Got my PC Gamer U.S.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
And with the exception of the first page, nearly the entire review is printed upside down. The entire pages are upside down so had to turn my magazine around. Weird.. maybe I win 198230283 dollars.
HL2 just completely turned their world around.
Raz said:
HL2 just completely turned their world around.

:| ... it's weird.. are all copies like that.. my entire review including adverts is upside-down with the exception of the first and last page... wtf!?
Sh4mp00 said:
:| ... it's weird.. are all copies like that.. my entire review including adverts is upside-down with the exception of the first and last page... wtf!?
LOL print error?
Get that shit on eBay and sell it for some rediculous amount of money :)
Wheres my magazine
Err!!! Evil Pc Gamer, goin slow for me :(
have u guys not seen the pcgamer scans all over the internet yet?

merc said:
have u guys not seen the pcgamer scans all over the internet yet?

No, only th PC Gamer UK review. Ooops! Forbidden talk!!! *run away*
yeah, The_Monkey's right

im still looking for the PC Gamer US

that's rite...scallops.... *runs away also*
Its not a printing error..
The plates you use to print a newspaper or magazine were hardly exchanged to make it go upside down..
Just by changing a printing-plate, you automatically make like 500 uncomplete copy´s since it takes like 30 sec´s to get the machine working with colors etc.. I´ve worked on a newspaper printing job this summer so I know..
Did you get in the mail or in a store? I went out looking yesterday but I couldn't find it. :|
give us some snips of the good info. anything cool they say about the game.
I still haven't received mine! ;( :angry:

Maybe tomorrow...
alas...another person who got their mag and wont share goodies. :(
I read it guinny, it dosen't say much about.
-It's great
-Great physics
-Great srycpted sequences
-Total imertion
-Strider fights are amazing
-Some fight scenes are unbelivable.
-textures get low on big open areas
-lost to explore
Yep, just like in HL, but better. People think that it's great.
It got a mature rating from ESRB
of course, you cant have a game tell a story with out some scripting. that has nothing to do with the a.i.
No no, scrypted sequences, like you see Resistance fighters take down huge Tv Screens and bombing doors.
-Some fight scenes are unbelivable.

those are the things that makes you a little bit curious. :D :p
Minor spoiler form an pick.

In one, you see gordo fighting aliens alonside Combines.
Yeah, i saw the pcgamer on the internet, one person i think on fallout posted a site where it shows all of the mags that reviewed it, what their scores were and scans of each and a translation of the gameplay issue. The pcgamer us had crappy scans though (yes it was the us version, not the uk, it had a giant lambda symbol on the front and was different then the uk version)
They say that the best weapon is actually the manipulator.
And that barney has been modelled from a guy at Valve.
Ooo, so when i kill barney, will the dude at valve die? Ooo PC voodoo! You model someone, and then you can control them... MUAHAHHAHAHAHA.
Minerel said:
Wheres my magazine
Err!!! Evil Pc Gamer, goin slow for me :(

Hackers broke into the PCG network and stole the December issue. According to PCG founder Gabby Newbill, we should see the issue hit the stands in time for this holiday season.
98%... now that is a VERY VEERRRYYYY high score...
Lets just hope that the game really is 98% and not 9,8%..

Gabe: here take this money and publish a 95 - 100% in your mag..
It is hard to get a 98% by PC Gamer I tell you what. I got mine today too. :D I was so excited. I didn't read anything because it said there are spoilers. I don't want to hear spoilers.
Minerel said:
Ooo, so when i kill barney, will the dude at valve die? Ooo PC voodoo! You model someone, and then you can control them... MUAHAHHAHAHAHA.

Only if you have an old 3dfx voodoo card in your computer. :)
Only if you have an old 3dfx voodoo card in your computer.


She... please... stop... writing... ellipsis... at... the... end... of... each... phrase...


sorry.. :| i will behave.
She... please... stop... writing... ellipsis... at... the... end... of... each... phrase... :p...