymore. The several thousands of $200 Lindows pcs flying out of WALMART is proof.

As for Outlook, I never trusted the Windows version of Outlook after tring Outlook for the Mac. The Apple version is a 11-20 meg install with 1/1000 as many bugs. the PC version is 245+ meg install with the same amount of features. If something can be done in 11megs with far fewer bugs, then what is going on with the windows version?

Ahh. Lindows sucks though. But Mad Hatter sounds like step in the right direction of really unseating MS as Sun has what you need to do it, marketing power.
That'll be 236 meg of bugs then I suppose.

Take's his bugs seriously does our Bill...
It can be argued that any properly configured system can be virtually impossible to break into, but it's true that Linux and other *nix OS's have far fewer vulnerabilites and are more regularly and reliably patched than Windows.
Linux imo is the best os there is. Only reason I use Windows is because you really can't play games on Linux (VERY few games). If Linux switches to a more stable gaming platform I will gladly switch

Speaking of safety, Linux can't be topped. All networks should run it imo.
Originally posted by silent
Linux imo is the best os there is. Only reason I use Windows is because you really can't play games on Linux (VERY few games). If Linux switches to a more stable gaming platform I will gladly switch

if only game devs would switch from DX to coding on OGL natively instead of adding it as an afterthought and even that not always.
Originally posted by The Grim Reaper
if only game devs would switch from DX to coding on OGL natively instead of adding it as an afterthought and even that not always.

Cant really blame them though. MS has provided one hell of a good media platform with DX. OpenGL, until recently has stagnated and not kept up after the opengl versus Glide days. :shudder
Yeah, it does suck. DX is pretty nice compared to OGL.
It's interesting to note that the Half-Life 2 source code apparently does contain OpenGL code and in fact is the only functional rendering mode in the playable build floating around. My guess is Valve is planning to support OpenGL in some fashion, perhaps after OpenGL 2.0 is released. They've always said they plan to support and extend the Source engine after release.
From what i've heard even tho the menu says opengl it's actually running in d3d.
The stolen demo ONLY has a Direct3D mode - people have tested it using the "Show D3D Logo during Direct 3D games". They ran the game in "OpenGL" mode and the Direct3D logo was at the bottom of the screen.
Originally posted by Cander
Cant really blame them though. MS has provided one hell of a good media platform with DX. OpenGL, until recently has stagnated and not kept up after the opengl versus Glide days. :shudder

nah, there's nothing great about DX, it's the same as with IE, Mozzila/Netscape/Opera are hundres of times better than IE but IE comes bundeled with the OS and, as a result, it's more widely used.
They could always use the ultra stable and utra secure windows ME </sarcasm>
Except that developing DirectX games on Linux makes 0 sense.
Havent had a crash on XP since i got it. I enjoy using Visual studio.NET.

The only thing Linux has going for it is you can resize individual icons.. other than that it's useless as desktop OS and will remain that way.
IE still has 31 known vulnerabilties and Microsoft knows about this yet they do not fix them. The cool thing about open source is that when you contact the developer he usually responds and tells you that he is working on the problem. Have you ever tried to tell Microsoft about a bug in their software? Good luck!

Originally posted by Koldfire
The only thing Linux has going for it is you can resize individual icons.. other than that it's useless as desktop OS and will remain that way.
It is best to let one's ignorance be assumed than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
It is best to let one's ignorance be assumed than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day
Originally posted by Koldfire
That site is a riot! One of their first links is to a 2001 article by a Microsoft suit explaining what trends to watch for in 2001 that will indicate that Linux is a failing market. Too bad for him that 2 years later, Linux is booming bigger than ever and has every indication of continuing that trend into the forseeable future. Did you know that the latest estimates are that within 12 to 18 months, Linux will be on more desktops than MacOS?
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Did you that the latest estimates that within 12 to 18 months, Linux will be on more desktops than MacOS?

That would great :bounce: because MacOS is even worse than linux.

hey, if i could run Visual studio.NET, 3dsmax 5, flash MX, and be able to program DX API on linux, i would use it :cheers:
To both Koldfire and Mountainman:

One is slave to ideals he chooses. For they control him. Thus one-sided stupidity controls him.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
That site is a riot! One of their first links is to a 2001 article by a Microsoft suit explaining what trends to watch for in 2001 that will indicate that Linux is a failing market. Too bad for him that 2 years later, Linux is booming bigger than ever and has every indication of continuing that trend into the forseeable future. Did you that the latest estimates that within 12 to 18 months, Linux will be on more desktops than MacOS?

It makes sense. You can install Linux for free and you don't have to buy a whole new computer to try it out. With a Mac you have to buy an overpriced shiny piece of plastic and you also have to pay for the OS X license.

People who just want to give Linux a try can download and burn Knoppix. You can run the whole OS off the CD to get a taste for Linux.
great article, but i've been using it for years and never had a problem with it. guess it all comes down to if you are stupid enough to visit shady websites.
Originally posted by Koldfire
great article, but i've been using it for years and never had a problem with it. guess it all comes down to if you are stupid enough to visit shady websites.

Stupid enough to visit shady websites? It is not very hard when you are doing a search on google. You can click a link and that "shady website" can install an activeX hack on your machine.
Originally posted by Koldfire
great article, but i've been using it for years and never had a problem with it. guess it all comes down to if you are stupid enough to visit shady websites.

Nothin wrong with MS, but you sir are definitely brainwashed.
Originally posted by silent
Nothin wrong with MS, but you sir are definitely brainwashed.

How am i brainwashed? so anyone who uses ANY OS is brainwashed? That doesnt make sense. :dozey:
Ahhh, good ol Linux. This post, , has TONS of good MS vs Linux vs Macintosh points. Shuffle though some of the spam and a troll called KaptianKiller and it's a good read. Speaking of which, I just saw a good quote on that thread:

Originally posted by SidewinderX143
they wont release all the source code..

and can't you jsut run it with a windows emulator...?
anyone know of any one even thinking of porting the leaked code?
i know they would have to rewrite the whole render for opengl (lol at someone doing is)
Originally posted by Clay
anyone know of any one even thinking of porting the leaked code?
i know they would have to rewrite the whole render for opengl (lol at someone doing is)
It could be done with the proper permission and patience. Look how far Transgaming has gotten with running DX games in Linux. Truly amazing.
Porting the opengl version wouldn't be that hard would it? I would think the DX version would be a bitch though.